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List of all deprecated WordPress hooks

WordPress coders, theme authors, and plugin developers use the hooks listed below to change how WordPress behaves without needing to edit any PHP source files. Use this index to identify the WordPress hooks that you need.

Hook Type Appearance In 6.7?
1 active_plugins filter 2.9 DEPRECATED
2 added_postmeta action 2.9 DEPRECATED
3 add_category action 1.5.2 DEPRECATED
4 add_category_form_pre action 2.1 DEPRECATED
5 add_link_category_form_pre action 2.3 DEPRECATED
6 add_option_{$name} note action 2.5 DEPRECATED
7 add_site_option_{$key} note action 2.9 DEPRECATED
8 add_tag_form action 2.7 DEPRECATED
9 add_tag_form_pre action 2.5 DEPRECATED
10 admin_footer-press-this-php action 4.2 DEPRECATED
11 admin_head-press-this-php action 3.7 DEPRECATED
12 admin_head-{$page_hook} note action 2.1 DEPRECATED
13 admin_head-{$plugin_page} note action 2.1 DEPRECATED
14 admin_head{$hook_suffix} note action 2.6 DEPRECATED
15 admin_print_footer_scripts-press-this-php action 4.6 DEPRECATED
16 admin_print_scripts-press-this-php action 3.7 DEPRECATED
17 admin_print_scripts-{$page_hook} note action 2.1 DEPRECATED
18 admin_print_scripts-{$plugin_page} note action 2.1 DEPRECATED
19 admin_print_scripts{$hook_suffix} note action 2.6 DEPRECATED
20 admin_print_styles-press-this-php action 3.7 DEPRECATED
21 admin_print_styles{$hook_suffix} note action 2.6 DEPRECATED
22 admin_user_info_links filter 3.0 DEPRECATED
23 after_theme_row_{$theme_key} note action 3.1 DEPRECATED
24 akismet_comment_form_privacy_notice_url_display filter 5.0 DEPRECATED
25 akismet_comment_form_privacy_notice_url_hide filter 5.0 DEPRECATED
26 akismet_tabs action 2.5 DEPRECATED
27 allowed_block_types filter 5.0 DEPRECATED
28 all_options filter 1.5.2 DEPRECATED
29 app_entry action 3.0 DEPRECATED
30 app_head action 3.0 DEPRECATED
31 app_ns action 3.0 DEPRECATED
32 app_publish_post action 2.2 DEPRECATED
33 atompub_create_post action 2.8 DEPRECATED
34 atompub_put_post action 2.8 DEPRECATED
35 atom_service_url filter 2.5 DEPRECATED
36 audio_send_to_editor_url filter 2.8 DEPRECATED
37 audio_upload_iframe_src filter 2.5 DEPRECATED
38 author_template filter 3.0 DEPRECATED
39 auth_post_meta_{$meta_key} note filter 3.3 DEPRECATED
40 auth_post_{$post_type}_meta_{$meta_key} note filter 4.6 DEPRECATED
41 auth_{$object_type}_{$sub_type}_meta_{$meta_key} note filter 4.7 DEPRECATED
42 autosave_generate_nonces action 2.9 DEPRECATED
43 autosave_interval filter 2.1 DEPRECATED
44 block_categories filter 5.0 DEPRECATED
45 block_editor_preload_paths filter 5.0 DEPRECATED
46 block_editor_settings filter 5.0 DEPRECATED
47 blog_details filter 3.0 DEPRECATED
48 blog_option_{$setting} note filter 3.0 DEPRECATED
49 bulk_actions-{$screen->id} note filter 3.1 DEPRECATED
50 category_archive_meta filter 3.2 DEPRECATED
51 category_rewrite_rules filter 1.5.2 DEPRECATED
52 category_save_pre filter 1.5.2 Renamed in WP 2.3 (details)
53 category_template filter 1.5.2 DEPRECATED
54 cat_id_filter filter 2.1 DEPRECATED
55 cat_row filter 2.3 DEPRECATED
56 cat_rows filter 2.1 DEPRECATED
