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All plugin hooks in WordPress 5.3

Important! Some WordPress hooks get applied in multiple PHP files. If you are trying to figure out what a specific WordPress hook does, sort the table by "hook" and make sure you are looking in all the files where it occurs.

Hook Type New? Instances
1 activated_plugin action no 1
2 activate_blog action no 1
3 activate_header action no 1
4 activate_plugin action no 1
5 activate_wp_head action no 1
6 activate_{$plugin} note action no 2
7 activity_box_end action no 1
8 added_existing_user action no 1
9 added_option action no 1
10 added_term_relationship action no 1
11 added_usermeta action no 1
12 added_{$meta_type}_meta note action no 1
13 additional_capabilities_display filter no 1
14 add_admin_bar_menus action no 1
15 add_attachment action no 1
16 add_category_form_pre action no 1
17 add_inline_data action no 1
18 add_link action no 1
19 add_link_category_form_pre action no 1
20 add_menu_classes filter no 1
21 add_meta_boxes action no 3
22 add_meta_boxes_comment action no 1
23 add_meta_boxes_link action no 1
24 add_meta_boxes_{$post_type} note action no 1
25 add_option action no 1
26 add_option_{$option} note action no 1
27 add_ping filter no 1
28 add_signup_meta filter no 3
29 add_site_option action no 1
30 add_site_option_{$option} note action no 1
31 add_tag_form action no 1
32 add_tag_form_fields action no 1
33 add_tag_form_pre action no 1
34 add_term_relationship action no 1
35 add_user_role action no 1
36 add_user_to_blog action no 1
37 add_{$meta_type}_meta note action no 1
38 add_{$meta_type}_metadata note filter no 1
39 adminmenu action no 1
40 admin_action_{$action} note action no 1
41 admin_bar_init action no 1
42 admin_bar_menu action no 1
43 admin_body_class filter no 2
44 admin_color_scheme_picker action no 1
45 admin_comment_types_dropdown filter no 1
46 admin_email_check_interval filter YES 2
47 admin_email_confirm action YES 1
48 admin_email_confirm_form action YES 1
49 admin_enqueue_scripts action no 4
50 admin_footer action no 2
51 admin_footer-widgets-php action no 1
52 admin_footer-{$hook_suffix} note action no 1
53 admin_footer_text filter no 1
54 admin_head action no 3
55 admin_head-media-upload-popup action no 1
56 admin_head-{$hook_suffix} note action no 2
57 admin_head_{$content_func} note action no 1
58 admin_init action no 3
59 admin_memory_limit filter no 1
60 admin_menu action no 1
61 admin_notices action no 1
62 admin_page_access_denied action no 1
63 admin_post action no 1
64 admin_post_nopriv action no 1
65 admin_post_nopriv_{$action} note action no 1
66 admin_post_thumbnail_html filter no 1
67 admin_post_thumbnail_size filter no 1
68 admin_post_{$action} note action no 1
69 admin_print_footer_scripts action no 4
70 admin_print_footer_scripts-widgets-php action no 1
71 admin_print_footer_scripts-{$hook_suffix} note action no 2
72 admin_print_scripts action no 4
73 admin_print_scripts-media-upload-popup action no 1
74 admin_print_scripts-widgets-php action no 1
75 admin_print_scripts-{$hook_suffix} note action no 2
76 admin_print_styles action no 4
77 admin_print_styles-media-upload-popup action no 1
78 admin_print_styles-widgets-php action no 1
79 admin_print_styles-{$hook_suffix} note action no 2
80 admin_referrer_policy filter no 1
81 admin_title filter no 1
82 admin_url filter no 1
83 admin_xml_ns action no 2
84 after-{$taxonomy}-table note action no 1
85 after_db_upgrade action no 1
86 after_delete_post action no 1
87 after_menu_locations_table action no 1
88 after_mu_upgrade action no 2
89 after_password_reset action no 1
90 after_plugin_row action no 1
91 after_plugin_row_{$plugin_file} note action no 1
92 after_setup_theme action no 1
93 after_signup_form action no 1
94 after_signup_site action no 1
95 after_signup_user action no 1
96 after_switch_theme action no 2
97 after_theme_row action no 1
98 after_theme_row_{$stylesheet} note action no 1
99 after_wp_tiny_mce action no 1
100 ajax_query_attachments_args filter no 1
101 akismet_admin_page_hook_suffixes filter no 1
102 akismet_batch_delete_count action no 3
103 akismet_comment_check_response action no 1
104 akismet_comment_form_privacy_notice filter no 1
105 akismet_comment_form_privacy_notice_markup filter no 1
106 akismet_comment_form_privacy_notice_url_display filter no 1
107 akismet_comment_form_privacy_notice_url_hide filter no 1
108 akismet_comment_nonce filter no 2
109 akismet_debug_log filter no 1
110 akismet_delete_commentmeta_batch action no 2
111 akismet_delete_commentmeta_interval filter no 1
112 akismet_delete_comment_batch action no 1
113 akismet_delete_comment_interval filter no 2
114 akismet_delete_comment_limit filter no 1
115 akismet_get_api_key filter no 1
116 akismet_https_disabled action no 1
117 akismet_https_request_failure action no 2
118 akismet_https_request_pre action no 1
119 akismet_http_request_pre action no 1
120 akismet_optimize_table filter no 3
121 akismet_predefined_api_key filter no 1
122 akismet_request_failure action no 1
123 akismet_scheduled_recheck action no 5
124 akismet_show_user_comments_approved filter no 1
125 akismet_spam_caught action no 1
126 akismet_spam_check_warning_link_text filter no 1
127 akismet_spam_count_incr filter no 2
128 akismet_ssl_disabled action no 1
129 akismet_submit_nonspam_comment action no 1
130 akismet_submit_spam_comment action no 1
131 akismet_ua filter no 1
132 akismet_view_arguments filter no 1
133 alloptions filter no 1
134 allowed_block_types filter no 1
135 allowed_http_origin filter no 1
136 allowed_http_origins filter no 1
137 allowed_redirect_hosts filter no 1
138 allowed_themes filter no 1
139 allow_dev_auto_core_updates filter no 2
140 allow_empty_comment filter no 1
141 allow_major_auto_core_updates filter no 1
142 allow_minor_auto_core_updates filter no 2
143 allow_password_reset filter no 1
144 allow_subdirectory_install filter no 1
145 all_admin_notices action no 1
146 all_plugins filter no 1
147 all_themes filter no 1
148 archive_blog action no 1
149 async_update_translation filter no 1
150 async_upload_{$type} note filter no 1
151 atom_author action no 1
152 atom_comments_ns action no 1
153 atom_enclosure filter no 1
154 atom_entry action no 1
155 atom_head action no 1
156 atom_ns action no 2
157 attachment_fields_to_edit filter no 2
158 attachment_fields_to_save filter no 3
159 attachment_icon filter no 1
160 attachment_innerHTML filter no 1
161 attachment_link filter no 1
162 attachment_max_dims filter no 1
163 attachment_submitbox_misc_actions action no 1
164 attachment_thumbnail_args filter no 1
165 attachment_updated action no 1
166 attachment_url_to_postid filter no 1
167 attach_session_information filter no 1
168 attribute_escape filter no 1
169 audio_submitbox_misc_sections filter no 1
170 authenticate filter no 1
171 author_email filter no 1
172 author_feed_link filter no 1
173 author_link filter no 1
174 author_rewrite_rules filter no 1
175 auth_cookie filter no 1
176 auth_cookie_bad_hash action no 1
177 auth_cookie_bad_session_token action no 1
178 auth_cookie_bad_username action no 1
179 auth_cookie_expiration filter no 3
180 auth_cookie_expired action no 1
181 auth_cookie_malformed action no 1
182 auth_cookie_valid action no 1
183 auth_redirect action no 1
184 auth_redirect_scheme filter no 1
185 auth_{$object_type}_meta_{$meta_key} note filter no 1
186 auth_{$object_type}_meta_{$meta_key}_for_{$object_subtype} note filter no 1
187 autocomplete_users_for_site_admins filter no 2
188 automatic_updater_disabled filter no 2
189 automatic_updates_complete action no 1
190 automatic_updates_debug_email filter no 1
191 automatic_updates_is_vcs_checkout filter no 2
192 automatic_updates_send_debug_email filter no 1
193 auto_core_update_email filter no 1
194 auto_core_update_send_email filter no 1
195 auto_update_{$type} note filter no 1
196 available_permalink_structure_tags filter no 1
197 avatar_defaults filter no 1
198 before_delete_post action no 1
199 before_signup_form action no 1
200 before_signup_header action no 1
201 before_wp_tiny_mce action no 1
202 begin_fetch_post_thumbnail_html action no 1
203 big_image_size_threshold filter YES 1
204 block_categories filter no 1
205 block_editor_meta_box_hidden_fields action no 1
206 block_editor_no_javascript_message filter no 1
207 block_editor_preload_paths filter no 1
208 block_editor_settings filter no 1
209 block_local_requests filter no 1
210 block_parser_class filter no 1
211 bloginfo filter no 1
212 bloginfo_rss filter no 1
213 bloginfo_url filter no 1
214 blog_option_{$option} note filter no 1
215 blog_privacy_selector action no 2
216 blog_redirect_404 filter no 1
217 body_class filter no 1
218 browse-happy-notice filter no 1
219 bulk_actions-{$this->screen->id} note filter no 1
220 bulk_edit_custom_box action no 1
221 bulk_post_updated_messages filter no 1
222 cancel_comment_reply_link filter no 1
223 can_add_user_to_blog filter no 1
224 can_edit_network filter no 1
225 category_css_class filter no 1
226 category_description filter no 1
227 category_feed_link filter no 1
228 category_link filter no 1
229 category_list_link_attributes filter no 1
230 change_locale action no 1
231 check_admin_referer action no 1
232 check_ajax_referer action no 1
233 check_comment_flood action no 1
234 check_is_user_spammed filter no 1
235 check_password filter no 2
236 check_passwords action no 1
237 clean_attachment_cache action no 1
238 clean_comment_cache action no 1
239 clean_network_cache action no 1
240 clean_object_term_cache action no 1
241 clean_page_cache action no 1
242 clean_post_cache action no 1
243 clean_site_cache action no 1
244 clean_taxonomy_cache action no 1
245 clean_term_cache action no 1
246 clean_url filter no 1
247 clean_user_cache action no 1
248 clear_auth_cookie action no 1
249 close_comments_for_post_types filter no 2
250 commentrss2_item action no 1
251 commentsrss2_head action no 1
252 comments_array filter no 1
253 comments_atom_head action no 1
254 comments_clauses filter no 1
255 comments_link_feed filter no 1
256 comments_list_table_query_args filter no 1
257 comments_number filter no 1
258 comments_open filter no 1
259 comments_per_page filter no 2
260 comments_popup_link_attributes filter no 1
261 comments_pre_query filter YES 1
262 comments_rewrite_rules filter no 1
263 comments_template filter no 1
264 comments_template_query_args filter no 1
265 comment_add_author_url action no 1
266 comment_atom_entry action no 1
267 comment_author filter no 1
268 comment_author_rss filter no 1
269 comment_class filter no 1
270 comment_closed action no 1
271 comment_cookie_lifetime filter no 1
272 comment_duplicate_message filter no 1
273 comment_duplicate_trigger action no 1
274 comment_edit_pre filter no 2
275 comment_edit_redirect filter no 1
276 comment_email filter no 2
277 comment_excerpt filter no 1
278 comment_excerpt_length filter no 1
279 comment_feed_groupby filter no 2
280 comment_feed_join filter no 2
281 comment_feed_limits filter no 2
282 comment_feed_orderby filter no 2
283 comment_feed_where filter no 2
284 comment_flood_filter filter no 1
285 comment_flood_message filter no 2
286 comment_flood_trigger action no 1
287 comment_form action no 1
288 comment_form_after action no 1
289 comment_form_after_fields action no 1
290 comment_form_before action no 1
