Adam R Brown
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Comparative Politics
Acemoglu, Johnson, and Robinson: The colonial origins of comparative development
Aldrich: Why parties
Ames: Electoral strategy under open-list proportional representation
Andeweg: Consociational democracy
Arriola: Where there is no alternative
Batto: The adverse consequences of trust in government
Baum: Breaking authoritarian bonds
Bermeo: Ordinary people in extraordinary times
Berrebi and Klor: Are Voters Sensitive to Terrorism? Direct Evidence from the Israeli Electorate
Bhavnani: Do Electoral Quotas Work after They Are Withdrawn? Evidence from a Natural Experiment in India
Blais: To vote or note to vote
Boix: Setting the rules of the game
Bratton and Van de Walle: Democratic experiments in Africa
Bratton, Mattes, and Gyimah-Boadi: Public opinion, democracy, and market reform in Africa
Brubaker and Laitin: Ethnic and nationalist violence
Calvo and Murillo: Who delivers
Carey and Shugart: Incentives to cultivate a personal vote
Chandler: Federalism and political parties. In Federalism and the Role of the State, Herman Bakvis and Willia
Cheibub: Presidentialism and democratic performance
Cheng and Haggard: Democracy and deficits in Taiwan
Chhibber and Kollman: Party aggregation and the number of parties in India and the United States
Cohen, McCubbins, and Rosenbluth: The political economy or nuclear power
Collier: Paths toward democracy
Comisso: Federalism and nationalism in post-socialist eastern Europe
Cox and McCubbins: Setting the agenda
Cox and McCubbins: The Institutional Determinants of Economic Policy Outcomes
Cox: Electoral rules and electoral coordination
Cox: Making votes count
Cox: The Efficient Secret
Crisp, Moreno, and Shugart: The accountability deficit in Latin America
Dalton and Wattenberg: Parties without partisans
De Figueiredo, Spiller, and Urbiztondo: An informational perspective on adminsitrative procedures
Denny and Doyle: Does Voting History Matter? Analysing Persistence in Turnout
Desposato: The impact of electoral rules on legislative parties
Dewan and Myatt: The Declining Talent Pool of Government
Diaz-Cayeros, Magaloni, and Weingast: Tragic brilliance
Dickson and Scheve: Social identity, political speech, and electoral competition
Dixit and Londregan: The determinants of success of special interests in redistributive politics
Downs: An economic theory of democracy
Downs: Inside bureaucracy
Doyle: Kant, liberal legacies, and foreign affairs
Eaton: Can politicians control bureaucrats
Edelman: Social movements
Epstein and O'Halloran: Administrative procedures, information, and agency discretion
Epstein and O'Halloran: Delegating Powers
Ertman: Birth of the leviathan
Evans and Rauch: Bureaucracy and growth
Fama: Agency problems and the theory of the firm
Fearon and Laitin: Explaining interethnic cooperation
Ferejohn and Shipan: Congressional influence on administrative agencies
Ferejohn: Incumbent performance and electoral control
Ferree: Explaining South Africa's racial census
Ferree: The social origins of electoral volatility in Africa
Figueiredo and Limongi: Presidential power, legislative organization, and party behavior in Brazil
Fish: The determinants of economic reforms in the post-Communist world
Franklin: Voter turnout and the dynamics of electoral competition in established democracies since 1945
Geddes: Politician's Dilemma
Geddes: What do we know about democratization after 20 years
Geisler: Fair
Geys: Explaining voter turnout
Gibson: A sober second thought
Gimpelson and Treisman: Fiscal games and public employment
Golden: Electoral connections
Greif: Self-enforcing political systems and economic growth
Gurr: Peoples versus States
Gurr: Why men rebel
Gutmann: Democracy
Haas: What is nationalism and why should we study it
Haggard and Kaufman: The political economy of democratic transitions
Haggard and Noble: Power politics
Harff: No lessons learned from the Holocaust
Hechter and Okamoto: Political consequences of minority group formation
Heclo: A government of strangers
Hicken: Engineering aggregation
Holmes: Precommitment and the paradox of democracy
Hont: The permanent crisis of a divided mankind
Horowitz: Ethnic groups in conflict
Huber and Lupia: Cabinet instability and delegation in parliamentary democracies
Huber and McCarty: Bureaucratic capacity, delegation, and political reform
Huber and Shipan: Deliberate discretion
Huber: Delegation to civil servants in parliamentary democracies
Huntington: The Clash of Civilizations
Hyde: Can international election observers deter fraud
Jackman and Miller: Social capital and politics
Jowitt: New World Disorder
Kato: Politicians, bureaucrats, and interest groups in Japan
Katzenstein and et al: The role of theory in comparative politics
Kaviraj and Khilnani: Civil society
Keck: Social equity and environmental politics in Brazil
Keefer: Clientelism, Credibility, and Democracy
Kiewiet and McCubbins: The Logic of Delegation
Kitschelt: Linkages between citizens and politicans in democratic politics
Kopstein and Reilly: Explaining the why of the why
Korpi and Palme: New politics and class politics in the context of austerity and globalization
Krasner: Approaches to the state
La Porta, Lopez de Silanes, Pop Eleches, and Shleifer: Judicial Checks and Balances