57 cat_row_actions filter 2.8 DEPRECATED
58 codepress_supported_langs filter 2.8 DEPRECATED
59 comments_popup_template filter 1.5.2 DEPRECATED
60 comment_content_presave filter 1.5.2 DEPRECATED
61 comment_relatedlinks_list action 2.5 DEPRECATED
62 comment_status_pre filter 2.0 Renamed in WP 2.3 (details)
63 content_edit_pre filter 1.5.2 DEPRECATED
64 content_filtered_save_pre filter 2.0.11 Renamed in WP 2.3 (details)
65 contextual_help filter 2.7 DEPRECATED
66 contextual_help_list filter 2.7 DEPRECATED
67 core_files_loaded action 1.5.2 DEPRECATED
68 created_category action 2.2 Renamed in WP 2.3 (details)
69 create_category action 2.0 Renamed in WP 2.3 (details)
70 create_user_query filter 2.0 DEPRECATED
71 customize_save_{$this->id_data[base]} note action 3.4 DEPRECATED
72 customize_value_{$this->id_data[base]} note filter 3.4 DEPRECATED
73 dashboard_count_sentence filter 2.5 DEPRECATED
74 dashboard_incoming_links_feed filter 2.3 DEPRECATED
75 dashboard_incoming_links_link filter 2.3 DEPRECATED
76 dashmenu action 2.5 DEPRECATED
77 dbx_page_advanced action 2.0.11 DEPRECATED
78 dbx_page_sidebar action 2.0.11 DEPRECATED
79 dbx_post_advanced action 2.0.11 DEPRECATED
80 default_contextual_help filter 2.8 DEPRECATED
81 deleted_blog action 4.8 DEPRECATED
82 deleted_commentmeta action 2.9 DEPRECATED
83 delete_blog action 3.0 DEPRECATED
84 delete_category action 1.5.2 Renamed in WP 2.3 (details)
85 delete_commentmeta action 2.9 DEPRECATED
86 delete_site_option_{$key} note action 2.9 DEPRECATED
87 edited_category action 2.2 Renamed in WP 2.3 (details)
88 edit_category action 2.0 Renamed in WP 2.3 (details)
89 edit_category_form action 2.1 DEPRECATED
90 edit_category_form_fields action 2.9 DEPRECATED
91 edit_category_form_pre action 2.1 DEPRECATED
92 edit_custom_thumbnail_sizes filter 6.0 DEPRECATED
93 edit_link_category_form action 2.3 DEPRECATED
94 edit_link_category_form_fields action 2.9 DEPRECATED
95 edit_link_category_form_pre action 2.3 DEPRECATED
96 edit_pages_per_page filter 2.9 DEPRECATED
97 edit_tag_form action 2.5 DEPRECATED
98 edit_tag_form_fields action 2.9 DEPRECATED
99 edit_tag_form_pre action 2.5 DEPRECATED
100 edit_{$taxonomy}_per_page note filter 3.0 DEPRECATED
101 embed_googlevideo filter 2.9 DEPRECATED
102 embed_polldaddy filter 2.9 DEPRECATED
103 embed_template filter 4.4 DEPRECATED
104 enable_press_this_media_discovery filter 4.2 DEPRECATED
105 excerpt_edit_pre filter 1.5.2 Renamed in WP 2.3 (details)
106 explain_nonce_{$action} note filter 2.8 DEPRECATED
107 explain_nonce_{$verb}-{$noun} note filter 2.1 DEPRECATED
108 favorite_actions filter 2.7 DEPRECATED
109 file_send_to_editor_url filter 2.8 DEPRECATED
110 flash_uploader filter 2.5 DEPRECATED
111 format_to_post filter 1.2.1 DEPRECATED
112 front_page_template filter 3.0 DEPRECATED
113 get_categories filter 2.1 DEPRECATED
114 get_category filter 2.0.11 Renamed in WP 2.3 (details)
115 get_nested_categories filter 2.3 DEPRECATED
116 get_next_post_join filter 2.1 Renamed in WP 2.5 (details)
117 get_next_post_sort filter 2.1 Renamed in WP 2.5 (details)
