Adam R Brown
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Origins of Institutions
Acemoglu, Johnson, and Robinson: The colonial origins of comparative development
Acemoglu, Johnson, and Robinson: The colonial origins of comparative development
Akerlof: The market for lemons
Akerlof: The market for lemons
Asher: The learning of legislative norms
Bermeo: Ordinary people in extraordinary times
Bermeo: Ordinary people in extraordinary times
Boix: Setting the rules of the game
Boix: Setting the rules of the game
Bratton and Van de Walle: Democratic experiments in Africa
Bratton and Van de Walle: Democratic experiments in Africa
Cox: The Efficient Secret
Cox: The Efficient Secret
Dahl: Preface to democratic theory
Dahl: The behavioral approach in political science
Eaton: Can politicians control bureaucrats
Geddes: What do we know about democratization after 20 years
Geddes: What do we know about democratization after 20 years
Gourevitch: The governance problem in international relations
Gourevitch: The governance problem in international relations
Gourevitch: The governance problem in international relations
Greif: Self-enforcing political systems and economic growth
Greif: Self-enforcing political systems and economic growth
Hamilton, Jay, and Madison: The Federalist
Hardin: Economic theories of the state
Hardin: Economic theories of the state
Holmes: Precommitment and the paradox of democracy
Huber: Delegation to civil servants in parliamentary democracies
Huber: Delegation to civil servants in parliamentary democracies
Kahler: Evolution, choice, and international change
Kahler: Evolution, choice, and international change
Keohane: After hegemony
Keohane: After hegemony
Keohane: After hegemony
Koremenos, Lipson, and Snidal: The rational design of international institutions
Koremenos, Lipson, and Snidal: The rational design of international institutions
Koremenos, Lipson, and Snidal: The rational design of international institutions
La Porta, Lopez de Silanes, Pop Eleches, and Shleifer: Judicial Checks and Balances
La Porta, Lopez de Silanes, Pop Eleches, and Shleifer: Judicial Checks and Balances
Libecap: Economic variables and the development of the law
Libecap: Economic variables and the development of the law
Lindblom: The intelligence of democracy
Luebbert: Social foundations of political order in interwar Europe
Luebbert: Social foundations of political order in interwar Europe
March and Olson: Institutional Perspectives on Political Institutions
Martin and Simmons: Theories and empirical studies of international institutions
Martin and Simmons: Theories and empirical studies of international institutions
Martin and Simmons: Theories and empirical studies of international institutions
Matthews: The folkways of the Senate
McCubbins, Noll, and Weingast: Administrative procedures as instruments of political control
McCubbins, Noll, and Weingast: Administrative procedures as instruments of political control
McCubbins, Noll, and Weingast: Structure and process, politics and policy
Meltzer and Richards: A rational theory of the size of government
Meltzer and Richards: A rational theory of the size of government
Milgrom, North, and Weingast: The role of institutions in the revival of trade
Milgrom, North, and Weingast: The role of institutions in the revival of trade
Miller: Pluralism and social choice
Moe: Interests, institutions, and positive theory
Moe: Political institutions
Moe: Power and Political Institutions
Moe: The politics of bureaucratic structure
Moe: The politics of bureaucratic structure
Moe: The politics of structural choice
Moe: The politics of structural choice
Moravcsik: The origins of human rights regimes
Moravcsik: The origins of human rights regimes
Olson: The logic of collective action
Olson: The logic of collective action
Ostrom: Governing the commons
Ostrom: Governing the commons
Popkin: Public choice and rural development
Popkin: Public choice and rural development
Przeworski: Democracy and the market
Przeworski: Democracy and the market
Russett and Oneal: Triangulating peace
Russett and Oneal: Triangulating peace
Schattschneider: The semisovereign people
Shepsle: Studying Institutions
Shugart and Carey: Presidents and Assemblies
Sinclair: Multiple paths
Steinmo, Thelen, and Longstreth: Structuring Politics
Weingast and Marshall: The industrial organization of Congress
Weingast and Marshall: The industrial organization of Congress
Weisberg, Heberlig, and Campoli: Classics in Congressional politics
Weisberg, Heberlig, and Campoli: Classics in Congressional politics
Williamson: The economics of organization
Williamson: The economics of organization
Wilson: Congressional government
Wood: The creation of the American republic