Adam R Brown
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Public Opinion
Abramowitz and Saunders: Ideological realignment in the American electorate
Alford, Funk, and Hibbing: Are political orientations genetically transmitted
Ansolabehere and Iyengar: Riding the wave and claiming ownership over issues
Ansolabehere and Jones: Constituents' Responses to Congressional Roll-Call Voting
Arceneaux: The federal face of voting
Atkeson and Partin: Candidate Advertisemens, media coverage, and citizen attitudes
Atkeson and Partin: Economic and referendum voting
Atkeson and Partin: Economic and referendum voting and the problem of data choice
Bartels: Constituency opinion and Congressional policy making
Bartels: Messages received
Batto: The adverse consequences of trust in government
Baum and Kernell: Has cable ended the golden age of presidential television
Baum: Talking the vote
Berinsky: The two faces of public opinion
Brace, Sims-Butler, Arceneaux, and Johnson: Public opinion in the American states
Brader: Striking a responsive chord
Bratton, Mattes, and Gyimah-Boadi: Public opinion, democracy, and market reform in Africa
Brown: Gubernatorial approval and strategic entry in the 2006 elections
Campbell, Green, and Layman: The Party Faithful: Partisan Images, Candidate Religion, and the Electoral Impact of Party Identification
Campbell, Converse, Miller, and Stokes: The American voter
Carsey and Harden: New Measures of Partisanship, Ideology, and Policy Mood in the American States
Carsey and Wright: State and national factors in gubernatorial and senatorial elections
Chong and Druckman: Framing Public Opinion in Competitive Democracies
Clinton and Lapinski: "Targeted" advertising and voter turnout
Conover and Feldman: The origins and meaning of liberal/conservative self-identifications
Converse: The nature of belief systems in mass publics
Crew and Weiher: Gubernatorial popularity in three states
De Tocqueville: Democracy in America
Druckman, Kifer, and Parkin: Campaign Communications in U.S. Congressional Elections
Erikson, MacKuen, and Stimson: What moves macropartisanship
Erikson, Wright, and McIver: Statehouse democracy
Fiorina: Parties, participation, and representation in America
Freedman, Franz, and Goldstein: Campaign advertising and democratic citizenship
Gerber and Huber: Partisanship, Political Control, and Economic Assessments
Gerber et al: Personality and Political Attitudes: Relationships across Issue Domains and Political Contexts
Gibson: A sober second thought
Green, Palmquist, and Schickler: Macropartisanship
Hartz: The liberal tradition in America
Hibbs: Political parties and macroeconomic policy
Hillygus and Jackman: Voter decision making in election 2000
Hochschild: What's fair
Holbrook, Krosnick, Visser, and Gardner: Attitudes toward presidential candidates
Iyengar and Kinder: News that matters
Jacobson: Polarized opinion in the states
Johnston, Hagen, and Jamieson: Dynamics of the 2000 presidential campaign
Kernell: Explaining presidential popularity
Kirchgaessner and Schulz: Expected closeness or mobilisation
Lacy: A theory of nonseparable preferences in survey responses
Lau, Sigelman, Heldman, and Babbitt: The effects of negative political advertisements
Lawrence and Bennett: Rethinking media politics and public opinion
Lipset: Why no socialism in the United States
MacDonald and Sigelman: Public assessments of gubernatorial performance
MacKuen, Erikson, and Stimson: Macropartisanship
McCloskey and Brill: Dimensions of tolerance
McCloskey and Zaller: The American Ethos
Merrill, Grofman, and Brunell: Cycles in American National Electoral Politics, 1854-2006: Statistical Evidence and an Explanatory Model
Miller and Krosnick: News media impact on the ingredients of presidential evaluations
Miller, Krosnick, and Fabrigar: The origins of policy issue salience
Mondak et al: Personality and Civic Engagement: An Integrative Framework for the Study of Trait Effects on Political Behavior
Mutz: Effects of "in-your-face" television discourse on perceptions of a legitimate opposition
Page and Shapiro: Effects of public opinion on policy
Page, Shapiro, and Dempsey: What moves public opinion
Patel: Ayatollahs on the Pareto Frontier
Popkin, Gorman, Phillips, and Smith: Comment
Popkin: The reasoning voter
Schaffer: Democracy in translation
Schlozman and Verba: Unemployment, class consciousness, and radical politics
Sigelman and Kugler: Why is research on the effects of negative campaigning so inconclusive
Smith: Beyond Tocqueville, Myrdal, and Hartz
Smith: The levels of conceptualization
Sniderman and Hagen: Race and inequality
Snyder: Myths of empire
Stapel and Schwarz: The Republican who did not want to become president
Stimson: Public opinion in America
Theilmann and Wilhite: Campaign tactics and the decision to attack
Zaller and Feldman: A simple theory of the survey response
Zaller: Monica Lewinsky's contribution to political science
Zaller: The nature and origins of mass opinion