118 get_next_post_where filter 2.1 Renamed in WP 2.5 (details)
119 get_previous_post_join filter 2.1 Renamed in WP 2.5 (details)
120 get_previous_post_sort filter 2.1 Renamed in WP 2.5 (details)
121 get_previous_post_where filter 2.1 Renamed in WP 2.5 (details)
122 global_terms_enabled filter 3.0 DEPRECATED
123 handle_bulk_actions->id} filter 4.7 DEPRECATED
124 hierarchical_post_types filter 2.8 DEPRECATED
125 home_template filter 1.5.2 DEPRECATED
126 http_api_transports filter 3.7 DEPRECATED
127 http_request_default_port filter 2.7 DEPRECATED
128 http_request_port filter 2.7 DEPRECATED
129 http_transport_get_debug action 2.8 DEPRECATED
130 http_transport_post_debug action 2.8 DEPRECATED
131 image_edit_before_change filter 2.9 DEPRECATED
132 image_save_pre filter 2.9 DEPRECATED
133 image_upload_iframe_src filter 2.5 DEPRECATED
134 import_allow_create_users filter 2.5 DEPRECATED
135 import_allow_fetch_attachments filter 2.5 DEPRECATED
136 import_attachment_size_limit filter 2.5 DEPRECATED
137 import_done action 2.2 DEPRECATED
138 import_end action 2.5 DEPRECATED
139 import_post_added action 2.5 DEPRECATED
140 import_post_meta action 2.5 DEPRECATED
141 import_post_meta_key filter 2.5 DEPRECATED
142 import_start action 2.5 DEPRECATED
143 install_feedback filter 2.7 DEPRECATED
144 kubrick_header_color filter 2.0 DEPRECATED
145 kubrick_header_display filter 2.0 DEPRECATED
146 kubrick_header_image filter 2.0 DEPRECATED
147 link_cat_row filter 2.5 DEPRECATED
148 link_cat_row_actions filter 2.8 DEPRECATED
149 link_description filter 2.2 Renamed in WP 2.3 (details)
150 link_rating filter 1.5.2 Renamed in WP 2.3 (details)
151 link_relatedlinks_list action 2.5 DEPRECATED
152 list_cats_exclusions filter 1.5.2 DEPRECATED
153 login_headertitle filter 2.1 DEPRECATED
154 manage_blogs_custom_column action 3.0 DEPRECATED
155 manage_categories_custom_column filter 2.8 DEPRECATED
156 manage_link_categories_custom_column filter 2.8 DEPRECATED
157 manage_link_columns filter 2.1 DEPRECATED
158 manage_media_media_column action 2.5 DEPRECATED
159 manage_pages_query filter 2.5 DEPRECATED
160 manage_{$page}_columns note filter 2.7 DEPRECATED
161 manage_{$screen->id}_sortable_columns note filter 3.1 DEPRECATED
162 manage_{$screen->taxonomy}_custom_column note filter 3.1 DEPRECATED
163 manage_{$taxonomy}_custom_column note filter 2.8 DEPRECATED
164 mce_browsers filter 2.0 DEPRECATED
165 mce_options action 2.0 DEPRECATED
166 mce_plugins filter 2.0 DEPRECATED
167 mce_spellchecker_languages filter 2.5 DEPRECATED
168 mce_theme filter 2.0 DEPRECATED
169 mce_valid_elements filter 2.0 DEPRECATED
170 media_buttons_context filter 2.5 DEPRECATED
171 ms_sites_per_page filter 3.0 DEPRECATED
172 ms_users_per_page filter 3.0 DEPRECATED
173 nag_posts_limit filter 2.3 DEPRECATED
174 name_save_pre filter 1.5.2 Renamed in WP 2.3 (details)
175 network_sites_updated_message_{$updated} note filter 3.5 DEPRECATED
176 option_{$setting} note filter 1.5.2 DEPRECATED
177 page_relatedlinks_list action 2.5 DEPRECATED
178 page_stati filter 2.8 DEPRECATED
179 page_template filter 1.5.2 DEPRECATED
180 password_reset_message filter 2.8 DEPRECATED