291 comment_form_before_fields action no 1
292 comment_form_comments_closed action no 1
293 comment_form_defaults filter no 1
294 comment_form_default_fields filter no 1
295 comment_form_fields filter no 1
296 comment_form_field_comment filter no 1
297 comment_form_field_{$name} note filter no 1
298 comment_form_logged_in filter no 1
299 comment_form_logged_in_after action no 1
300 comment_form_must_log_in_after action no 1
301 comment_form_submit_button filter no 1
302 comment_form_submit_field filter no 1
303 comment_form_top action no 1
304 comment_id_fields filter no 1
305 comment_id_not_found action no 1
306 comment_link filter no 1
307 comment_loop_start action no 1
308 comment_max_links_url filter no 1
309 comment_moderation_headers filter no 1
310 comment_moderation_recipients filter no 1
311 comment_moderation_subject filter no 1
312 comment_moderation_text filter no 1
313 comment_notification_headers filter no 1
314 comment_notification_notify_author filter no 1
315 comment_notification_recipients filter no 1
316 comment_notification_subject filter no 1
317 comment_notification_text filter no 1
318 comment_on_draft action no 1
319 comment_on_password_protected action no 1
320 comment_on_trash action no 1
321 comment_post action no 1
322 comment_post_redirect filter no 1
323 comment_remove_author_url action no 1
324 comment_reply_link filter no 1
325 comment_reply_link_args filter no 1
326 comment_row_actions filter no 2
327 comment_save_pre filter no 1
328 comment_status_links filter no 1
329 comment_text filter no 3
330 comment_text_rss filter no 1
331 comment_url filter no 1
332 comment_{$new_status}_{$comment->comment_type} note action no 1
333 comment_{$old_status}_to_{$new_status} note action no 1
334 content_pagination filter no 1
335 content_save_pre filter no 1
336 content_url filter no 1
337 contextual_help filter no 1
338 contextual_help_list filter no 1
339 core_upgrade_preamble action no 1
340 core_version_check_locale filter no 1
341 core_version_check_query_args filter no 1
342 created_term action no 1
343 created_{$taxonomy} note action no 1
344 create_term action no 1
345 create_{$taxonomy} note action no 1
346 cron_request filter no 1
347 cron_schedules filter no 1
348 current_screen action no 1
349 current_theme_supports-{$feature} note filter no 1
350 customizer_widgets_section_args filter no 1
351 customize_allowed_urls filter no 1
352 customize_changeset_branching filter no 1
353 customize_changeset_save_data filter no 1
354 customize_controls_enqueue_scripts action no 1
355 customize_controls_init action no 1
356 customize_controls_print_footer_scripts action no 1
357 customize_controls_print_scripts action no 1
358 customize_controls_print_styles action no 1
359 customize_control_active filter no 1
360 customize_dynamic_partial_args filter no 2
361 customize_dynamic_partial_class filter no 2
362 customize_dynamic_setting_args filter no 2
363 customize_dynamic_setting_class filter no 2
364 customize_loaded_components filter no 1
365 customize_load_themes filter no 1
366 customize_nav_menu_available_items filter no 1
367 customize_nav_menu_available_item_types filter no 1
368 customize_nav_menu_searched_items filter no 1
369 customize_panel_active filter no 1
370 customize_partial_render filter no 1
371 customize_partial_render_{$partial->id} note filter no 1
372 customize_post_value_set action no 1
373 customize_post_value_set_{$setting_id} note action no 1
374 customize_previewable_devices filter no 1
375 customize_preview_init action no 1
376 customize_preview_{$this->id} note action no 1
377 customize_preview_{$this->type} note action no 1
378 customize_refresh_nonces filter no 1
379 customize_register action no 2
380 customize_render_control action no 1
381 customize_render_control_{$this->id} note action no 1
382 customize_render_panel action no 1
383 customize_render_panel_{$this->id} note action no 1
384 customize_render_partials_after action no 1
385 customize_render_partials_before action no 1
386 customize_render_partials_response filter no 1
387 customize_render_section action no 1
388 customize_render_section_{$this->id} note action no 1
389 customize_sanitize_js_{$this->id} note filter no 1
390 customize_sanitize_{$this->id} note filter no 3
391 customize_save action no 1
392 customize_save_after action no 1
393 customize_save_response filter no 1
394 customize_save_validation_before action no 1
395 customize_save_{$id_base} note action no 1
396 customize_section_active filter no 1
397 customize_update_{$this->type} note action no 1
398 customize_validate_{$setting->id} note filter no 1
399 customize_validate_{$this->id} note filter no 1
400 customize_value_{$id_base} note filter no 2
401 custom_header_options action no 1
402 custom_menu_order filter no 1
403 dashboard_glance_items filter no 1
404 dashboard_primary_feed filter no 1
405 dashboard_primary_link filter no 1
406 dashboard_primary_title filter no 1
407 dashboard_recent_drafts_query_args filter no 1
408 dashboard_recent_posts_query_args filter no 1
409 dashboard_secondary_feed filter no 1
410 dashboard_secondary_items filter no 1
411 dashboard_secondary_link filter no 1
412 dashboard_secondary_title filter no 1
413 date_formats filter no 1
414 date_i18n filter no 1
415 date_query_valid_columns filter no 1
416 date_rewrite_rules filter no 1
417 day_link filter no 1
418 dbdelta_create_queries filter no 1
419 dbdelta_insert_queries filter no 1
420 dbdelta_queries filter no 1
421 dbx_post_advanced action no 1
422 dbx_post_sidebar action no 1
423 deactivated_plugin action no 1
424 deactivate_blog action no 1
425 deactivate_plugin action no 1
426 deactivate_{$plugin} note action no 1
427 debug_information filter no 1
428 default_avatar_select filter no 1
429 default_content filter no 1
430 default_contextual_help filter no 1
431 default_excerpt filter no 1
432 default_feed filter no 1
433 default_hidden_columns filter no 1
434 default_hidden_meta_boxes filter no 1
435 default_option_{$option} note filter no 5
436 default_page_template_title filter no 3
437 default_site_option_{$option} note filter no 3
438 default_title filter no 1
439 deleted_comment action no 1
440 deleted_link action no 1
441 deleted_option action no 1
442 deleted_plugin action no 1
443 deleted_post action no 2
444 deleted_postmeta action no 1
445 deleted_site_transient action no 1
446 deleted_term_relationships action no 1
447 deleted_term_taxonomy action no 1
448 deleted_transient action no 1
449 deleted_user action no 2
450 deleted_usermeta action no 1
451 deleted_{$meta_type}meta note action no 1
452 deleted_{$meta_type}_meta note action no 2
453 delete_attachment action no 1
454 delete_comment action no 2
455 delete_link action no 1
456 delete_option action no 1
457 delete_option_{$option} note action no 1
458 delete_plugin action no 1
459 delete_post action no 2
460 delete_postmeta action no 1
461 delete_site_email_content filter no 1
462 delete_site_option action no 1
463 delete_site_option_{$option} note action no 1
464 delete_site_transient_{$transient} note action no 1
465 delete_term action no 1
466 delete_term_relationships action no 1
467 delete_term_taxonomy action no 1
468 delete_transient_{$transient} note action no 1
469 delete_user action no 1
470 delete_usermeta action no 1
471 delete_user_form action no 2
472 delete_widget action no 2
473 delete_{$meta_type}meta note action no 1
474 delete_{$meta_type}_meta note action no 2
475 delete_{$meta_type}_metadata note filter no 1
476 delete_{$meta_type}_metadata_by_mid note filter no 1
477 delete_{$taxonomy} note action no 1
478 deprecated_argument_run action no 1
479 deprecated_argument_trigger_error filter no 1
480 deprecated_constructor_run action no 1
481 deprecated_constructor_trigger_error filter no 1
482 deprecated_file_included action no 1
483 deprecated_file_trigger_error filter no 1
484 deprecated_function_run action no 1
485 deprecated_function_trigger_error filter no 1
486 deprecated_hook_run action no 1
487 deprecated_hook_trigger_error filter no 1
488 determine_current_user filter no 1
489 determine_locale filter no 1
490 disable_captions filter no 8
491 disable_categories_dropdown filter no 1
492 disable_formats_dropdown filter no 1
493 disable_months_dropdown filter no 1
494 display_media_states filter no 1
495 display_post_states filter no 1
496 display_site_states filter YES 1
497 documentation_ignore_functions filter no 1
498 document_title_parts filter no 1
499 document_title_separator filter no 1
500 doing_it_wrong_run action no 1
501 doing_it_wrong_trigger_error filter no 1
502 domain_exists filter no 1
503 download_url_error_max_body_size filter no 1
504 do_feed_{$feed} note action no 1
505 do_meta_boxes action no 8
506 do_mu_upgrade filter no 1
507 do_parse_request filter no 1
508 do_robots action no 1
509 do_robotstxt action no 1
510 do_shortcode_tag filter no 1
511 duplicate_comment_id filter no 1
512 dynamic_sidebar action no 1
513 dynamic_sidebar_after action no 2
514 dynamic_sidebar_before action no 2
515 dynamic_sidebar_has_widgets filter no 2
516 dynamic_sidebar_params filter no 1
517 editable_extensions filter no 1
518 editable_roles filter no 1
519 editable_slug filter no 7
520 edited_term action no 1
521 edited_terms action no 2
522 edited_term_taxonomies action no 1
523 edited_term_taxonomy action no 3
524 edited_{$taxonomy} note action no 1
525 editor_max_image_size filter no 1
526 editor_stylesheets filter no 1
527 edit_attachment action no 1
528 edit_bookmark_link filter no 1
529 edit_categories_per_page filter no 2
530 edit_category_form action no 2
531 edit_category_form_fields action no 1
532 edit_category_form_pre action no 1
533 edit_comment action no 1
534 edit_comment_link filter no 1
535 edit_comment_misc_actions filter no 1
536 edit_form_advanced action no 2
537 edit_form_after_editor action no 1
538 edit_form_after_title action no 2
539 edit_form_before_permalink action no 1
540 edit_form_top action no 1
541 edit_link action no 1
542 edit_link_category_form action no 2
543 edit_link_category_form_fields action no 1
544 edit_link_category_form_pre action no 1
545 edit_page_form action no 1
546 edit_post action no 4
547 edit_posts_per_page filter no 3
548 edit_post_link filter no 1
549 edit_post_{$field} note filter no 1
550 edit_post_{$post->post_type} note action no 4
551 edit_profile_url filter no 1
552 edit_tags_per_page filter no 1
553 edit_tag_form action no 1
554 edit_tag_form_fields action no 1
555 edit_tag_form_pre action no 1
556 edit_tag_link filter no 1
557 edit_term action no 1
558 edit_terms action no 2
559 edit_term_link filter no 1
560 edit_term_taxonomies action no 1
561 edit_term_taxonomy action no 3
562 edit_term_{$field} note filter no 1
563 edit_user_created_user action no 1
564 edit_user_profile action no 1
565 edit_user_profile_update action no 1
566 edit_user_{$field} note filter no 1
567 edit_{$field} note filter no 3
568 edit_{$post_type}_per_page note filter no 1
569 edit_{$taxonomy} note action no 1
570 edit_{$taxonomy}_{$field} note filter no 1
571 email_change_email filter no 1
572 embed_cache_oembed_types filter no 1
573 embed_content action no 2
574 embed_content_meta action no 1
575 embed_defaults filter no 1
576 embed_footer action no 1
577 embed_handler_html filter no 1
578 embed_head action no 1
579 embed_html filter no 1
