Adam R Brown
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Abramowitz and Saunders: Ideological realignment in the American electorate
Abramowitz and Segal: Beyond Willie Horton and the Pledge of Allegiance
Abramowitz and Segal: Beyond Willie Horton and the Pledge of Allegiance
Abramowitz and Segal: Beyond Willie Horton and the Pledge of Allegiance
Abramson, Aldrich, Paolino, and Rohde: 'Sophisticated' voting in the 1988 presidential primaries
Ackerman and Fishkin: Deliberation day
Aldrich, Sullivan, and Borgida: Foreign affairs and issue voting
Alesina and Rosenthal: Partisan cycles in Congressional elections and the macroeconomy
Ansolabehere and Jones: Constituents' Responses to Congressional Roll-Call Voting
Ansolabehere and Konisky: The introduction of voter registration and its effect on turnout
Arceneaux and Nickerson: Who is Mobilized to Vote? A Re-Analysis of 11 Field Experiments
Arceneaux: The federal face of voting
Arneson: Democracy is not intrinsically just
Arneson: Democracy is not intrinsically just
Atkeson and Partin: Candidate Advertisemens, media coverage, and citizen attitudes
Atkeson and Partin: Economic and referendum voting
Atkeson and Partin: Economic and referendum voting
Atkeson and Partin: Economic and referendum voting and the problem of data choice
Balz: Ready to Lead on Day One: Predicting Presidential Greatness from Political Experience
Baron: Political action versus voluntarism in social dilemmas and aid for the needy
Bartels: Partisanship and voting behavior, 1952-1996
Basinger and Lavine: Ambivalence, information, and electoral chioce
Basinger and Lavine: Ambivalence, information, and electoral chioce
Berelson, Lazarsfeld, and McPhee: Voting
Bhavnani: Do Electoral Quotas Work after They Are Withdrawn? Evidence from a Natural Experiment in India
Blais: To vote or note to vote
Brady, Verba, and Schlozman: Beyond SES
Braham and Holler: Distributing causal responsibility in collectives
Brennan and Hamlin: Democratic devices and desires
Brennan and Lomasky: Democracy and decision
Brodsky and Thompson: Ethos, public choice, and referendum voting
Bryan et al: Motivating Voter Turnout by Invoking the Self
Burnham: Critical elections and the mainsprings of American politics
Burnham: Party systems and the political process
Burnham: The Current Crisis in American Politics
Camerer and Fehr: When does 'economic man' dominate social behavior
Campbell, Green, and Layman: The Party Faithful: Partisan Images, Candidate Religion, and the Electoral Impact of Party Identification
Campbell, Converse, Miller, and Stokes: The American voter
Carsey and Wright: State and national factors in gubernatorial and senatorial elections
Carson et al: The Electoral Costs of Party Loyalty in Congress
Chandra: Why ethnic parties succeed
Chong, Citrin, and Conley: When self-interest matters
Chubb: Institutions, the economy, and the dynamics of state elections
Chubb: Institutions, the economy, and the dynamics of state elections
Chubb: Institutions, the economy, and the dynamics of state elections
Clinton and Lapinski: "Targeted" advertising and voter turnout
Coate and Conlin: A group rule-utilitarian approach to voter turnout
Coate, Conlin, and Moro: The performance of the pivotal-voter model in small-scale elections
Conradt and Roper: Consensus decision making in animals
Converse: The nature of belief systems in mass publics
Cook and Gronke: The skeptical American
Cox: Making votes count
Crew and Weiher: Gubernatorial popularity in three states
Crew and Weiher: Gubernatorial popularity in three states
Crisp, Moreno, and Shugart: The accountability deficit in Latin America
Dalton and Wattenberg: Parties without partisans
Davenport: Public Accountability and Political Participation: Effects of Face-to-Face Feedback Intervention on Voter Turnout of Public Housing Residents
Denny and Doyle: Does Voting History Matter? Analysing Persistence in Turnout
Dewan and Myatt: The Declining Talent Pool of Government
Dickson and Scheve: Social identity, political speech, and electoral competition
Dowding: Is it rational to vote
Downs: An economic theory of democracy
Druckman, Kifer, and Parkin: Campaign Communications in U.S. Congressional Elections
Dubner and Levitt: Why vote
Ebeid and Rodden: Economic geography and economic voting