181 password_reset_title filter 2.8 DEPRECATED
182 ping_status_pre filter 2.0 Renamed in WP 2.3 (details)
183 plugins_per_page filter 2.8 DEPRECATED
184 plugin_locale filter 3.0 DEPRECATED
185 post-flash-upload-ui action 2.6 DEPRECATED
186 postbox_classes_{$page}_{$id} note filter 3.2 DEPRECATED
187 post_comment_text filter 1.2.1 DEPRECATED
188 post_mime_type_pre filter 2.0 Renamed in WP 2.3 (details)
189 post_relatedlinks_list action 2.5 DEPRECATED
190 post_stati filter 2.5 DEPRECATED
191 pre-flash-upload-ui action 2.6 DEPRECATED
192 press_this_data filter 4.2 DEPRECATED
193 press_this_redirect_in_parent filter 4.2 DEPRECATED
194 press_this_save_post filter 4.5 DEPRECATED
195 press_this_save_redirect filter 4.2 DEPRECATED
196 press_this_suggested_html filter 4.2 DEPRECATED
197 preview_page_link filter 2.1 DEPRECATED
198 pre_add_site_option_{$key} note filter 2.9 DEPRECATED
199 pre_category_description filter 2.0.11 Renamed in WP 2.3 (details)
200 pre_category_name filter 2.0.11 Renamed in WP 2.3 (details)
201 pre_comment_user_domain filter 1.5.2 DEPRECATED
202 pre_link_description filter 2.0.11 Renamed in WP 2.3 (details)
203 pre_link_image filter 2.0.11 Renamed in WP 2.3 (details)
204 pre_link_name filter 2.0.11 Renamed in WP 2.3 (details)
205 pre_link_notes filter 2.0.11 Renamed in WP 2.3 (details)
206 pre_link_rel filter 2.0.11 Renamed in WP 2.3 (details)
207 pre_link_rss filter 2.0.11 Renamed in WP 2.3 (details)
208 pre_link_target filter 2.0.11 Renamed in WP 2.3 (details)
209 pre_link_url filter 2.0.11 Renamed in WP 2.3 (details)
210 pre_option_{$option->option_name} note filter 1.5.2 DEPRECATED
211 pre_option_{$setting} note filter 2.2 DEPRECATED
212 pre_site_option_{$key} note filter 2.9 DEPRECATED
213 pre_update_option_{$option_name} note filter 2.6 DEPRECATED
214 pre_update_site_option_{$key} note filter 2.9 DEPRECATED
215 private_to_published action 1.5.2 DEPRECATED
216 publish_page action 2.1 Renamed in WP 2.3 (details)
217 publish_post action 1.2.1 Renamed in WP 2.3 (details)
218 pub_priv_sql_capability filter 2.2 DEPRECATED
219 query_string filter 1.5.2 DEPRECATED
220 redirect_page_location filter 2.9 DEPRECATED
221 refresh_blog_details action 3.4 DEPRECATED
222 rest_enabled filter 4.4 DEPRECATED
223 retreive_password action 1.5.2 DEPRECATED
224 rewrite_rules filter 1.5.2 DEPRECATED
225 right_now_content_table_end action 3.0 DEPRECATED
226 right_now_discussion_table_end action 3.0 DEPRECATED
227 right_now_table_end action 2.7 DEPRECATED
228 sanitize_meta filter 3.2 DEPRECATED
229 sanitize_{$meta_type}_meta_{$meta_key} note filter 3.3 DEPRECATED
230 screen_meta_screen filter 2.7 DEPRECATED
231 show_adduser_fields filter 3.0 DEPRECATED
232 sidemenu action 2.5 DEPRECATED
233 signup_create_blog_meta filter 3.0 DEPRECATED
234 simple_edit_form action 1.5.2 DEPRECATED
235 single_template filter 3.0 DEPRECATED
236 site_option_{$key} note filter 2.9 DEPRECATED
237 status_save_pre filter 1.5.2 Renamed in WP 2.3 (details)
238 submitcomment_box action 2.5 DEPRECATED
239 swfupload_post_params filter 3.1 DEPRECATED
240 swfupload_success_handler filter 3.1 DEPRECATED