580 embed_maybe_make_link filter no 1
581 embed_oembed_discover filter no 1
582 embed_oembed_html filter no 2
583 embed_site_title_html filter no 1
584 embed_thumbnail_id filter no 1
585 embed_thumbnail_image_shape filter no 1
586 embed_thumbnail_image_size filter no 1
587 emoji_ext filter no 2
588 emoji_svg_ext filter no 1
589 emoji_svg_url filter no 2
590 emoji_url filter no 2
591 enable_edit_any_user_configuration filter no 1
592 enable_live_network_counts filter no 2
593 enable_loading_advanced_cache_dropin filter no 1
594 enable_login_autofocus filter no 1
595 enable_maintenance_mode filter no 1
596 enable_post_by_email_configuration filter no 4
597 enable_update_services_configuration filter no 2
598 enable_wp_debug_mode_checks filter no 1
599 enclosure_links filter no 1
600 end_fetch_post_thumbnail_html action no 1
601 enqueue_block_assets action no 1
602 enqueue_block_editor_assets action no 1
603 enqueue_embed_scripts action no 1
604 enter_title_here filter no 3
605 esc_html filter no 1
606 esc_textarea filter no 1
607 excerpt_allowed_blocks filter no 1
608 excerpt_length filter no 1
609 excerpt_more filter no 1
610 excerpt_save_pre filter no 1
611 exit_on_http_head filter no 1
612 expiration_of_site_transient_{$transient} note filter no 1
613 expiration_of_transient_{$transient} note filter no 1
614 export_args filter no 1
615 export_filters action no 1
616 export_wp action no 1
617 export_wp_filename filter no 1
618 ext2type filter no 1
619 extra_theme_headers filter no 1
620 extra_{$context}_headers note filter no 1
621 fallback_intermediate_image_sizes filter no 1
622 feed_content_type filter no 1
623 feed_link filter no 1
624 feed_links_show_comments_feed filter no 1
625 feed_links_show_posts_feed filter no 1
626 filesystem_method filter no 1
627 filesystem_method_file filter no 1
628 file_is_displayable_image filter no 1
629 file_mod_allowed filter no 1
630 filter_block_editor_meta_boxes filter no 1
631 flush_rewrite_rules_hard filter no 1
632 force_filtered_html_on_import filter no 1
633 format_for_editor filter no 1
634 format_to_edit filter no 1
635 found_comments_query filter no 1
636 found_networks_query filter no 1
637 found_posts filter no 1
638 found_posts_query filter no 1
639 found_sites_query filter no 1
640 found_users_query filter no 1
641 fs_ftp_connection_types filter no 1
642 gallery_style filter no 1
643 generate_recovery_mode_key action no 1
644 generate_rewrite_rules action no 1
645 getarchives_join filter no 1
646 getarchives_where filter no 1
647 getimagesize_mimes_to_exts filter no 1
648 gettext filter no 1
649 gettext_with_context filter no 1
650 get_ancestors filter no 2
651 get_archives_link filter no 1
652 get_attached_file filter no 1
653 get_attached_media filter no 1
654 get_attached_media_args filter no 1
655 get_available_languages filter no 1
656 get_avatar filter no 2
657 get_avatar_comment_types filter no 1
658 get_avatar_data filter no 3
659 get_avatar_url filter no 1
660 get_bloginfo_rss filter no 1
661 get_blogs_of_user filter no 1
662 get_bookmarks filter no 3
663 get_calendar filter no 3
664 get_canonical_url filter no 1
665 get_categories_taxonomy filter no 1
666 get_comment filter no 1
667 get_comments_link filter no 1
668 get_comments_number filter no 1
669 get_comments_pagenum_link filter no 1
670 get_comment_author filter no 1
671 get_comment_author_email filter no 1
672 get_comment_author_IP filter no 1
673 get_comment_author_link filter no 1
674 get_comment_author_url filter no 1
675 get_comment_author_url_link filter no 1
676 get_comment_date filter no 1
677 get_comment_excerpt filter no 1
678 get_comment_ID filter no 1
679 get_comment_link filter no 1
680 get_comment_text filter no 1
681 get_comment_time filter no 1
682 get_comment_type filter no 1
683 get_custom_logo filter no 1
684 get_date_sql filter no 1
685 get_default_comment_status filter no 1
686 get_delete_post_link filter no 1
687 get_editable_authors filter no 1
688 get_edit_bookmark_link filter no 1
689 get_edit_comment_link filter no 1
690 get_edit_post_link filter no 1
691 get_edit_tag_link filter no 1
692 get_edit_term_link filter no 1
693 get_edit_user_link filter no 1
694 get_enclosed filter no 1
695 get_feed_build_date filter no 1
696 get_footer action no 1
697 get_header action no 1
698 get_header_image_tag filter no 1
699 get_header_video_url filter no 1
700 get_image_tag filter no 1
701 get_image_tag_class filter no 1
702 get_lastpostdate filter no 1
703 get_lastpostmodified filter no 1
704 get_main_network_id filter no 1
705 get_media_item_args filter no 2
706 get_meta_sql filter no 1
707 get_network filter no 1
708 get_object_subtype_{$object_type} note filter no 1
709 get_object_terms filter no 1
710 get_others_drafts filter no 1
711 get_pagenum_link filter no 1
712 get_pages filter no 3
713 get_page_of_comment filter no 1
714 get_page_uri filter no 1
715 get_post_galleries filter no 1
716 get_post_gallery filter no 1
717 get_post_modified_time filter no 1
718 get_post_status filter no 1
719 get_post_time filter no 1
720 get_pung filter no 1
721 get_role_list filter no 1
722 get_sample_permalink filter no 1
723 get_sample_permalink_html filter no 1
724 get_schedule filter no 1
725 get_search_form filter no 1
726 get_search_query filter no 1
727 get_shortlink filter no 1
728 get_sidebar action no 1
729 get_site filter no 1
730 get_site_icon_url filter no 1
731 get_space_allowed filter no 1
732 get_tags filter no 1
733 get_template_part action no 1
734 get_template_part_{$slug} note action no 1
735 get_term filter no 1
736 get_terms filter no 1
737 get_terms_args filter no 1
738 get_terms_defaults filter no 1
739 get_terms_fields filter no 1
740 get_terms_orderby filter no 1
741 get_theme_starter_content filter no 1
742 get_the_archive_description filter no 1
743 get_the_archive_title filter no 1
744 get_the_author_{$field} note filter no 1
745 get_the_categories filter no 1
746 get_the_date filter no 1
747 get_the_excerpt filter no 3
748 get_the_generator_{$type} note filter no 1
749 get_the_guid filter no 3
750 get_the_modified_date filter no 1
751 get_the_modified_time filter no 1
752 get_the_post_type_description filter no 1
753 get_the_tags filter no 1
754 get_the_terms filter no 1
755 get_the_time filter no 1
756 get_to_ping filter no 1
757 get_usernumposts filter no 1
758 get_users_drafts filter no 1
759 get_user_option_{$option} note filter no 1
760 get_wp_title_rss filter no 1
761 get_{$adjacent}_post_excluded_terms note filter no 1
762 get_{$adjacent}_post_join note filter no 1
763 get_{$adjacent}_post_sort note filter no 1
764 get_{$adjacent}_post_where note filter no 1
765 get_{$meta_type}_metadata note filter no 2
766 get_{$meta_type}_metadata_by_mid note filter no 1
767 get_{$taxonomy} note filter no 1
768 global_terms_enabled filter no 1
769 got_rewrite filter no 1
770 got_url_rewrite filter no 1
771 graceful_fail filter no 1
772 graceful_fail_template filter no 1
773 granted_super_admin action no 1
774 grant_super_admin action no 1
775 handle_bulk_actions->id} filter no 6
776 handle_bulk_actions-{$screen} note filter no 1
777 handle_network_bulk_actions->id} filter no 4
778 handle_network_bulk_actions-{$screen} note filter no 1
779 has_nav_menu filter no 1
780 has_post_thumbnail filter no 1
781 header_video_settings filter no 1
782 heartbeat_nopriv_received filter no 1
783 heartbeat_nopriv_send filter no 1
784 heartbeat_nopriv_tick action no 1
785 heartbeat_received filter no 1
786 heartbeat_send filter no 1
787 heartbeat_settings filter no 1
788 heartbeat_tick action no 1
789 hidden_columns filter no 1
790 hidden_meta_boxes filter no 1
791 home_url filter no 1
792 htmledit_pre filter no 1
793 https_local_ssl_verify filter no 7
794 https_ssl_verify filter no 3
795 http_api_curl action no 2
796 http_api_debug action no 5
797 http_api_transports filter no 1
798 http_headers_useragent filter no 2
799 http_origin filter no 1
800 http_request_args filter no 1
801 http_request_host_is_external filter no 1
802 http_request_redirection_count filter no 1
803 http_request_reject_unsafe_urls filter no 1
804 http_request_timeout filter no 1
805 http_request_version filter no 1
806 http_response filter no 2
807 human_time_diff filter no 1
808 icon_dir filter no 3
809 icon_dirs filter no 1
810 icon_dir_uri filter no 1
811 iis7_supports_permalinks filter no 1
812 iis7_url_rewrite_rules filter no 1
813 illegal_user_logins filter no 5
814 image_add_caption_shortcode filter no 1
815 image_add_caption_text filter no 1
816 image_downsize filter no 2
817 image_editor_default_mime_type filter no 1
818 image_editor_save_pre filter no 2
819 image_edit_before_change filter no 1
820 image_get_intermediate_size filter no 1
821 image_make_intermediate_size filter no 2
822 image_memory_limit filter no 1
823 image_resize_dimensions filter no 1
824 image_save_pre filter no 2
825 image_send_to_editor filter no 1
826 image_send_to_editor_url filter no 1
827 image_size_names_choose filter no 7
828 image_strip_meta filter no 1
829 img_caption_shortcode filter no 1
830 img_caption_shortcode_width filter no 1
831 import_upload_size_limit filter no 1
832 includes_url filter no 1
833 incompatible_sql_modes filter no 1
834 index_rel_link filter no 1
835 init action no 1
836 insert_user_meta filter no 1
837 insert_with_markers_inline_instructions filter YES 1
838 install_plugins_nonmenu_tabs filter no 1
839 install_plugins_pre_upload action no 1
840 install_plugins_pre_{$tab} note action no 1
841 install_plugins_table_api_args_{$tab} note filter no 1
842 install_plugins_table_header action no 1
843 install_plugins_tabs filter no 1
844 install_plugins_upload action no 1
845 install_plugins_{$tab} note action no 1
846 install_plugin_complete_actions filter no 1
847 install_themes_nonmenu_tabs filter no 1
848 install_themes_pre_{$tab} note action no 1
849 install_themes_table_api_args_{$old_filter} note filter no 1
850 install_themes_table_api_args_{$tab} note filter no 1
851 install_themes_table_header action no 1
852 install_themes_tabs filter no 2
853 install_themes_{$tab} note action no 1
854 install_theme_complete_actions filter no 1
855 intermediate_image_sizes filter no 1
856 intermediate_image_sizes_advanced filter no 1
857 invite_user action no 1
858 in_admin_footer action no 1
859 in_admin_header action no 1
860 in_plugin_update_message-{$file} note action no 1
861 in_theme_update_message-{$theme_key} note action no 1
862 in_widget_form action no 1
863 is_active_sidebar filter no 1
864 is_email filter no 9
865 is_email_address_unsafe filter no 1
866 is_header_video_active filter no 1
867 is_multi_author filter no 1
868 is_protected_endpoint filter no 1
869 is_protected_meta filter no 1
870 is_sticky filter YES 1
871 is_wide_widget_in_customizer filter no 1
872 jpeg_quality filter no 2
873 js_escape filter no 1
874 kses_allowed_protocols filter no 1
875 language_attributes filter no 1
876 lang_codes filter no 1
877 link_category filter no 3
878 link_title filter no 1
879 list_cats filter no 5
880 list_pages filter no 1
881 list_table_primary_column filter no 1
882 list_terms_exclusions filter no 1
883 load-categories-php action no 1
884 load-edit-link-categories-php action no 1
885 load-edit-tags-php action no 1
886 load-importer-{$importer} note action no 1
887 load-page-new-php action no 1
888 load-page-php action no 1
