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New plugin hooks in WordPress 3.1

Important! Some WordPress hooks get applied in multiple PHP files. If you are trying to figure out what a specific WordPress hook does, sort the table by "hook" and make sure you are looking in all the files where it occurs.

Hook Type New? Instances
1 add_admin_bar_menus action YES 1
2 add_{$meta_type}_meta note action YES 1
3 add_{$meta_type}_metadata note filter YES 1
4 admin_bar_init action YES 1
5 admin_bar_menu action YES 1
6 admin_title filter YES 1
7 after_theme_row action YES 1
8 after_theme_row_{$theme_key} note action YES 1
9 akismet_comment_nonce filter YES 1
10 akismet_optimize_table filter YES 1
11 akismet_show_user_comments_approved filter YES 1
12 akismet_submit_nonspam_comment action YES 1
13 akismet_submit_spam_comment action YES 1
14 all_admin_notices action YES 1
15 all_themes filter YES 1
16 bulk_actions-{$screen->id} note filter YES 1
17 can_edit_network filter YES 1
18 comments_clauses filter YES 1
19 custom_header_options action YES 1
20 default_hidden_meta_boxes filter YES 1
21 delete_{$meta_type}_meta note action YES 1
22 delete_{$meta_type}_metadata note filter YES 1
23 doing_it_wrong_run action YES 1
24 doing_it_wrong_trigger_error filter YES 1
25 edit_profile_url filter YES 1
26 edit_term_link filter YES 1
27 enter_title_here filter YES 1
28 esc_textarea filter YES 1
29 force_filtered_html_on_import filter YES 1
30 get_ancestors filter YES 1
31 get_edit_term_link filter YES 1
32 get_media_item_args filter YES 1
33 get_meta_sql filter YES 1
34 get_terms_args filter YES 1
35 get_the_categories filter YES 1
36 get_the_terms filter YES 1
37 get_{$meta_type}_metadata note filter YES 1
38 in_theme_update_message-{$theme_key} note action YES 1
39 list_pages filter YES 1
40 load-categories-php action YES 1
41 load-edit-link-categories-php action YES 1
42 load-page-new-php action YES 1
43 load-page-php action YES 1
44 load_image_to_edit_attachmenturl filter YES 1
45 load_image_to_edit_filesystempath filter YES 1
46 login_enqueue_scripts action YES 1
47 login_footer action YES 1
48 manage_plugins_custom_column action YES 1
49 manage_sites_action_links filter YES 1
50 manage_sites_custom_column action YES 1
51 manage_themes_custom_column action YES 1
52 manage_{$post->post_type}_posts_custom_column note action YES 1
53 manage_{$screen->id}_sortable_columns note filter YES 1
54 manage_{$screen->taxonomy}_custom_column note filter YES 1
55 mature_blog action YES 1
56 media_upload_mime_type_links filter YES 1
57 ms_user_list_site_actions filter YES 1
58 nav_menu_item_id filter YES 1
59 network_admin_edit_{$action} note action YES 1
60 network_admin_menu action YES 1
61 network_admin_notices action YES 1
62 network_sites_updated_message_{$action} note filter YES 1
63 network_site_users_after_list_table action YES 1
64 posts_clauses filter YES 1
65 posts_clauses_request filter YES 1
66 post_comment_status_meta_box-options action YES 1
67 post_format_rewrite_base filter YES 1
68 post_type_archive_feed_link filter YES 1
69 post_type_archive_link filter YES 1
70 post_type_archive_title filter YES 1
71 pre_get_comments action YES 1
72 pre_user_query action YES 1
73 schedule_event filter YES 1
74 secure_auth_cookie filter YES 1
75 secure_auth_redirect filter YES 1
76 secure_logged_in_cookie filter YES 1
77 secure_signon_cookie filter YES 1
78 show_admin_bar filter YES 1
79 show_network_site_users_add_existing_form filter YES 1
80 show_network_site_users_add_new_form filter YES 1
81 show_recent_comments_widget_style filter YES 1
82 single_term_title filter YES 1
83 swfupload_post_params filter YES 1
84 swfupload_success_handler filter YES 1
85 terms_clauses filter YES 1
86 theme_action_links_{$theme_key} note filter YES 1
87 theme_row_meta filter YES 1
88 the_comments filter YES 1
89 tiny_mce_preload_dialogs action YES 1
90 twentyten_attachment_height filter YES 1
91 unmature_blog action YES 1
92 update_{$meta_type}_metadata note filter YES 1
93 user_admin_menu action YES 1
94 user_admin_notices action YES 1
95 user_admin_url filter YES 1
96 user_dashboard_url filter YES 1
97 use_default_gallery_style filter YES 1
98 views_{$screen->id} note filter YES 1
99 wp_admin_bar_class filter YES 1
100 wp_after_admin_bar_render action YES 1
101 wp_before_admin_bar_render action YES 1
102 wp_get_current_commenter filter YES 1
103 wp_insert_post_parent filter YES 1
104 wp_nav_menu_objects filter YES 1
105 wp_network_dashboard_setup action YES 1
106 wp_network_dashboard_widgets filter YES 1
107 wp_unique_post_slug_is_bad_attachment_slug filter YES 1
108 wp_unique_post_slug_is_bad_flat_slug filter YES 1
109 wp_unique_post_slug_is_bad_hierarchical_slug filter YES 1
110 wp_update_term_parent filter YES 1
111 wp_user_dashboard_setup action YES 1
112 wp_user_dashboard_widgets filter YES 1
113 wp_xmlrpc_server_class filter YES 1
114 _network_admin_menu action YES 1
115 _user_admin_menu action YES 1
116 {$permastructname}_rewrite_rules note filter YES 1
117 {$prefix}plugin_action_links note filter YES 1
118 {$prefix}plugin_action_links_{$plugin_file} note filter YES 1

Important warning about variable hooks

Some hooks have variables in their names. For example, pre_${taxonomy}_$field and admin_head- both have variable names. In general, any hook that ends (or begins) with - or _, or contains a $, has a variable name. Since the syntax with which these variables are defined may change from version to version, this page may think that a hook is deprecated (or new) even if it is not. You can usually catch this sort of thing by comparing this hook to the list of "related hooks" below.