241 tagsperpage filter 2.7 DEPRECATED
242 tags_to_edit filter 2.3 DEPRECATED
243 tag_archive_meta filter 3.2 DEPRECATED
244 tag_rewrite_rules filter 2.3 DEPRECATED
245 tag_rows filter 2.5 DEPRECATED
246 tag_template filter 2.3 DEPRECATED
247 taxonomy_template filter 2.5 DEPRECATED
248 theme_action_links_{$theme_key} note filter 3.1 DEPRECATED
249 theme_install_action_links filter 2.8 DEPRECATED
250 theme_locale filter 3.0 DEPRECATED
251 theme_page_templates filter 3.9 DEPRECATED
252 the_author_email filter 1.5.2 DEPRECATED
253 thumbnail_filename filter 2.0 DEPRECATED
254 timezone_support filter 2.8 DEPRECATED
255 tinymce_before_init action 2.0 DEPRECATED
256 tiny_mce_config_url filter 2.1 DEPRECATED
257 tiny_mce_preload_dialogs action 3.1 DEPRECATED
258 tiny_mce_version filter 2.5 DEPRECATED
259 title_edit_pre filter 1.5.2 Renamed in WP 2.3 (details)
260 trash_post action 2.9 DEPRECATED
261 twentyeleven_attachment_size filter 3.2 DEPRECATED
262 twentyeleven_author_bio_avatar_size filter 3.2 DEPRECATED
263 twentyeleven_color_schemes filter 3.2 DEPRECATED
264 twentyeleven_credits action 3.2 DEPRECATED
265 twentyeleven_default_theme_options filter 3.2 DEPRECATED
266 twentyeleven_enqueue_color_scheme action 3.2 DEPRECATED
267 twentyeleven_header_image_height filter 3.2 DEPRECATED
268 twentyeleven_header_image_width filter 3.2 DEPRECATED
269 twentyeleven_layouts filter 3.2 DEPRECATED
270 twentyeleven_layout_classes filter 3.2 DEPRECATED
271 twentyeleven_status_avatar filter 3.2 DEPRECATED
272 twentyeleven_theme_options_validate filter 3.2 DEPRECATED
273 twentyfifteen_attachment_size filter 4.1 DEPRECATED
274 twentyfifteen_author_bio_avatar_size filter 4.1 DEPRECATED
275 twentyfifteen_color_schemes filter 4.1 DEPRECATED
276 twentyfifteen_credits action 4.1 DEPRECATED
277 twentyfifteen_custom_background_args filter 4.1 DEPRECATED
278 twentyfifteen_custom_header_args filter 4.1 DEPRECATED
279 twentyfourteen_attachment_size filter 3.8 DEPRECATED
280 twentyfourteen_credits action 3.8 DEPRECATED
281 twentyfourteen_custom_background_args filter 3.8 DEPRECATED
282 twentyfourteen_custom_header_args filter 3.8 DEPRECATED
283 twentyfourteen_featured_posts_after action 3.8 DEPRECATED
284 twentyfourteen_featured_posts_before action 3.8 DEPRECATED
285 twentyfourteen_get_featured_posts filter 3.8 DEPRECATED
286 twentynineteen_attachment_size filter 5.0 DEPRECATED
287 twentynineteen_can_show_post_thumbnail filter 5.0 DEPRECATED
288 twentynineteen_content_width filter 5.0 DEPRECATED
289 twentynineteen_custom_colors_css filter 5.0 DEPRECATED
290 twentynineteen_custom_colors_lightness filter 5.0 DEPRECATED
291 twentynineteen_custom_colors_lightness_hover filter 5.0 DEPRECATED
292 twentynineteen_custom_colors_lightness_selection filter 5.0 DEPRECATED
293 twentynineteen_custom_colors_saturation filter 5.0 DEPRECATED
294 twentynineteen_custom_colors_saturation_selection filter 5.0 DEPRECATED
295 twentyseventeen_content_width filter 4.7 DEPRECATED
296 twentyseventeen_custom_colors_css filter 4.7 DEPRECATED
297 twentyseventeen_custom_colors_saturation filter 4.7 DEPRECATED