Ebeid and Rodden: Economic geography and economic voting
Ebeid and Rodden: Economic geography and economic voting
Edlin, Gelman, and Kaplan: Voting as a rational choice
Erikson, MacKuen, and Stimson: What moves macropartisanship
Estlund: Beyond fairness and deliberation
Estlund: Beyond fairness and deliberation
Feddersen and Sandroni: A theory of participation in elections
Feddersen, Gailmard, and Sandroni: Moral Bias in Large Elections: Theory and Experimental Evidence
Feddersen: Rational choice theory and the paradox of not voting
Ferejohn: Incumbent performance and electoral control
Ferree: Explaining South Africa's racial census
Finkel and Muller: Rational choice and the dynamics of collective political action
Fiorina, Abrams, and Pope: The 2000 US Presidential election
Fiorina, Abrams, and Pope: The 2000 US Presidential election
Fiorina: Parties and partisanship
Fiorina: Parties and partisanship
Fiorina: Retrospective Voting in American Elections
Fowler: Altruism and turnout
Fowler: Habitual voting and behavioral turnout
Fowler: Turnout in a small world
Franklin: Voter turnout and the dynamics of electoral competition in established democracies since 1945
Frey and Stutzer: Beyond outcomes
Frey and Stutzer: Beyond outcomes
Funk and Garcia-Monet: The relationship between personal and national concerns in public perceptions about the economy
Funk: The dual influence of self-interest and societal interest in public opinion
Geisler: Fair
Gerber and Green: Do phone calls increase voter turnout
Gerber and Green: Rational learning and partisan attitudes
Gerber et al: Personality and Political Attitudes: Relationships across Issue Domains and Political Contexts
Gerber, Green, and Larimer: An Experiment Testing the Relative Effectiveness of Encouraging Voter Participation by Inducing Feelings of Pride or Shame
Gerber, Green, and Larimer: Social Pressure and Voter Turnout: Evidence from a Large-Scale Field Experiment
Gerber, Green, and Shachar: Voting may be habit-forming
Geys: 'Rational' theories of voter turnout
Geys: Explaining voter turnout
Goldman: A causal responsibility approach to voting
Goodin and Roberts: The ethical voter
Gordon, Huber, and Landa: Challenger entry and voter learning
Gordon, Huber, and Landa: Challenger entry and voter learning
Grafstein: An evidential decision theory of turnout
Green and Gerber: Introduction to Social Pressure and Voting: New Experimental Evidence
Green and Shachar: Habit formation and political behaviour
Guth, Kellstedt, Smidt, and Green: Religious mobilization in the 2004 presidential election
Hetherington: The effect of political trust on the presidential vote, 1968-96
Hillygus and Jackman: Voter decision making in election 2000
Holt and Smith: A selective survey of experiments in political science
Hyde: Can international election observers deter fraud
Jacobson: Polarized politics and the 2004 Congressional and presidential elections
Jacobson: Strategic politicians and the dynamics of House elections, 1946-1986
Jacobson: The politics of Congressional elections
Jankowski: Altruism and the decision to vote
Jankowski: Buying a lottery ticket to help the poor
Johnston, Hagen, and Jamieson: Dynamics of the 2000 presidential campaign
Jones: Partisan Polarization and Congressional Accountability in House Elections
Kanazawa: A new solution to the collective action problem
Kenney: The effect of state economic conditions on the vote for governor
Kenney: The effect of state economic conditions on the vote for governor
Kenney: The effect of state economic conditions on the vote for governor
Kernell: Presidential popularity and negative voting
Key: A theory of critical elections
Key: The responsible electorate
Kinder and Kiewiet: Sociotropic politics
Kirchgaessner and Schulz: Expected closeness or mobilisation
Larocca and Klemanski: U.S. State Election Reform and Turnout in Presidential Elections
Lehoucq and Molina: Stuffing the ballot box
Leighley: Group membership and the mobilization of political participation
Leyden and Borrelli: The effect of state economic conditions on gubernatorial elections
List and Goodin: Epistemic democracy
List and Goodin: Epistemic democracy
Lupia and McCubbins: The Democratic Dilemma