Lake and Rothchild: Territorial decentralization and civil war settlements
Laver and Shepsle: Coalitions and Cabinet Government
Legro: Military culture and inadvertent escalation in World War II
Lehoucq and Molina: Stuffing the ballot box
Levitsky and Cameron: Political parties and regime change in Fujimori's Peru
Lijphart: Comparative politics and the comparative method
Lijphart: Democracy in plural societies
Lijphart: Multiethnic democracy
Lijphart: Patterns of democracy
Lijphart: The wave of power-sharing democracy
Linkberg: It's our time to chop
Linz and Stepan: Problems of democratic transition and consolidation
Linz: Presidential or Parliamentary Democracy
Lipset and Rokkan: Party systems and voter alignments
Lowi: The end of liberalism
Luebbert: Social foundations of political order in interwar Europe
Lustick: Stability in divided societies
MacIntyre: Institutions and Investors
Mackie: Ending footbinding and infibulation
Magagna: Communities of grain
Mainwaring and Scully: Building democratic institutions
Mainwaring and Shugart: Presidentialism and Democracy in Latin America
Makumba: Zimbabwe's hijacked election
Manin, Przeworski, and Stokes: Elections and representation
March and Olson: Institutional Perspectives on Political Institutions
Mares: Strategic alliances and social policy reform
Martin and Stevenson: Government formation in parliamentary democracies
McCubbins and Noble: Perceptions and realities of Japanese budgeting
McCubbins and Schwartz: Congressional oversight overlooked
McCubbins and Thies: As a matter of factions
Mishler and Rose: What are the origins of political trust
Moe: Political institutions
Moore: Social origins of dictatorship and democracy
Moser: Electoral systems and the number of parties in postcommunist states
Mueller: Public Choice III
Muller and Seligson: Inequality and insurgency
Muller and Strom: Policy, office, or votes
Nacif: Understanding party discipline in the Mexican Chamber of Deputies
Narizny: Both guns and butter, or neither
Nichter: Vote Buying or Turnout Buying? Machine Politics and the Secret Ballot
Niou and Paolino: The rise of the opposition party in Taiwan
Norris: Democratic Phoenix
North: A neoclassical theory of the state
O'Donnell: Illusions and conceptual flaws
Olson: Dictatorship, Democracy, and Development
Patel: Ayatollahs on the Pareto Frontier
Popkin: Public choice and rural development
Posada-Carba: Democracy, parties, and political finance in Latin America
Posner: Institutions and ethnic politics in Africa
Powell: Elections as instruments of democracy
Przeworski and Wallerstein: The structure of class conflict in democratic capitalist societies
Przeworski, Alvarez, Cheibub, and Limongi: Democracy and development
Przeworski, Alvarez, Cheibub, and Limongi: What makes democracies endure
Przeworski: Democracy and the market
Putnam: Making Democracy Work
Ramseyer and Rosenbluth: Japan's political marketplace
Reilly: Democracy in divided societies
Rigger: Machine politics in protracted transition in Taiwan
Riker: Federalism, in Handbook of Political Science
Riker: Political science and rational choice
Rodden: The dilemma of fiscal federalism
Roeder: Power dividing as an alternative to ethnic power-sharing
Rogowski: Political cleavages and changing exposure to trade
Rokkan: State formation, nation-building, and mass politics in Europe
Rose: The end of consensus in Austria and Switzerland
Rustow: Transitions to democracy
Samuels: Concurrent elections, discordant results
Samuels: The gubernatorial coattails effect
Schaffer: Democracy in translation
Schamis: Distributional coalitions and the politics of economic reform in Latin America
Scheiner: Democracy without competition in japan
Schumpeter: Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy
Shapiro: Democracy Innovation
Shepsle: Studying Institutions
Shugart and Carey: Presidents and Assemblies
Shugart and Haggard: Institutions and Public Policy in Presidential Systems
Shugart: Presidentialism, parliamentarism, and the provision of collective goods in less-developed countries
Skocpol: States and social revolutions
Snyder: From voting to violence
Soskice: Divergent production regimes
Spruyt: Institutional selection in international relations
Stallings: International influence on economic policy, debt stabilization, and structural reform
Steinmo, Thelen, and Longstreth: Structuring Politics
Stepan and Skach: Presidentialism and Parliamentarism Compared
Stokes: Perverse accountability
Strom: Agency and Parliamentary Democracy
Strom: Delegation and accountability in parliamentary democracies
Tarrow: Power in movement
Tarrow: Transnational political contention and institutions in international politics
Tavits: The development of stable party support
Thies: Keeping tabs on partners
Treisman: Political decentralization and economic reform
Treisman: The causes of corruption
Tsebelis and Money: Bicameralism
Tsebelis: Nested games
Tsebelis: Veto Players
Volden: A formal model of the politics of delegation in a separation of powers system
Wantchekon: Clientelism and voting behavior
Weber: Class, status, party
Weber: Methodology of the Social Sciences
Weber: The Protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism
Weingast: The economic role of political institutions
Wilkinson: Votes and violence
Wilson: Bureaucracy