298 twentyseventeen_custom_header_args filter 4.7 DEPRECATED
299 twentyseventeen_front_page_sections filter 4.7 DEPRECATED
300 twentyseventeen_social_links_icons filter 4.7 DEPRECATED
301 twentyseventeen_starter_content filter 4.8 DEPRECATED
302 twentysixteen_attachment_size filter 4.4 DEPRECATED
303 twentysixteen_author_avatar_size filter 4.4 DEPRECATED
304 twentysixteen_author_bio_avatar_size filter 4.4 DEPRECATED
305 twentysixteen_color_schemes filter 4.4 DEPRECATED
306 twentysixteen_content_width filter 4.4 DEPRECATED
307 twentysixteen_credits action 4.4 DEPRECATED
308 twentysixteen_custom_background_args filter 4.4 DEPRECATED
309 twentysixteen_custom_header_args filter 4.4 DEPRECATED
310 twentysixteen_custom_header_sizes filter 4.4 DEPRECATED
311 twentyten_attachment_height filter 3.1 DEPRECATED
312 twentyten_attachment_size filter 3.0 DEPRECATED
313 twentyten_author_bio_avatar_size filter 3.0 DEPRECATED
314 twentyten_credits action 3.0 DEPRECATED
315 twentyten_header_image_height filter 3.0 DEPRECATED
316 twentyten_header_image_width filter 3.0 DEPRECATED
317 twentythirteen_attachment_size filter 3.6 DEPRECATED
318 twentythirteen_author_bio_avatar_size filter 3.6 DEPRECATED
319 twentythirteen_credits action 3.6 DEPRECATED
320 twentytwelve_attachment_size filter 3.5 DEPRECATED
321 twentytwelve_author_bio_avatar_size filter 3.5 DEPRECATED
322 twentytwelve_credits action 3.5 DEPRECATED
323 twentytwelve_status_avatar filter 3.5 DEPRECATED
324 twentytwentyone_html_classes filter 5.6 DEPRECATED
325 twentytwentytwo_block_patterns filter 5.9 DEPRECATED
326 twentytwentytwo_block_pattern_categories filter 5.9 DEPRECATED
327 twentytwenty_customize_opacity_range filter 5.3 DEPRECATED
328 twentytwenty_disallowed_post_types_for_meta_output filter 5.3 DEPRECATED
329 twentytwenty_end_of_post_meta_list action 5.3 DEPRECATED
330 twentytwenty_get_elements_array filter 5.3 DEPRECATED
331 twentytwenty_get_localized_font_family_elements filter 5.3 DEPRECATED
332 twentytwenty_get_localized_font_family_types filter 5.3 DEPRECATED
333 twentytwenty_get_the_archive_title_regex filter 5.3 DEPRECATED
334 twentytwenty_post_meta_location_single_bottom filter 5.3 DEPRECATED
335 twentytwenty_post_meta_location_single_top filter 5.3 DEPRECATED
336 twentytwenty_show_categories_in_entry_header filter 5.3 DEPRECATED
337 twentytwenty_site_description filter 5.3 DEPRECATED
338 twentytwenty_site_logo filter 5.3 DEPRECATED
339 twentytwenty_site_logo_args filter 5.3 DEPRECATED
340 twentytwenty_social_icons_map filter 5.5 DEPRECATED
341 twentytwenty_starter_content filter 5.3 DEPRECATED
342 twentytwenty_start_of_post_meta_list action 5.3 DEPRECATED
343 twentytwenty_svg_icons_social filter 5.5 DEPRECATED
344 twentytwenty_svg_icons_{$group} note filter 5.5 DEPRECATED
345 twentytwenty_svg_icon_color filter 5.5 DEPRECATED
346 twentytwenty_toggle_duration filter 5.3 DEPRECATED
347 twenty_twenty_one_attachment_size filter 5.6 DEPRECATED
348 twenty_twenty_one_can_show_post_thumbnail filter 5.6 DEPRECATED
349 twenty_twenty_one_content_width filter 5.6 DEPRECATED
350 twenty_twenty_one_get_localized_font_family_elements filter 5.6 DEPRECATED