889 load-widgets-php action no 4
890 load-{$pagenow} note action no 1
891 load-{$page_hook} note action no 1
892 load-{$plugin_page} note action no 1
893 load_default_embeds filter no 1
894 load_default_widgets filter no 1
895 load_feed_engine action no 1
896 load_image_to_edit filter no 1
897 load_image_to_edit_attachmenturl filter no 1
898 load_image_to_edit_filesystempath filter no 1
899 load_image_to_edit_path filter no 1
900 load_script_textdomain_relative_path filter no 1
901 load_script_translations filter no 1
902 load_script_translation_file filter no 1
903 load_textdomain action no 1
904 load_textdomain_mofile filter no 1
905 locale filter no 2
906 locale_stylesheet_uri filter no 1
907 loginout filter no 2
908 login_body_class filter no 1
909 login_enqueue_scripts action no 1
910 login_errors filter no 1
911 login_footer action no 2
912 login_form action no 1
913 login_form_bottom filter no 1
914 login_form_defaults filter no 1
915 login_form_middle filter no 1
916 login_form_top filter no 1
917 login_form_{$action} note action no 1
918 login_head action no 1
919 login_header action no 1
920 login_headertext filter no 1
921 login_headerurl filter no 1
922 login_init action no 1
923 login_link_separator filter no 1
924 login_message filter no 1
925 login_messages filter no 1
926 login_redirect filter no 1
927 login_title filter no 1
928 login_url filter no 1
929 logout_redirect filter no 1
930 logout_url filter no 1
931 log_query_custom_data filter YES 1
932 loop_end action no 1
933 loop_no_results action no 1
934 loop_start action no 1
935 lostpassword_form action no 1
936 lostpassword_post action no 1
937 lostpassword_redirect filter no 1
938 lostpassword_url filter no 1
939 lost_password action no 1
940 make_clickable_rel filter YES 2
941 make_delete_blog action no 1
942 make_ham_blog action no 1
943 make_ham_user action no 2
944 make_spam_blog action no 1
945 make_spam_user action no 2
946 make_undelete_blog action no 1
947 manage_comments_custom_column action no 1
948 manage_comments_nav action no 1
949 manage_link_custom_column action no 1
950 manage_media_columns filter no 1
951 manage_media_custom_column action no 1
952 manage_pages_columns filter no 1
953 manage_pages_custom_column action no 1
954 manage_plugins_custom_column action no 1
955 manage_posts_columns filter no 1
956 manage_posts_custom_column action no 1
957 manage_posts_extra_tablenav action no 1
958 manage_sites_action_links filter no 1
959 manage_sites_custom_column action no 1
960 manage_sites_extra_tablenav action YES 1
961 manage_taxonomies_for_attachment_columns filter no 1
962 manage_taxonomies_for_{$post_type}_columns note filter no 1
963 manage_themes_custom_column action no 1
964 manage_users_custom_column filter no 2
965 manage_users_extra_tablenav action no 1
966 manage_{$post->post_type}_posts_custom_column note action no 1
967 manage_{$post_type}_posts_columns note filter no 1
968 manage_{$screen->id}_columns note filter no 1
969 manage_{$this->screen->id}_sortable_columns note filter no 1
970 manage_{$this->screen->taxonomy}_custom_column note filter no 1
971 map_meta_cap filter no 1
972 mature_blog action no 1
973 max_srcset_image_width filter no 1
974 mce_buttons filter no 2
975 mce_buttons_2 filter no 2
976 mce_buttons_3 filter no 2
977 mce_buttons_4 filter no 2
978 mce_css filter no 1
979 mce_external_languages filter no 1
980 mce_external_plugins filter no 2
981 media_buttons action no 1
982 media_buttons_context filter no 1
983 media_embedded_in_content_allowed_types filter no 1
984 media_library_months_with_files filter no 1
985 media_library_show_audio_playlist filter no 1
986 media_library_show_video_playlist filter no 1
987 media_meta filter no 3
988 media_row_actions filter no 1
989 media_send_to_editor filter no 2
990 media_submitbox_misc_sections filter no 1
991 media_upload_default_tab filter no 2
992 media_upload_default_type filter no 1
993 media_upload_form_url filter no 4
994 media_upload_mime_type_links filter no 1
995 media_upload_tabs filter no 2
996 media_upload_{$tab} note action no 1
997 media_upload_{$type} note action no 1
998 media_view_settings filter no 1
999 media_view_strings filter no 1
1000 mejs_settings filter no 1
1001 menu_order filter no 1
1002 metadata_lazyloader_queued_objects action no 1
1003 meta_query_find_compatible_table_alias filter no 1
1004 mime_types filter no 1
1005 minimum_site_name_length filter no 1
1006 mod_rewrite_rules filter no 1
1007 months_dropdown_results filter no 1
1008 month_link filter no 1
1009 ms_loaded action no 1
1010 ms_network_not_found action no 2
1011 ms_sites_list_table_query_args filter no 1
1012 ms_site_check filter no 1
1013 ms_site_not_found action no 1
1014 ms_user_list_site_actions filter no 1
1015 ms_user_list_site_class filter no 1
1016 ms_user_row_actions filter no 1
1017 muplugins_loaded action no 1
1018 mu_activity_box_end action no 1
1019 mu_dropdown_languages filter no 1
1020 mu_menu_items filter no 1
1021 mu_plugin_loaded action no 1
1022 mu_rightnow_end action no 1
1023 myblogs_allblogs_options action no 1
1024 myblogs_blog_actions filter no 1
1025 myblogs_options filter no 2
1026 navigation_markup_template filter no 1
1027 nav_menu_attr_title filter no 3
1028 nav_menu_css_class filter no 1
1029 nav_menu_description filter no 3
1030 nav_menu_items_{$post_type_name} note filter no 1
1031 nav_menu_items_{$post_type_name}_recent note filter no 1
1032 nav_menu_item_args filter no 1
1033 nav_menu_item_id filter no 1
1034 nav_menu_item_title filter no 1
1035 nav_menu_link_attributes filter no 1
1036 nav_menu_meta_box_object filter no 3
1037 nav_menu_submenu_css_class filter no 1
1038 networks_clauses filter no 1
1039 networks_pre_query filter no 1
1040 network_admin_edit_{$action} note action no 1
1041 network_admin_email_change_email filter no 1
1042 network_admin_menu action no 1
1043 network_admin_notices action no 1
1044 network_admin_plugin_action_links filter no 1
1045 network_admin_plugin_action_links_{$plugin_file} note filter no 1
1046 network_admin_url filter no 1
1047 network_allowed_themes filter no 1
1048 network_by_path_segments_count filter no 1
1049 network_edit_site_nav_links filter no 1
1050 network_home_url filter no 1
1051 network_plugin_loaded action no 1
1052 network_sites_updated_message_{$action} note filter no 1
1053 network_site_new_created_user action no 1
1054 network_site_new_form action no 1
1055 network_site_url filter no 1
1056 network_site_users_after_list_table action no 1
1057 network_site_users_created_user action no 1
1058 network_user_new_created_user action no 1
1059 network_user_new_form action no 1
1060 newblogname filter no 1
1061 newblog_notify_siteadmin filter no 1
1062 newuser_notify_siteadmin filter no 1
1063 new_admin_email_content filter no 1
1064 new_network_admin_email_content filter no 1
1065 new_user_email_content filter no 1
1066 next_comments_link_attributes filter no 1
1067 next_posts_link_attributes filter no 1
1068 ngettext filter no 1
1069 ngettext_with_context filter no 1
1070 nocache_headers filter no 1
1071 nonce_life filter no 1
1072 nonce_user_logged_out filter no 2
1073 notify_moderator filter no 2
1074 notify_post_author filter no 1
1075 no_texturize_shortcodes filter no 1
1076 no_texturize_tags filter no 1
1077 number_format_i18n filter no 1
1078 oembed_dataparse filter no 1
1079 oembed_default_width filter no 1
1080 oembed_discovery_links filter no 1
1081 oembed_endpoint_url filter no 1
1082 oembed_fetch_url filter no 1
1083 oembed_iframe_title_attribute filter no 1
1084 oembed_linktypes filter no 1
1085 oembed_min_max_width filter no 1
1086 oembed_providers filter no 1
1087 oembed_remote_get_args filter no 2
1088 oembed_request_post_id filter no 2
1089 oembed_response_data filter no 1
1090 oembed_result filter no 2
1091 oembed_ttl filter no 1
1092 old_slug_redirect_post_id filter no 1
1093 old_slug_redirect_url filter no 1
1094 opml_head action no 1
1095 option_enable_xmlrpc filter no 1
1096 option_page_capability_{$option_page} note filter no 1
1097 option_{$option_name} note filter no 1
1098 option_{$option} note filter no 1
1099 override_load_textdomain filter no 1
1100 override_post_lock filter no 1
1101 override_unload_textdomain filter no 1
1102 page_attributes_dropdown_pages_args filter no 1
1103 page_attributes_meta_box_template action no 1
1104 page_attributes_misc_attributes action no 1
1105 page_css_class filter no 2
1106 page_link filter no 1
1107 page_menu_link_attributes filter no 2
1108 page_rewrite_rules filter no 1
1109 page_row_actions filter no 1
1110 paginate_links filter no 3
1111 parent_file filter no 1
1112 parent_post_rel_link filter no 1
1113 parent_theme_file_path filter no 1
1114 parent_theme_file_uri filter no 1
1115 parse_comment_query action no 1
1116 parse_network_query action no 1
1117 parse_query action no 1
1118 parse_request action no 1
1119 parse_site_query action no 1
1120 parse_tax_query action no 1
1121 parse_term_query action no 1
1122 password_change_email filter no 1
1123 password_hint filter no 1
1124 password_reset action no 1
1125 password_reset_expiration filter no 1
1126 password_reset_key_expired filter no 1
1127 permalink_structure_changed action no 1
1128 personal_options action no 1
1129 personal_options_update action no 1
1130 phone_content filter no 1
1131 phpmailer_init action no 1
1132 pingback_ping_source_uri filter no 1
1133 pingback_post action no 1
1134 pingback_useragent filter no 1
1135 pings_open filter no 1
1136 plugins_api filter no 1
1137 plugins_api_args filter no 1
1138 plugins_api_result filter no 1
1139 plugins_loaded action no 1
1140 plugins_update_check_locales filter no 1
1141 plugins_url filter no 1
1142 plugin_action_links filter no 1
1143 plugin_action_links_{$plugin_file} note filter no 1
1144 plugin_files_exclusions filter no 1
1145 plugin_install_action_links filter no 1
1146 plugin_loaded action no 1
1147 plugin_locale filter no 2
1148 plugin_row_meta filter no 1
1149 plupload_default_params filter no 1
1150 plupload_default_settings filter no 1
1151 plupload_init filter no 1
1152 populate_network_meta filter no 1
1153 populate_options action no 1
1154 populate_site_meta filter no 1
1155 post-html-upload-ui action no 1
1156 post-plupload-upload-ui action no 3
1157 post-upload-ui action no 2
1158 postbox_classes_{$screen_id}_{$box_id} note filter no 1
1159 postmeta_form_keys filter no 1
1160 postmeta_form_limit filter no 1
1161 posts_clauses filter no 1
1162 posts_clauses_request filter no 1
1163 posts_distinct filter no 1
1164 posts_distinct_request filter no 1
1165 posts_fields filter no 1
1166 posts_fields_request filter no 1
1167 posts_groupby filter no 1
1168 posts_groupby_request filter no 1
1169 posts_join filter no 1
1170 posts_join_paged filter no 1
1171 posts_join_request filter no 1
1172 posts_orderby filter no 1
1173 posts_orderby_request filter no 1
1174 posts_pre_query filter no 1
1175 posts_request filter no 1
1176 posts_request_ids filter no 1
1177 posts_results filter no 1
1178 posts_search filter no 1
1179 posts_search_orderby filter no 1
1180 posts_selection action no 1
1181 posts_where filter no 1
1182 posts_where_paged filter no 1
1183 posts_where_request filter no 1
1184 post_action_{$action} note action no 1
1185 post_class filter no 1
1186 post_column_taxonomy_links filter no 1