Lupia, Levine, Menning, and Sin: Were Bush tax cut supporters simply ignorant
Lupia, Levine, Menning, and Sin: Were Bush tax cut supporters simply ignorant
Lupia: Busy voters, agenda control, and the power of information
MacKuen, Erikson, and Stimson: Macropartisanship
Mann: Is There Backlash to Social Pressure? A Large-scale Field Experiment on Voter Mobilization
Masket: No Middle Ground: How Informal Party Organizations Control Nominations and Polarize Legislatures
Mayhew: Electoral realignments
McDonald and Popkin: The myth of the vanishing voter
Meehl: The selfish voter paradox and the thrown-away vote argument
Meehl: The selfish voter paradox and the thrown-away vote argument
Meltzer and Richards: A rational theory of the size of government
Merrill, Grofman, and Brunell: Cycles in American National Electoral Politics, 1854-2006: Statistical Evidence and an Explanatory Model
Miller, Krosnick, and Fabrigar: The origins of policy issue salience
Miller, Krosnick, and Fabrigar: The origins of policy issue salience
Mondak et al: Personality and Civic Engagement: An Integrative Framework for the Study of Trait Effects on Political Behavior
Mueller: Public Choice III
Mughan and Lacy: Economic performance, job insecurity, and electoral choice
Mughan and Lacy: Economic performance, job insecurity, and electoral choice
Nichter: Vote Buying or Turnout Buying? Machine Politics and the Secret Ballot
Nickerson: Is Voting Contagious? Evidence from Two Field Experiments
Nie et al: The World Wide Web and the U.S. Political News Market
Niemi and Jennings: Issues and inheritance in the formation of party identification
Niemi, Stanley, and Vogel: State economies and state taxes
Niemi, Stanley, and Vogel: State economies and state taxes
Niemi, Stanley, and Vogel: State economies and state taxes
Norris: Democratic Phoenix
Opp: Why do people vote
Palfrey: Laboratory experiments in political economy
Panagopoulos: Timing is Everything? Primacy and Recency Effects in Voter Mobilization Campaigns
Parfit: Reasons and persons
Peltzman: Economic conditions and gubernatorial elections
Peltzman: Economic conditions and gubernatorial elections
Peltzman: Economic conditions and gubernatorial elections
Popkin, Gorman, Phillips, and Smith: Comment
Popkin, Gorman, Phillips, and Smith: Comment
Popkin: The reasoning voter
Posner: Institutions and ethnic politics in Africa
Powell: Elections as instruments of democracy
Prins: Ecology and behavior of the African buffalo
Quattrone and Tversky: Causal versus diagnostic contingencies
Quattrone and Tversky: Contrasting rational and psychological analyses of political choice
Riker and Ordeshook: A theory of the calculus of voting
Rosenstone and Hansen: Mobilization, participation, and American democracy
Rudolph: Who's responsible for the economy
Rudolph: Who's responsible for the economy
Rudolph: Who's responsible for the economy
Samuels: Concurrent elections, discordant results
Schlozman, Verba, and Brady: Participation's not a paradox
Sears and Funk: The limited effect of economic self-interest on the political attitudes of the mass public
Shabman and Stephenson: A critique of the self-interested voter model
Sondheimer and Green: Using Experiments to Estimate the Effects of Education on Voter Turnout
Squire: Challenger profile and gubernatorial elections
Stapel and Schwarz: The Republican who did not want to become president
Stein: Economic voting for governor and U.S. Senator
Stein: Economic voting for governor and U.S. Senator
Tavits: The development of stable party support
Thompson: Just elections
Thompson: Just elections
Thompson: Moral responsibility of public officials
Tompkins: Have gubernatorial elections become more distinctive contests
Tomz and Van Houweling: Candidate Positioning and Voter Choice
Tsebelis: Nested games
Turett: The vulnerability of American governors, 1900-1969
Verba and Nie: Participation in America
Verba, Schlozman, Brady, and Nie: Citizen activity
Waldron: Law and disagreement
Waldron: Law and disagreement
Wantchekon: Clientelism and voting behavior
Westlye: Senate elections and campaign intensity
Wolfinger and Rosenstone: Who votes
Wright: Causation in tort law
Zaller: Monica Lewinsky's contribution to political science
Zaller: Monica Lewinsky's contribution to political science