Adam R Brown
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Alesina and Rosenthal: Partisan cycles in Congressional elections and the macroeconomy
Ames: Electoral strategy under open-list proportional representation
Ansolabehere and Jones: Constituents' Responses to Congressional Roll-Call Voting
Ansolabehere, de Figueiredo, and Snyder: Why is there so little money in US politics
Arceneaux: The federal face of voting
Argersinger: A place on the ballot
Argersinger: A place on the ballot
Atkeson and Partin: Economic and referendum voting
Atkeson and Partin: Economic and referendum voting and the problem of data choice
Bartels: Constituency opinion and Congressional policy making
Boix: Setting the rules of the game
Brader: Striking a responsive chord
Brown: Gubernatorial approval and strategic entry in the 2006 elections
Campbell, Green, and Layman: The Party Faithful: Partisan Images, Candidate Religion, and the Electoral Impact of Party Identification
Carey and Shugart: Incentives to cultivate a personal vote
Carsey and Wright: State and national factors in gubernatorial and senatorial elections
Carsey: Campaign dynamics
Carsey: Campaign dynamics
Carson et al: The Electoral Costs of Party Loyalty in Congress
Carson, Engstrom, and Roberts: Candidate quality, the personal vote, and the incumbency advantage in Congress
Carson, Engstrom, and Roberts: Candidate quality, the personal vote, and the incumbency advantage in Congress
Chubb: Institutions, the economy, and the dynamics of state elections
Clinton and Lapinski: "Targeted" advertising and voter turnout
Cox and Katz: Why did the incumbency advantage in U.S. House elections grow
Cox: Electoral rules and electoral coordination
Cox: Making votes count
Cox: The Efficient Secret
Crew and Weiher: Gubernatorial popularity in three states
Desposato: The impact of electoral rules on legislative parties
Druckman, Kifer, and Parkin: Campaign Communications in U.S. Congressional Elections
Ebeid and Rodden: Economic geography and economic voting
Engstrom and Kernell: Manufactured responsiveness
Fenno: Homestyle
Fenno: U.S. House members in their constituencies
Ferejohn: Incumbent performance and electoral control
Ferree: The social origins of electoral volatility in Africa
Figueiredo and Limongi: Presidential power, legislative organization, and party behavior in Brazil
Fiorina: Some problems in studying the effects of resource allocation in Congressional elections
Fiorina: The case of the vanishing marginals
Freedman, Franz, and Goldstein: Campaign advertising and democratic citizenship
Geisler: Fair
Gerber and Morton: Primary election systems and representation
Gordon, Huber, and Landa: Challenger entry and voter learning
Hicken: Engineering aggregation
Hogan: The costs of representation in state legislatures
Holbrook, Krosnick, Visser, and Gardner: Attitudes toward presidential candidates
Hyde: Can international election observers deter fraud
Jacobson and Kernell: Strategy and choice in Congressional elections
Jacobson: Polarized opinion in the states
Jacobson: Polarized politics and the 2004 Congressional and presidential elections
Jacobson: Strategic politicians and the dynamics of House elections, 1946-1986
Jacobson: The marginals never vanished
Jacobson: The politics of Congressional elections
Johannes and McAdams: The Congressional incumbency effect
Jones: Partisan Polarization and Congressional Accountability in House Elections
Kaufmann, Gimpel, and Hoffman: A promise fulfilled
Kenney: The effect of state economic conditions on the vote for governor
Kernell: Presidential popularity and negative voting
Key: Southern politics in state and nation
Kirchgaessner and Schulz: Expected closeness or mobilisation
Lau, Sigelman, Heldman, and Babbitt: The effects of negative political advertisements
Lehoucq and Molina: Stuffing the ballot box
Levitsky and Cameron: Political parties and regime change in Fujimori's Peru
Leyden and Borrelli: The effect of state economic conditions on gubernatorial elections
MacDonald and Sigelman: Public assessments of gubernatorial performance
Mainwaring and Shugart: Presidentialism and Democracy in Latin America
Makumba: Zimbabwe's hijacked election
Manin, Przeworski, and Stokes: Elections and representation
Marshall: Turnout and representation
Masket: No Middle Ground: How Informal Party Organizations Control Nominations and Polarize Legislatures
Mayhew: Congress
Mayhew: Congressional elections
McAdams and Johannes: Does casework matter
Meltzer and Richards: A rational theory of the size of government
Moser: Electoral systems and the number of parties in postcommunist states
Mutz: Effects of "in-your-face" television discourse on perceptions of a legitimate opposition
Niemi, Stanley, and Vogel: State economies and state taxes
Norris: Electoral engineering
Peltzman: Economic conditions and gubernatorial elections
Posada-Carba: Democracy, parties, and political finance in Latin America
Powell: Elections as instruments of democracy
Reilly: Democracy in divided societies
Riker: Federalism, in Handbook of Political Science
Rohde: Risk bearing and progressive ambition
Samuels: Concurrent elections, discordant results
Samuels: The gubernatorial coattails effect
Schattschneider: Party government
Shugart and Carey: Presidents and Assemblies
Sigelman and Kugler: Why is research on the effects of negative campaigning so inconclusive
Snyder: From voting to violence
Squire: Challenger profile and gubernatorial elections
Squire: Challenger profile and gubernatorial elections
Stein: Economic voting for governor and U.S. Senator
Tavits: The development of stable party support
Theilmann and Wilhite: Campaign tactics and the decision to attack
Thompson and Moncrief: Campaign finance in state legislative elections
Thompson, Cassie, and Jewell: A sacred cow or just a lot of bull
Tompkins: Have gubernatorial elections become more distinctive contests
Tompkins: Have gubernatorial elections become more distinctive contests
Turett: The vulnerability of American governors, 1900-1969
Turett: The vulnerability of American governors, 1900-1969
Westlye: Senate elections and campaign intensity
Wilkinson: Votes and violence
Zaller: The nature and origins of mass opinion