1187 post_comments_feed_link filter no 1
1188 post_comments_feed_link_html filter no 1
1189 post_comments_link filter no 1
1190 post_comment_status_meta_box-options action no 1
1191 post_date_column_status filter no 1
1192 post_date_column_time filter no 2
1193 post_edit_category_parent_dropdown_args filter no 1
1194 post_edit_form_tag action no 1
1195 post_embed_url filter no 1
1196 post_format_rewrite_base filter no 1
1197 post_gallery filter no 1
1198 post_limits filter no 1
1199 post_limits_request filter no 1
1200 post_link filter no 1
1201 post_link_category filter no 1
1202 post_locked_dialog action no 1
1203 post_lock_lost_dialog action no 1
1204 post_mime_types filter no 1
1205 post_password_expires filter no 1
1206 post_password_required filter no 3
1207 post_playlist filter no 1
1208 post_rewrite_rules filter no 1
1209 post_row_actions filter no 1
1210 post_stuck action no 1
1211 post_submitbox_minor_actions action no 1
1212 post_submitbox_misc_actions action no 1
1213 post_submitbox_start action no 2
1214 post_thumbnail_html filter no 1
1215 post_thumbnail_size filter no 1
1216 post_types_to_delete_with_user filter no 1
1217 post_type_archive_feed_link filter no 1
1218 post_type_archive_link filter no 2
1219 post_type_archive_title filter no 1
1220 post_type_labels_{$post_type} note filter no 1
1221 post_type_link filter no 1
1222 post_unstuck action no 1
1223 post_updated action no 1
1224 post_updated_messages filter no 1
1225 post_{$field} note filter no 1
1226 pre-html-upload-ui action no 1
1227 pre-plupload-upload-ui action no 2
1228 pre-upload-ui action no 2
1229 prepend_attachment filter no 1
1230 preprocess_comment filter no 1
1231 preprocess_signup_form action no 1
1232 preview_post_link filter no 1
1233 previous_comments_link_attributes filter no 1
1234 previous_posts_link_attributes filter no 1
1235 pre_add_site_option_{$option} note filter no 1
1236 pre_auto_update action no 1
1237 pre_cache_alloptions filter no 1
1238 pre_category_nicename filter no 1
1239 pre_clear_scheduled_hook filter no 1
1240 pre_comment_approved filter no 1
1241 pre_comment_author_email filter no 2
1242 pre_comment_author_name filter no 2
1243 pre_comment_author_url filter no 2
1244 pre_comment_content filter no 1
1245 pre_comment_on_post action no 1
1246 pre_comment_user_agent filter no 1
1247 pre_comment_user_ip filter no 1
1248 pre_count_users filter no 1
1249 pre_current_active_plugins action no 1
1250 pre_delete_post filter no 1
1251 pre_delete_site_option_{$option} note action no 1
1252 pre_delete_term action no 1
1253 pre_determine_locale filter no 1
1254 pre_do_shortcode_tag filter no 1
1255 pre_ent2ncr filter no 1
1256 pre_get_avatar filter no 1
1257 pre_get_avatar_data filter no 1
1258 pre_get_blogs_of_user filter no 1
1259 pre_get_col_charset filter no 1
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1262 pre_get_lastpostmodified filter no 1
1263 pre_get_main_site_id filter no 1
1264 pre_get_networks action no 1
1265 pre_get_network_by_path filter no 1
1266 pre_get_posts action no 1
1267 pre_get_ready_cron_jobs filter no 1
1268 pre_get_scheduled_event filter no 1
1269 pre_get_search_form action no 1
1270 pre_get_shortlink filter no 1
1271 pre_get_sites action no 1
1272 pre_get_site_by_path filter no 1
1273 pre_get_space_used filter no 1
1274 pre_get_table_charset filter no 1
1275 pre_get_terms action no 1
1276 pre_get_users action no 1
1277 pre_handle_404 filter no 1
1278 pre_http_request filter no 1
1279 pre_http_send_through_proxy filter no 1
1280 pre_insert_term filter no 1
1281 pre_kses filter no 1
1282 pre_load_script_translations filter no 1
1283 pre_move_uploaded_file filter no 1
1284 pre_network_site_new_created_user action no 1
1285 pre_oembed_result filter no 1
1286 pre_option_enable_xmlrpc filter no 1
1287 pre_option_{$option} note filter no 1
1288 pre_ping action no 1
1289 pre_post_link filter no 1
1290 pre_post_update action no 1
1291 pre_post_{$field} note filter no 1
1292 pre_prepare_themes_for_js filter no 1
1293 pre_remote_source filter no 1
1294 pre_render_block filter no 1
1295 pre_reschedule_event filter no 1
1296 pre_schedule_event filter no 2
1297 pre_set_site_transient_{$transient} note filter no 1
1298 pre_set_theme_mod_{$name} note filter no 1
1299 pre_set_transient_{$transient} note filter no 1
1300 pre_site_option_{$option} note filter no 1
1301 pre_site_transient_{$transient} note filter no 1
1302 pre_term_link filter no 1
1303 pre_term_{$field} note filter no 1
1304 pre_trackback_post action no 1
1305 pre_transient_{$transient} note filter no 1
1306 pre_trash_post filter no 2
1307 pre_uninstall_plugin action no 1
1308 pre_unschedule_event filter no 1
1309 pre_unschedule_hook filter no 1
1310 pre_untrash_post filter no 1
1311 pre_update_option filter no 1
1312 pre_update_option_{$option} note filter no 1
1313 pre_update_site_option_{$option} note filter no 1
1314 pre_upload_error filter no 1
1315 pre_user_description filter no 1
1316 pre_user_display_name filter no 1
1317 pre_user_email filter no 1
1318 pre_user_first_name filter no 1
1319 pre_user_id filter no 2
1320 pre_user_last_name filter no 1
1321 pre_user_login filter no 2
1322 pre_user_nicename filter no 1
1323 pre_user_nickname filter no 1
1324 pre_user_query action no 1
1325 pre_user_search action no 1
1326 pre_user_url filter no 1
1327 pre_user_{$field} note filter no 1
1328 pre_wp_is_site_initialized filter no 1
1329 pre_wp_nav_menu filter no 1
1330 pre_wp_unique_post_slug filter no 1
1331 pre_wp_update_comment_count_now filter no 1
1332 pre_{$field} note filter no 3
1333 pre_{$taxonomy}_{$field} note filter no 1
1334 print_admin_styles filter no 1
1335 print_default_editor_scripts action no 1
1336 print_footer_scripts filter no 1
1337 print_head_scripts filter no 1
1338 print_late_styles filter no 1
1339 print_media_templates action no 1
1340 print_scripts_array filter no 1
1341 print_styles_array filter no 1
1342 privacy_on_link_text filter no 1
1343 privacy_on_link_title filter no 1
1344 privacy_policy_url filter no 1
1345 private_title_format filter no 1
1346 private_to_published action no 1
1347 process_text_diff_html filter no 3
1348 profile_personal_options action no 1
1349 profile_update action no 1
1350 protected_title_format filter no 1
1351 publish_phone action no 1
1352 pub_priv_sql_capability filter no 1
1353 query filter no 1
1354 query_string filter no 1
1355 query_vars filter no 1
1356 quicktags_settings filter no 1
1357 quick_edit_custom_box action no 2
1358 quick_edit_dropdown_pages_args filter no 1
1359 quick_edit_show_taxonomy filter no 2
1360 random_password filter no 1
1361 rdf_header action no 1
1362 rdf_item action no 1
1363 rdf_ns action no 1
1364 recovery_email_debug_info filter YES 1
1365 recovery_email_support_info filter no 1
1366 recovery_mode_begin_url filter no 1
1367 recovery_mode_cookie_length filter no 2
1368 recovery_mode_email filter no 1
1369 recovery_mode_email_link_ttl filter no 1
1370 recovery_mode_email_rate_limit filter no 1
1371 redirect_canonical filter no 1
1372 redirect_network_admin_request filter no 1
1373 redirect_post_location filter no 1
1374 redirect_term_location filter no 1
1375 redirect_user_admin_request filter no 1
1376 register filter no 4
1377 registered_post_type action no 1
1378 registered_taxonomy action no 1
1379 registered_taxonomy_for_object_type action no 1
1380 register_form action no 1
1381 register_meta_args filter no 1
1382 register_new_user action no 1
1383 register_post action no 1
1384 register_post_type_args filter no 1
1385 register_setting_args filter no 1
1386 register_sidebar action no 1
1387 register_sidebar_defaults filter YES 1
1388 register_taxonomy_args filter no 1
1389 register_url filter no 1
1390 registration_errors filter no 1
1391 registration_redirect filter no 1
1392 removable_query_args filter no 1
1393 remove_user_from_blog action no 1
1394 remove_user_role action no 1
1395 render_block filter no 1
1396 render_block_data filter no 1
1397 replace_editor filter no 3
1398 request filter no 1
1399 requests-{$hook} note action no 1
1400 request_filesystem_credentials filter no 1
1401 resetpass_form action no 1
1402 respond_link filter no 1
1403 restore_previous_locale action no 1
1404 restrict_manage_comments action no 1
1405 restrict_manage_posts action no 2
1406 restrict_manage_sites action YES 1
1407 restrict_manage_users action no 1
1408 rest_after_insert_attachment action no 2
1409 rest_after_insert_comment action no 2
1410 rest_after_insert_user action no 2
1411 rest_after_insert_{$this->post_type} note action no 2
1412 rest_after_insert_{$this->taxonomy} note action no 2
1413 rest_allow_anonymous_comments filter no 1
1414 rest_api_init action no 1
1415 rest_authentication_errors filter no 1
1416 rest_avatar_sizes filter no 1
1417 rest_comment_collection_params filter no 1
1418 rest_comment_query filter no 1
1419 rest_comment_trashable filter no 1
1420 rest_delete_comment action no 1
1421 rest_delete_revision action no 1
1422 rest_delete_user action no 1
1423 rest_delete_{$this->post_type} note action no 1
1424 rest_delete_{$this->taxonomy} note action no 1
1425 rest_dispatch_request filter no 1
1426 rest_endpoints filter no 1
1427 rest_endpoints_description filter no 1
1428 rest_envelope_response filter no 1
1429 rest_index filter no 1
1430 rest_insert_attachment action no 1
1431 rest_insert_comment action no 2
1432 rest_insert_user action no 2
1433 rest_insert_{$this->post_type} note action no 2
1434 rest_insert_{$this->taxonomy} note action no 2
1435 rest_jsonp_enabled filter no 2
1436 rest_namespace_index filter no 1
1437 rest_oembed_ttl filter no 1
1438 rest_post_dispatch filter no 2
1439 rest_post_search_query filter no 1
1440 rest_prepare_attachment filter no 1
1441 rest_prepare_autosave filter no 1
1442 rest_prepare_comment filter no 1
1443 rest_prepare_post_type filter no 1
1444 rest_prepare_revision filter no 1
1445 rest_prepare_status filter no 1
1446 rest_prepare_taxonomy filter no 1
1447 rest_prepare_theme filter no 1
1448 rest_prepare_user filter no 1
1449 rest_prepare_{$this->post_type} note filter no 1
1450 rest_prepare_{$this->taxonomy} note filter no 1
1451 rest_preprocess_comment filter no 1
1452 rest_pre_dispatch filter no 1
1453 rest_pre_echo_response filter no 1
1454 rest_pre_get_setting filter no 1
1455 rest_pre_insert_comment filter no 1
1456 rest_pre_insert_user filter no 1
1457 rest_pre_insert_{$this->post_type} note filter no 1
1458 rest_pre_insert_{$this->taxonomy} note filter no 1
1459 rest_pre_serve_request filter no 1
1460 rest_pre_update_setting filter no 1
1461 rest_query_var-{$key} note filter no 2
1462 rest_request_after_callbacks filter no 1
1463 rest_request_before_callbacks filter no 1
1464 rest_request_from_url filter no 1
1465 rest_request_parameter_order filter no 1
1466 rest_response_link_curies filter no 1
1467 rest_revision_query filter no 1
1468 rest_route_data filter no 1
1469 rest_send_nocache_headers filter no 1
1470 rest_themes_collection_params filter no 1
1471 rest_url filter no 1
1472 rest_url_prefix filter no 1
1473 rest_user_collection_params filter no 1
1474 rest_user_query filter no 1
1475 rest_{$this->post_type}_collection_params note filter no 1
1476 rest_{$this->post_type}_query note filter no 1
1477 rest_{$this->post_type}_trashable note filter no 1
1478 rest_{$this->taxonomy}_collection_params note filter no 1