351 twenty_twenty_one_get_localized_font_family_types filter 5.6 DEPRECATED
352 twenty_twenty_one_social_icons_map filter 5.6 DEPRECATED
353 twenty_twenty_one_starter_content filter 5.6 DEPRECATED
354 twenty_twenty_one_svg_icons_social filter 5.6 DEPRECATED
355 twenty_twenty_one_svg_icons_{$group} note filter 5.6 DEPRECATED
356 update_option_{$option_name} note action 2.0.11 DEPRECATED
357 update_site_option_{$key} note action 2.9 DEPRECATED
358 update_user_query filter 2.0 DEPRECATED
359 uploading_iframe_src filter 2.0 DEPRECATED
360 upload_files_{$tab} note action 2.1 DEPRECATED
361 upload_file_glob filter 2.6 DEPRECATED
362 user_aim_label filter 2.8 DEPRECATED
363 user_confirmed_action_email_content filter 5.0 DEPRECATED
364 user_erasure_complete_email_headers filter 5.4 DEPRECATED
365 user_erasure_complete_email_subject filter 5.0 DEPRECATED
366 user_jabber_label filter 2.8 DEPRECATED
367 user_yim_label filter 2.8 DEPRECATED
368 use_fopen_transport filter 2.7 DEPRECATED
369 use_fsockopen_transport filter 2.7 DEPRECATED
370 use_http_extension_transport filter 2.7 DEPRECATED
371 video_send_to_editor_url filter 2.8 DEPRECATED
372 video_upload_iframe_src filter 2.5 DEPRECATED
373 views_{$screen->id} note filter 3.1 DEPRECATED
374 visual_editor filter 2.5 DEPRECATED
375 whitelist_options filter 2.7 DEPRECATED
376 wpmu_new_blog action 3.0 DEPRECATED
377 wp_atom_server_class filter 3.4 DEPRECATED
378 wp_audio_shortcode_handler filter 3.6 DEPRECATED
379 wp_auth_check_interval filter 3.6 DEPRECATED
380 wp_blacklist_check action 1.5.2 DEPRECATED
381 wp_dashboard_widget_links_{$widget_id} note filter 2.5 DEPRECATED
382 wp_die_app_handler filter 3.4 DEPRECATED
383 wp_fullscreen_buttons filter 3.2 DEPRECATED
384 wp_get_default_privacy_policy_content filter 5.0 DEPRECATED
385 wp_handle_upload_prefilter filter 2.9 DEPRECATED
386 wp_save_image_file filter 2.9 DEPRECATED
387 wp_thumbnail_creation_size_limit filter 2.1 DEPRECATED
388 wp_thumbnail_max_side_length filter 2.1 DEPRECATED
389 wp_upload_resize filter 3.3 DEPRECATED
390 wp_upload_tabs filter 2.1 DEPRECATED
391 wp_video_shortcode_handler filter 3.6 DEPRECATED
392 {$action} note action 2.6 DEPRECATED
393 {$callback} note filter 2.8 DEPRECATED
394 {$per_page} note filter 3.0 DEPRECATED
395 {$prefix}plugin_action_links note filter 3.1 DEPRECATED
396 {$prefix}plugin_action_links_{$plugin_file} note filter 3.1 DEPRECATED
397 {$tag} note action 1.2.1 DEPRECATED
398 {$tag} note filter 1.2.1 DEPRECATED
399 {$taxonomy}_{$field_rss} note filter 2.3 Renamed in WP 2.5 (details)

Important warning about variable hooks

Some hooks have variables in their names. For example, pre_${taxonomy}_$field and admin_head- both have variable names. In general, any hook that ends (or begins) with - or _, or contains a $, has a variable name. Since the syntax with which these variables are defined may change from version to version, this page may think that a hook is deprecated (or new) even if it is not. You can usually catch this sort of thing by comparing this hook to the list of "related hooks" below.