1479 rest_{$this->taxonomy}_query note filter no 1
1480 retreive_password action no 1
1481 retrieve_password action no 1
1482 retrieve_password_key action no 1
1483 retrieve_password_message filter no 1
1484 retrieve_password_title filter no 1
1485 revision_text_diff_options filter no 1
1486 revoked_super_admin action no 1
1487 revoke_super_admin action no 1
1488 rewrite_rules filter no 1
1489 rewrite_rules_array filter no 1
1490 richedit_pre filter no 2
1491 rightnow_end action no 1
1492 robots_txt filter no 1
1493 role_has_cap filter no 1
1494 root_rewrite_rules filter no 1
1495 rss2_comments_ns action no 1
1496 rss2_head action no 2
1497 rss2_item action no 1
1498 rss2_ns action no 2
1499 rss_enclosure filter no 1
1500 rss_head action no 1
1501 rss_item action no 1
1502 rss_tag_pre action no 5
1503 rss_update_frequency filter no 3
1504 rss_update_period filter no 3
1505 run_wptexturize filter no 1
1506 safe_style_css filter no 1
1507 salt filter no 2
1508 sanitize_comment_cookies action no 1
1509 sanitize_email filter no 8
1510 sanitize_file_name filter no 2
1511 sanitize_file_name_chars filter no 1
1512 sanitize_html_class filter no 1
1513 sanitize_key filter no 1
1514 sanitize_mime_type filter no 1
1515 sanitize_option_{$option} note filter no 1
1516 sanitize_textarea_field filter no 1
1517 sanitize_text_field filter no 1
1518 sanitize_title filter no 1
1519 sanitize_trackback_urls filter no 1
1520 sanitize_user filter no 1
1521 sanitize_{$object_type}_meta_{$meta_key} note filter no 1
1522 sanitize_{$object_type}_meta_{$meta_key}_for_{$object_subtype} note filter no 1
1523 save_post action no 3
1524 save_post_{$post->post_type} note action no 3
1525 schedule_event filter no 2
1526 screen_layout_columns filter no 1
1527 screen_options_show_screen filter no 1
1528 screen_options_show_submit filter no 1
1529 screen_settings filter no 1
1530 script_loader_src filter no 6
1531 script_loader_tag filter no 1
1532 search_feed_link filter no 2
1533 search_form_args filter no 1
1534 search_form_format filter no 1
1535 search_link filter no 1
1536 search_rewrite_rules filter no 1
1537 secure_auth_cookie filter no 1
1538 secure_auth_redirect filter no 1
1539 secure_logged_in_cookie filter no 1
1540 secure_signon_cookie filter no 1
1541 self_admin_url filter no 1
1542 self_link filter no 1
1543 send_auth_cookies filter no 2
1544 send_core_update_notification_email filter no 1
1545 send_email_change_email filter no 1
1546 send_headers action no 1
1547 send_network_admin_email_change_email filter no 1
1548 send_password_change_email filter no 1
1549 send_site_admin_email_change_email filter no 1
1550 session_token_manager filter no 2
1551 set-screen-option filter no 1
1552 setted_site_transient action no 1
1553 setted_transient action no 1
1554 setup_theme action no 1
1555 set_auth_cookie action no 1
1556 set_comment_cookies action no 1
1557 set_current_user action no 1
1558 set_logged_in_cookie action no 1
1559 set_object_terms action no 1
1560 set_site_transient_{$transient} note action no 1
1561 set_transient_{$transient} note action no 1
1562 set_url_scheme filter no 1
1563 set_user_role action no 1
1564 shake_error_codes filter no 1
1565 shortcode_atts_{$shortcode} note filter no 1
1566 shortcut_link filter no 1
1567 show_admin_bar filter no 1
1568 show_advanced_plugins filter no 2
1569 show_network_active_plugins filter no 1
1570 show_network_site_users_add_existing_form filter no 2
1571 show_network_site_users_add_new_form filter no 1
1572 show_password_fields filter no 1
1573 show_post_locked_dialog filter no 2
1574 show_recent_comments_widget_style filter no 1
1575 show_user_profile action no 1
1576 shutdown action no 1
1577 sidebars_widgets filter no 1
1578 sidebar_admin_page action no 1
1579 sidebar_admin_setup action no 5
1580 signup_another_blog_init filter no 1
1581 signup_blogform action no 1
1582 signup_blog_init filter no 1
1583 signup_create_blog_meta filter no 1
1584 signup_extra_fields action no 1
1585 signup_finished action no 3
1586 signup_get_available_languages filter no 1
1587 signup_header action no 1
1588 signup_hidden_fields action no 3
1589 signup_site_meta filter no 1
1590 signup_user_init filter no 1
1591 signup_user_meta filter no 1
1592 single_cat_title filter no 1
1593 single_post_title filter no 1
1594 single_tag_title filter no 1
1595 single_term_title filter no 1
1596 sites_clauses filter no 1
1597 sites_pre_query filter no 1
1598 site_admin_email_change_email filter no 1
1599 site_allowed_themes filter no 2
1600 site_by_path_segments_count filter no 1
1601 site_details filter no 1
1602 site_icon_attachment_metadata filter no 1
1603 site_icon_image_sizes filter no 2
1604 site_icon_meta_tags filter no 1
1605 site_option_{$option} note filter no 1
1606 site_search_columns filter no 1
1607 site_status_tests filter no 1
1608 site_status_test_php_modules filter no 1
1609 site_status_test_result filter YES 2
1610 site_transient_{$transient} note filter no 1
1611 site_url filter no 1
1612 smilies filter no 1
1613 smilies_src filter no 1
1614 spammed_comment action no 1
1615 spam_comment action no 1
1616 split_shared_term action no 1
1617 split_the_query filter no 1
1618 start_previewing_theme action no 1
1619 status_header filter no 1
1620 stop_previewing_theme action no 1
1621 strip_shortcodes_tagnames filter no 1
1622 stylesheet filter no 1
1623 stylesheet_directory filter no 1
1624 stylesheet_directory_uri filter no 1
1625 stylesheet_uri filter no 1
1626 style_loader_src filter no 1
1627 style_loader_tag filter no 2
1628 subdirectory_reserved_names filter no 1
1629 submenu_file filter no 1
1630 submitlink_box action no 2
1631 submitpage_box action no 1
1632 submitpost_box action no 1
1633 switch_blog action no 4
1634 switch_locale action no 1
1635 switch_theme action no 1
1636 tables_to_repair filter no 1
1637 tagsperpage filter no 1
1638 tag_cloud_sort filter no 1
1639 tag_escape filter no 1
1640 tag_feed_link filter no 1
1641 tag_link filter no 1
1642 tag_rewrite_rules filter no 1
1643 tag_row_actions filter no 1
1644 taxonomy_feed_link filter no 1
1645 taxonomy_labels_{$taxonomy} note filter no 1
1646 taxonomy_parent_dropdown_args filter no 2
1647 teeny_mce_before_init filter no 1
1648 teeny_mce_buttons filter no 1
1649 teeny_mce_plugins filter no 1
1650 template filter no 1
1651 template_directory filter no 1
1652 template_directory_uri filter no 1
1653 template_include filter no 1
1654 template_redirect action no 1
1655 terms_clauses filter no 1
1656 terms_pre_query filter YES 1
1657 terms_to_edit filter no 1
1658 term_id_filter filter no 2
1659 term_link filter no 1
1660 term_links-{$taxonomy} note filter no 1
1661 term_name filter no 1
1662 term_search_min_chars filter no 1
1663 term_updated_messages filter no 1
1664 term_{$field} note filter no 1
1665 term_{$field}_rss note filter no 1
1666 themes_api filter no 1
1667 themes_api_args filter no 1
1668 themes_api_result filter no 1
1669 themes_update_check_locales filter no 1
1670 theme_action_links filter no 2
1671 theme_action_links_{$stylesheet} note filter no 2
1672 theme_file_path filter no 1
1673 theme_file_uri filter no 1
1674 theme_install_actions filter no 1
1675 theme_locale filter no 1
1676 theme_mod_{$name} note filter no 2
1677 theme_root filter no 1
1678 theme_root_uri filter no 1
1679 theme_row_meta filter no 1
1680 theme_scandir_exclusions filter no 1
1681 theme_templates filter no 1
1682 theme_{$post_type}_templates note filter no 1
1683 the_author filter no 1
1684 the_author_posts_link filter no 1
1685 the_author_{$field} note filter no 1
1686 the_category filter no 8
1687 the_category_list filter no 1
1688 the_category_rss filter no 1
1689 the_comments filter no 1
1690 the_content filter no 9
1691 the_content_export filter no 1
1692 the_content_feed filter no 1
1693 the_content_more_link filter no 1
1694 the_content_rss filter no 1
1695 the_date filter no 1
1696 the_editor filter no 1
1697 the_editor_content filter no 2
1698 the_excerpt filter no 5
1699 the_excerpt_embed filter no 1
1700 the_excerpt_export filter no 1
1701 the_excerpt_rss filter no 1
1702 the_feed_link filter no 1
1703 the_generator filter no 1
1704 the_guid filter no 1
1705 the_meta_key filter no 1
1706 the_modified_author filter no 1
1707 the_modified_date filter no 1
1708 the_modified_time filter no 1
1709 the_networks filter no 1
1710 the_password_form filter no 1
1711 the_permalink filter no 3
1712 the_permalink_rss filter no 1
1713 the_post action no 1
1714 the_posts filter no 1
1715 the_post_thumbnail_caption filter no 1
1716 the_preview filter no 1
1717 the_privacy_policy_link filter no 1
1718 the_search_query filter no 1
1719 the_shortlink filter no 1
1720 the_sites filter no 1
1721 the_tags filter no 1
1722 the_terms filter no 1
1723 the_time filter no 1
1724 the_title filter no 15
1725 the_title_rss filter no 4
1726 the_weekday filter no 1
1727 the_weekday_date filter no 1
1728 the_widget action no 1
1729 thread_comments_depth_max filter no 1
1730 time_formats filter no 1
1731 tiny_mce_before_init filter no 2
1732 tiny_mce_plugins filter no 2
1733 title_save_pre filter no 1
1734 tool_box action no 1
1735 trackback_post action no 1
1736 trackback_url filter no 1
1737 transient_{$transient} note filter no 1
1738 transition_comment_status action no 1
1739 transition_post_status action no 1
1740 translations_api filter no 1
1741 translations_api_result filter no 1
1742 trashed_comment action no 1
1743 trashed_post action no 2
1744 trashed_post_comments action no 1
1745 trash_comment action no 1
1746 trash_post_comments action no 1
1747 twentynineteen_attachment_size filter no 1
1748 twentynineteen_can_show_post_thumbnail filter no 1
1749 twentynineteen_content_width filter no 1
1750 twentynineteen_custom_colors_css filter no 1
1751 twentynineteen_custom_colors_lightness filter no 1
1752 twentynineteen_custom_colors_lightness_hover filter no 1
1753 twentynineteen_custom_colors_lightness_selection filter no 1
1754 twentynineteen_custom_colors_saturation filter no 1
1755 twentynineteen_custom_colors_saturation_selection filter no 1
1756 twentyseventeen_content_width filter no 1
1757 twentyseventeen_custom_colors_css filter no 1
1758 twentyseventeen_custom_colors_saturation filter no 1
1759 twentyseventeen_custom_header_args filter no 1
1760 twentyseventeen_front_page_sections filter no 3
1761 twentyseventeen_social_links_icons filter no 1
1762 twentyseventeen_starter_content filter no 1
1763 twentysixteen_attachment_size filter no 1
1764 twentysixteen_author_avatar_size filter no 1
1765 twentysixteen_author_bio_avatar_size filter no 1
1766 twentysixteen_color_schemes filter no 1
1767 twentysixteen_content_width filter no 1
1768 twentysixteen_credits action no 1
1769 twentysixteen_custom_background_args filter no 1
1770 twentysixteen_custom_header_args filter no 1
1771 twentysixteen_custom_header_sizes filter no 1
1772 twentytwenty_customize_opacity_range filter YES 1
1773 twentytwenty_disallowed_post_types_for_meta_output filter YES 1
1774 twentytwenty_end_of_post_meta_list action YES 1
1775 twentytwenty_get_elements_array filter YES 1
1776 twentytwenty_get_localized_font_family_elements filter YES 1
1777 twentytwenty_get_localized_font_family_types filter YES 1
1778 twentytwenty_get_the_archive_title_regex filter YES 1
1779 twentytwenty_post_meta_location_single_bottom filter YES 1
1780 twentytwenty_post_meta_location_single_top filter YES 1
1781 twentytwenty_show_categories_in_entry_header filter YES 2
1782 twentytwenty_site_description filter YES 1
1783 twentytwenty_site_logo filter YES 1
1784 twentytwenty_site_logo_args filter YES 1
1785 twentytwenty_starter_content filter YES 1
1786 twentytwenty_start_of_post_meta_list action YES 1
1787 twentytwenty_toggle_duration filter YES 1
1788 type_url_form_media filter no 1
1789 unarchive_blog action no 1
1790 uninstall_{$file} note action no 1
1791 unload_textdomain action no 1
1792 unmature_blog action no 1
1793 unregistered_post_type action no 1
1794 unregistered_taxonomy action no 1
1795 unregistered_taxonomy_for_object_type action no 1
1796 unspammed_comment action no 1
1797 unspam_comment action no 1
1798 untrashed_comment action no 1
1799 untrashed_post action no 1
1800 untrashed_post_comments action no 1
1801 untrash_comment action no 1
1802 untrash_post action no 1
1803 untrash_post_comments action no 1
1804 unzip_file_use_ziparchive filter no 1
1805 update-core-custom_{$action} note action no 1
1806 update-custom_{$action} note action no 1
1807 updated_option action no 1
1808 updated_postmeta action no 2
1809 updated_usermeta action no 1
1810 updated_{$meta_type}_meta note action no 2
1811 update_attached_file filter no 1
1812 update_blog_public action no 1
1813 update_bulk_plugins_complete_actions filter no 1
1814 update_bulk_theme_complete_actions filter no 1
1815 update_custom_css_data filter no 1
1816 update_feedback filter no 9
1817 update_footer filter no 1
1818 update_option action no 1
1819 update_option_{$option} note action no 1
1820 update_plugin_complete_actions filter no 1
1821 update_postmeta action no 2
1822 update_right_now_text filter no 1
1823 update_site_option action no 1
1824 update_site_option_{$option} note action no 1
1825 update_theme_complete_actions filter no 1
1826 update_translations_complete_actions filter no 1
1827 update_usermeta action no 1
1828 update_welcome_email filter no 1
1829 update_welcome_subject filter no 1
1830 update_welcome_user_email filter no 1
1831 update_welcome_user_subject filter no 1
1832 update_wpmu_options action no 1
1833 update_{$meta_type}_meta note action no 2
1834 update_{$meta_type}_metadata note filter no 1
1835 update_{$meta_type}_metadata_by_mid note filter no 1
1836 update_{$meta_type}_metadata_cache note filter no 1
1837 upgrader_clear_destination filter no 1
1838 upgrader_package_options filter no 1
1839 upgrader_post_install filter no 1
1840 upgrader_pre_download filter no 1
1841 upgrader_pre_install filter no 1
1842 upgrader_process_complete action no 5
1843 upgrader_source_selection filter no 1
1844 upload_dir filter no 1
1845 upload_mimes filter no 1
1846 upload_per_page filter no 1
1847 upload_post_params filter no 1
1848 upload_size_limit filter no 1
1849 upload_ui_over_quota action no 2
1850 url_to_postid filter no 1
1851 username_exists filter no 1
1852 users_have_additional_content filter no 1
1853 users_list_table_query_args filter no 2
1854 users_pre_query filter no 1
1855 user_admin_menu action no 1
1856 user_admin_notices action no 1
1857 user_admin_url filter no 1
1858 user_can_richedit filter no 1
1859 user_confirmed_action_email_content filter no 2
1860 user_contactmethods filter no 1
1861 user_dashboard_url filter no 1
1862 user_edit_form_tag action no 1
1863 user_erasure_complete_email_subject filter no 1
1864 user_erasure_fulfillment_email_to filter no 1
1865 user_has_cap filter no 1
1866 user_new_form action no 2
1867 user_new_form_tag action no 2
1868 user_profile_picture_description filter no 1
1869 user_profile_update_errors action no 1
1870 user_register action no 1
1871 user_registration_email filter no 1
1872 user_request_action_confirmed action no 1
1873 user_request_action_confirmed_message filter no 1
1874 user_request_action_description filter no 1
1875 user_request_action_email_content filter no 1
1876 user_request_action_email_subject filter no 1
1877 user_request_confirmed_email_subject filter no 1
1878 user_request_confirmed_email_to filter no 1
1879 user_request_key_expiration filter no 2
1880 user_row_actions filter no 1
1881 user_search_columns filter no 1
1882 user_trailingslashit filter no 1
1883 user_{$field} note filter no 1
1884 user_{$name}_label note filter no 1
1885 use_block_editor_for_post filter no 1
1886 use_block_editor_for_post_type filter no 1
1887 use_curl_transport filter no 1
1888 use_default_gallery_style filter no 1
1889 use_google_chrome_frame filter no 1
1890 use_streams_transport filter no 1
1891 validate_current_theme filter no 1
1892 validate_password_reset action no 1
1893 validate_username filter no 1
1894 views_{$this->screen->id} note filter no 3
1895 view_mode_post_types filter no 1
1896 walker_nav_menu_start_el filter no 1
1897 welcome_panel action no 1
1898 whitelist_options filter no 1
1899 widgets-php action no 4
1900 widgets_admin_page action no 1
1901 widgets_init action no 1
1902 widget_archives_args filter no 2
1903 widget_archives_dropdown_args filter no 2
1904 widget_categories_args filter no 1
1905 widget_categories_dropdown_args filter no 1
1906 widget_comments_args filter no 2
1907 widget_customizer_setting_args filter no 1
1908 widget_custom_html_content filter no 1
1909 widget_display_callback filter no 2
1910 widget_form_callback filter no 1
1911 widget_links_args filter no 1
1912 widget_meta_poweredby filter no 1
1913 widget_nav_menu_args filter no 1
1914 widget_pages_args filter no 1
1915 widget_posts_args filter no 1
1916 widget_tag_cloud_args filter no 1
1917 widget_text filter no 2
1918 widget_text_content filter no 1
1919 widget_title filter no 14
1920 widget_update_callback filter no 1
1921 widget_{$this->id_base}_instance note filter no 1
1922 widget_{$this->id_base}_instance_schema note filter no 2
1923 wp action no 1
1924 wp-mail-php action no 1
1925 wpmuadminedit action no 4
1926 wpmuadminresult action no 1
1927 wpmublogsaction action no 1
1928 wpmueditblogaction action no 1
1929 wpmu_activate_blog action no 1
1930 wpmu_activate_user action no 1
1931 wpmu_active_signup filter no 1
1932 wpmu_blogs_columns filter no 1
1933 wpmu_blog_updated action no 1
1934 wpmu_delete_blog_upload_dir filter no 1
1935 wpmu_delete_user action no 1
1936 wpmu_drop_tables filter no 1
1937 wpmu_new_user action no 1
1938 wpmu_options action no 1
1939 wpmu_signup_blog_notification filter no 1
1940 wpmu_signup_blog_notification_email filter no 1
1941 wpmu_signup_blog_notification_subject filter no 1
1942 wpmu_signup_user_notification filter no 1
1943 wpmu_signup_user_notification_email filter no 1
1944 wpmu_signup_user_notification_subject filter no 1
1945 wpmu_update_blog_options action no 1
1946 wpmu_upgrade_page action no 1
1947 wpmu_upgrade_site action no 1
1948 wpmu_users_columns filter no 1
1949 wpmu_validate_blog_signup filter no 1
1950 wpmu_validate_user_signup filter no 1
1951 wpmu_welcome_notification filter no 1
1952 wpmu_welcome_user_notification filter no 1
1953 wp_add_nav_menu_item action no 1
1954 wp_admin_bar_class filter no 1
1955 wp_admin_css filter no 2
1956 wp_admin_css_uri filter no 1
1957 wp_after_admin_bar_render action no 1
1958 wp_ajax_cropped_attachment_id filter no 1
1959 wp_ajax_cropped_attachment_metadata filter no 1
1960 wp_ajax_crop_image_pre_save action no 1
1961 wp_ajax_nopriv_{$action} note action no 1
1962 wp_ajax_{$action} note action no 1
1963 wp_anonymize_comment filter no 1
1964 wp_audio_embed_handler filter no 1
1965 wp_audio_extensions filter no 1
1966 wp_audio_shortcode filter no 1
1967 wp_audio_shortcode_class filter no 1
1968 wp_audio_shortcode_library filter no 2
1969 wp_audio_shortcode_override filter no 1
1970 wp_authenticate action no 1
1971 wp_authenticate_user filter no 2
1972 wp_auth_check_interval filter no 1
1973 wp_auth_check_load filter no 1
1974 wp_auth_check_same_domain filter no 1
1975 wp_before_admin_bar_render action no 1
1976 wp_blacklist_check action no 1
1977 wp_body_open action no 5
1978 wp_cache_themes_persistently filter no 2
1979 wp_calculate_image_sizes filter no 1
1980 wp_calculate_image_srcset filter no 1
1981 wp_calculate_image_srcset_meta filter no 1
1982 wp_checkdate filter no 1
1983 wp_check_filetype_and_ext filter no 1
1984 wp_check_post_lock_window filter no 2
1985 wp_code_editor_settings filter no 1
1986 wp_comment_reply filter no 1
1987 wp_constrain_dimensions filter no 1
1988 wp_count_attachments filter no 1
1989 wp_count_comments filter no 1
1990 wp_count_posts filter no 2
1991 wp_create_file_in_uploads action no 2
1992 wp_create_file_in_uploads filter no 5
1993 wp_create_nav_menu action no 1
1994 wp_create_thumbnail filter no 1
1995 wp_creating_autosave action no 2
1996 wp_dashboard_setup action no 1
1997 wp_dashboard_widgets filter no 1
1998 wp_date filter YES 1
1999 wp_default_editor filter no 1
2000 wp_default_scripts action no 1
2001 wp_default_styles action no 1
2002 wp_delete_file filter no 1
2003 wp_delete_nav_menu action no 1
2004 wp_delete_post_revision action no 1
2005 wp_delete_site action no 1
2006 wp_die_ajax_handler filter no 1
2007 wp_die_handler filter no 1
2008 wp_die_jsonp_handler filter no 1
2009 wp_die_json_handler filter no 1
2010 wp_die_xmlrpc_handler filter no 1
2011 wp_die_xml_handler filter no 1
2012 wp_direct_php_update_url filter no 1
2013 wp_doing_ajax filter no 1
2014 wp_doing_cron filter no 1
2015 wp_dropdown_cats filter no 1
2016 wp_dropdown_pages filter no 1
2017 wp_dropdown_users filter no 1
2018 wp_dropdown_users_args filter no 1
2019 wp_editor_expand filter no 1
2020 wp_editor_settings filter no 2
2021 wp_editor_set_quality filter no 1
2022 wp_edit_form_attachment_display action no 1
2023 wp_edit_nav_menu_walker filter no 2
2024 wp_embed_handler_audio filter no 1
2025 wp_embed_handler_video filter no 1
2026 wp_embed_handler_youtube filter no 1
2027 wp_enqueue_code_editor action no 1
2028 wp_enqueue_editor action no 1
2029 wp_enqueue_media action no 1
2030 wp_enqueue_scripts action no 1
2031 wp_fatal_error_handler_enabled filter no 1
2032 wp_feed_cache_transient_lifetime filter no 2
2033 wp_feed_options action no 1
2034 wp_footer action no 1
2035 wp_generate_attachment_metadata filter no 2
2036 wp_generate_tag_cloud filter no 1
2037 wp_generate_tag_cloud_data filter no 1
2038 wp_generator_type filter no 1
2039 wp_get_attachment_caption filter no 1
2040 wp_get_attachment_id3_keys filter no 1
2041 wp_get_attachment_image_attributes filter no 1
2042 wp_get_attachment_image_src filter no 1
2043 wp_get_attachment_link filter no 1
2044 wp_get_attachment_metadata filter no 1
2045 wp_get_attachment_thumb_file filter no 1
2046 wp_get_attachment_thumb_url filter no 1
2047 wp_get_attachment_url filter no 1
2048 wp_get_comment_fields_max_lengths filter no 1
2049 wp_get_current_commenter filter no 1
2050 wp_get_custom_css filter no 1
2051 wp_get_default_privacy_policy_content filter no 1
2052 wp_get_missing_image_subsizes filter YES 1
2053 wp_get_nav_menus filter no 1
2054 wp_get_nav_menu_items filter no 1
2055 wp_get_nav_menu_name filter no 1
2056 wp_get_nav_menu_object filter no 1
2057 wp_get_object_terms filter no 1
2058 wp_get_object_terms_args filter no 1
2059 wp_get_original_image_path filter YES 1
2060 wp_get_original_image_url filter YES 1
2061 wp_get_revision_ui_diff filter no 1
2062 wp_get_update_data filter no 1
2063 wp_handle_upload filter no 2
2064 wp_head action no 1
2065 wp_headers filter no 1
2066 wp_header_image_attachment_metadata filter no 1
2067 wp_http_accept_encoding filter no 1
2068 wp_http_cookie_value filter no 1
2069 wp_http_ixr_client_headers filter no 1
2070 wp_image_editors filter no 1
2071 wp_image_editor_before_change filter no 1
2072 wp_image_maybe_exif_rotate filter YES 1
2073 wp_image_resize_identical_dimensions filter YES 1
2074 wp_initialize_site action no 1
2075 wp_initialize_site_args filter no 1
2076 wp_insert_attachment_data filter no 1
2077 wp_insert_comment action no 1
2078 wp_insert_post action no 3
2079 wp_insert_post_data filter no 1
2080 wp_insert_post_empty_content filter no 1
2081 wp_insert_post_parent filter no 1
2082 wp_insert_site action no 1
2083 wp_insert_term_data filter no 1
2084 wp_insert_term_duplicate_term_check filter no 1
2085 wp_install action no 1
2086 wp_is_comment_flood filter no 1
2087 wp_is_large_network filter no 2
2088 wp_is_mobile filter no 1
2089 wp_is_php_version_acceptable filter no 1
2090 wp_kses_allowed_html filter no 7
2091 wp_kses_uri_attributes filter no 1
2092 wp_link_pages filter no 1
2093 wp_link_pages_args filter no 1
2094 wp_link_pages_link filter no 3
2095 wp_link_query filter no 1
2096 wp_link_query_args filter no 1
2097 wp_list_bookmarks filter no 1
2098 wp_list_categories filter no 1
2099 wp_list_comments_args filter no 1
2100 wp_list_pages filter no 1
2101 wp_list_pages_excludes filter no 1
2102 wp_loaded action no 1
2103 wp_login action no 1
2104 wp_login_errors filter no 1
2105 wp_login_failed action no 1
2106 wp_logout action no 1
2107 wp_mail filter no 1
2108 wp_mail_charset filter no 1
2109 wp_mail_content_type filter no 2
2110 wp_mail_failed action no 2
2111 wp_mail_from filter no 1
2112 wp_mail_from_name filter no 1
2113 wp_mail_original_content filter no 1
2114 wp_maybe_auto_update action no 1
2115 wp_mce_translation filter no 1
2116 wp_mediaelement_fallback filter no 1
2117 wp_meta action no 1
2118 wp_mime_type_icon filter no 1
2119 wp_nav_locations_listed_per_menu filter no 1
2120 wp_nav_menu filter no 1
2121 wp_nav_menu_args filter no 1
2122 wp_nav_menu_container_allowedtags filter no 1
2123 wp_nav_menu_items filter no 1
2124 wp_nav_menu_objects filter no 1
2125 wp_nav_menu_{$menu->slug}_items note filter no 1
2126 wp_network_dashboard_setup action no 1
2127 wp_network_dashboard_widgets filter no 1
2128 wp_new_user_notification_email filter no 1
2129 wp_new_user_notification_email_admin filter no 1
2130 wp_normalize_site_data filter no 1
2131 wp_page_menu filter no 1
2132 wp_page_menu_args filter no 1
2133 wp_parse_str filter no 1
2134 wp_password_change_notification_email filter no 1
2135 wp_php_error_args filter no 1
2136 wp_php_error_message filter no 1
2137 wp_playlist_scripts action no 1
2138 wp_post_revision_title_expanded filter no 1
2139 wp_prepare_attachment_for_js filter no 1
2140 wp_prepare_revision_for_js filter no 1
2141 wp_prepare_themes_for_js filter no 1
2142 wp_pre_insert_user_data filter no 1
2143 wp_print_footer_scripts action no 1
2144 wp_print_scripts action no 3
2145 wp_print_styles action no 1
2146 wp_privacy_anonymize_data filter no 1
2147 wp_privacy_exports_dir filter no 1
2148 wp_privacy_exports_url filter no 1
2149 wp_privacy_export_expiration filter no 2
2150 wp_privacy_personal_data_email_content filter no 1
2151 wp_privacy_personal_data_email_subject filter YES 1
2152 wp_privacy_personal_data_email_to filter YES 1
2153 wp_privacy_personal_data_erased action no 1
2154 wp_privacy_personal_data_erasers filter no 4
2155 wp_privacy_personal_data_erasure_page filter no 1
2156 wp_privacy_personal_data_exporters filter no 4
2157 wp_privacy_personal_data_export_file action no 1
2158 wp_privacy_personal_data_export_file_created action no 1
2159 wp_privacy_personal_data_export_page filter no 1
2160 wp_protected_ajax_actions filter no 1
2161 wp_query_search_exclusion_prefix filter no 1
2162 wp_read_image_metadata filter no 1
2163 wp_read_image_metadata_types filter no 1
2164 wp_read_video_metadata filter no 1
2165 wp_redirect filter no 1
2166 wp_redirect_status filter no 1
2167 wp_refresh_nonces filter no 1
2168 wp_register_sidebar_widget action no 1
2169 wp_resource_hints filter no 1
2170 wp_restore_post_revision action no 1
2171 wp_rest_search_handlers filter no 1
2172 wp_rest_server_class filter no 1
2173 wp_revisions_to_keep filter no 1
2174 wp_roles_init action no 1
2175 wp_safe_redirect_fallback filter no 1
2176 wp_save_image_editor_file filter no 1
2177 wp_save_image_file filter no 1
2178 wp_save_post_revision_check_for_changes filter no 1
2179 wp_save_post_revision_post_has_changed filter no 1
2180 wp_search_stopwords filter no 1
2181 wp_setup_nav_menu_item filter no 2
2182 wp_set_comment_status action no 2
2183 wp_should_handle_php_error filter no 1
2184 wp_should_upgrade_global_tables filter no 1
2185 wp_signature_hosts filter no 1
2186 wp_signature_softfail filter no 1
2187 wp_signature_url filter no 1
2188 wp_signup_location filter no 3
2189 wp_spaces_regexp filter no 1
2190 wp_sprintf filter no 1
2191 wp_sprintf_l filter no 1
2192 wp_tag_cloud filter no 1
2193 wp_targeted_link_rel filter no 1
2194 wp_terms_checklist_args filter no 1
2195 wp_theme_editor_filetypes filter no 1
2196 wp_tiny_mce_init action no 1
2197 wp_title filter no 1
2198 wp_title_parts filter no 1
2199 wp_title_rss filter no 1
2200 wp_trash_post action no 2
2201 wp_trim_excerpt filter no 1
2202 wp_trim_words filter no 1
2203 wp_trusted_keys filter no 1
2204 wp_uninitialize_site action no 1
2205 wp_unique_filename filter no 2
2206 wp_unique_post_slug filter no 1
2207 wp_unique_post_slug_is_bad_attachment_slug filter no 1
2208 wp_unique_post_slug_is_bad_flat_slug filter no 1
2209 wp_unique_post_slug_is_bad_hierarchical_slug filter no 1
2210 wp_unique_term_slug filter no 1
2211 wp_unique_term_slug_is_bad_slug filter no 1
2212 wp_unregister_sidebar_widget action no 1
2213 wp_update_attachment_metadata filter no 1
2214 wp_update_comment_count action no 1
2215 wp_update_comment_data filter no 1
2216 wp_update_nav_menu action no 2
2217 wp_update_nav_menu_item action no 1
2218 wp_update_php_url filter no 1
2219 wp_update_site action no 1
2220 wp_update_term_data filter no 1
2221 wp_update_term_parent filter no 1
2222 wp_upgrade action no 1
2223 wp_upload_bits filter no 1
2224 wp_user_dashboard_setup action no 1
2225 wp_user_dashboard_widgets filter no 1
2226 wp_using_themes filter no 1
2227 wp_validate_site_data action no 1
2228 wp_validate_site_deletion action no 1
2229 wp_verify_nonce_failed action no 1
2230 wp_video_embed_handler filter no 1
2231 wp_video_extensions filter no 1
2232 wp_video_shortcode filter no 1
2233 wp_video_shortcode_class filter no 1
2234 wp_video_shortcode_library filter no 2
2235 wp_video_shortcode_override filter no 1
2236 wp_xmlrpc_server_class filter no 1
2237 write_your_story filter no 1
2238 wxr_export_skip_commentmeta filter no 1
2239 wxr_export_skip_postmeta filter no 1
2240 wxr_export_skip_termmeta filter no 1
2241 xmlrpc_allow_anonymous_comments filter no 1
2242 xmlrpc_blog_options filter no 1
2243 xmlrpc_call action no 67
2244 xmlrpc_call_success_blogger_deletePost action no 1
2245 xmlrpc_call_success_blogger_editPost action no 1
2246 xmlrpc_call_success_blogger_newPost action no 1
2247 xmlrpc_call_success_mw_editPost action no 1
2248 xmlrpc_call_success_mw_newMediaObject action no 1
2249 xmlrpc_call_success_mw_newPost action no 1
2250 xmlrpc_call_success_wp_deleteCategory action no 1
2251 xmlrpc_call_success_wp_deleteComment action no 1
2252 xmlrpc_call_success_wp_deletePage action no 1
2253 xmlrpc_call_success_wp_editComment action no 1
2254 xmlrpc_call_success_wp_newCategory action no 1
2255 xmlrpc_call_success_wp_newComment action no 1
2256 xmlrpc_chunk_parsing_size filter no 1
2257 xmlrpc_default_posttype_fields filter no 2
2258 xmlrpc_default_post_fields filter no 2
2259 xmlrpc_default_revision_fields filter no 1
2260 xmlrpc_default_taxonomy_fields filter no 2
2261 xmlrpc_default_user_fields filter no 3
2262 xmlrpc_element_limit filter no 1
2263 xmlrpc_enabled filter no 1
2264 xmlrpc_login_error filter no 1
2265 xmlrpc_methods filter no 1
2266 xmlrpc_pingback_error filter no 1
2267 xmlrpc_prepare_comment filter no 1
2268 xmlrpc_prepare_media_item filter no 1
2269 xmlrpc_prepare_page filter no 1
2270 xmlrpc_prepare_post filter no 1
2271 xmlrpc_prepare_post_type filter no 1
2272 xmlrpc_prepare_taxonomy filter no 1
2273 xmlrpc_prepare_term filter no 1
2274 xmlrpc_prepare_user filter no 1
2275 xmlrpc_publish_post action no 1
2276 xmlrpc_rsd_apis action no 1
2277 xmlrpc_text_filters filter no 1
2278 xmlrpc_wp_insert_post_data filter no 1
2279 x_redirect_by filter no 1
2280 year_link filter no 1
2281 _admin_menu action no 1
2282 _core_updated_successfully action no 1
2283 _get_page_link filter no 1
2284 _network_admin_menu action no 1
2285 _user_admin_menu action no 1
2286 _wp_post_revision_fields filter no 1
2287 _wp_post_revision_field_{$field} note filter no 2
2288 _wp_put_post_revision action no 1
2289 _wp_relative_upload_path filter no 1
2290 {$action}_prefilter note filter no 1
2291 {$adjacent}_image_link note filter no 1
2292 {$adjacent}_post_link note filter no 1
2293 {$adjacent}_post_rel_link note filter no 1
2294 {$args[0]} note filter no 1
2295 {$args} note action no 2
2296 {$arg} note action YES 1
2297 {$boundary}_post_rel_link note filter no 1
2298 {$context}_memory_limit note filter no 1
2299 {$field_no_prefix}_edit_pre note filter no 1
2300 {$field_no_prefix}_save_pre note filter no 1
2301 {$field} note filter no 3
2302 {$field}_pre note filter no 1
2303 {$hook} note action no 1
2304 {$new_status}_{$post->post_type} note action no 1
2305 {$old_status}_to_{$new_status} note action no 1
2306 {$option} note filter no 2
2307 {$page_hook} note action no 1
2308 {$permastructname}_rewrite_rules note filter no 1
2309 {$tag} note action no 3
2310 {$tag} note filter no 3
2311 {$taxonomy}_add_form note action no 1
2312 {$taxonomy}_add_form_fields note action no 1
2313 {$taxonomy}_edit_form note action no 1
2314 {$taxonomy}_edit_form_fields note action no 1
2315 {$taxonomy}_pre_add_form note action no 1
2316 {$taxonomy}_pre_edit_form note action no 1
2317 {$taxonomy}_row_actions note filter no 1
2318 {$taxonomy}_term_edit_form_tag note action no 1
2319 {$taxonomy}_term_edit_form_top note action no 1
2320 {$taxonomy}_term_new_form_tag note action no 1
2321 {$taxonomy}_{$field} note filter no 1
2322 {$taxonomy}_{$field}_rss note filter no 1
2323 {$type}_send_to_editor_url note filter no 2
2324 {$type}_template note filter no 1
2325 {$type}_template_hierarchy note filter no 1
2326 {$type}_upload_iframe_src note filter no 1
2327 {$value} note filter no 2

Important warning about variable hooks

Some hooks have variables in their names. For example, pre_${taxonomy}_$field and admin_head- both have variable names. In general, any hook that ends (or begins) with - or _, or contains a $, has a variable name. Since the syntax with which these variables are defined may change from version to version, this page may think that a hook is deprecated (or new) even if it is not. You can usually catch this sort of thing by comparing this hook to the list of "related hooks" below.