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Absenteeism in the Utah legislature, 2013

During each year's 45-day legislative session, legislators cast hundreds of floor votes. That means they have 100s of opportunities to miss votes. Toward the end of the session especially, votes are held so rapidly that even taking a short bathroom break can result in missed votes. Legislators who miss a day or two for illness or a family emergency will miss many votes. Those assigned to assemble the final budget will miss even more. Most legislators who miss large numbers of votes can rightly point to one of these reasons. You can find further commentary here:

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Missed votes in 2013

Legislator Party Year Chamber # missed votes # votes held % missed votes
Adams, J. StuartR2013Senate18094019.1%
Anderegg, Jacob L.R2013House646589.7%
Anderson, Jerry B.R2013House46580.6%
Anderson, JohnnyR2013House276584.1%
Arent, Patrice M.D2013House376585.6%
Barlow, StewartR2013House136582.0%
Barrus, Roger E.R2013House616589.3%
Bird, JimR2013House426586.4%
Bramble, Curtis S.R2013Senate19694020.9%
Briscoe, Joel K.D2013House126581.8%
Brown, Derek E.R2013House466587.0%
Brown, Melvin R.R2013House17565826.6%
Chavez-Houck, RebeccaD2013House336585.0%
Christensen, Allen M.R2013Senate799408.4%
Christensen, LaVarR2013House246583.6%
Christofferson, Kay J.R2013House06580.0%
Cosgrove, Tim M.D2013House136582.0%
Cox, Spencer J.R2013House436586.5%
Cunningham, RichR2013House136582.0%
Dabakis, JimD2013Senate759408.0%
Davis, GeneD2013Senate849408.9%
Dayton, MargaretR2013Senate529405.5%
Dee, Brad L.R2013House646589.7%
Draxler, Jack R.R2013House506587.6%
Duckworth, SusanD2013House136582.0%
Dunnigan, James A.R2013House216583.2%
Edwards, Rebecca P.R2013House336585.0%
Eliason, SteveR2013House96581.4%
Escamilla, Luz RoblesD2013Senate22594023.9%
Fisher, Janice M.D2013House7865811.9%
Froerer, GageR2013House646589.7%
Gibson, Francis D.R2013House386585.8%
Greene, Brian M.R2013House546588.2%
Greenwood, Richard A.R2013House526587.9%
Grover, KeithR2013House346585.2%
Hall, CraigR2013House186582.7%
Handy, Stephen G.R2013House356585.3%
Harper, Wayne A.R2013Senate539405.6%
Hemingway, Lynn N.D2013House486587.3%
Henderson, Deidre M.R2013Senate259402.7%
Hillyard, Lyle W.R2013Senate32094034.0%
Hinkins, David P.R2013Senate11694012.3%
Hughes, Gregory H.R2013House10165815.3%
Hutchings, Eric K.R2013House8465812.8%
Ipson, Don L.R2013House466587.0%
Ivory, KenR2013House7265810.9%
Jenkins, Scott K.R2013Senate859409.0%
Jones, Patricia W.D2013Senate509405.3%
Kennedy, Michael S.R2013House116581.7%
King, Brian S.D2013House8165812.3%
Knotwell, JohnR2013House66580.9%
Knudson, Peter C.R2013Senate779408.2%
Last, Bradley G.R2013House636589.6%
Layton, Dana L.R2013House136582.0%
Lifferth, David E.R2013House196582.9%
Lockhart, Rebecca D.R2013House15765823.9%
Madsen, Mark B.R2013Senate15894016.8%
Mathis, John G.R2013House386585.8%
Mayne, KarenD2013Senate449404.7%
McCay, DanielR2013House226583.3%
McIff, Kay L.R2013House10665816.1%
McKell, Mike K.R2013House206583.0%
Menlove, Ronda RuddR2013House296584.4%
Moss, Carol SpackmanD2013House56580.8%
Nelson, Merrill F.R2013House286584.3%
Niederhauser, Wayne L.R2013Senate15194016.1%
Nielson, JimR2013House256583.8%
Noel, Michael E.R2013House346585.2%
Oda, CurtisR2013House586588.8%
Okerlund, RalphR2013Senate9494010.0%
Osmond, AaronR2013Senate719407.6%
Perry, Lee B.R2013House356585.3%
Peterson, Jeremy A.R2013House256583.8%
Peterson, Val L.R2013House36580.5%
Pitcher, Dixon M.R2013House196582.9%
Poulson, Marie H.D2013House96581.4%
Powell, KraigR2013House176582.6%
Ray, PaulR2013House8265812.5%
Redd, Edward H.R2013House86581.2%
Reid, Stuart C.R2013Senate159401.6%
Roberts, Marc K.R2013House296584.4%
Romero, AngelaD2013House206583.0%
Sagers, DouglasR2013House616589.3%
Sanpei, DeanR2013House316584.7%
Seelig, Jennifer M.D2013House466587.0%
Shiozawa, Brian E.R2013Senate219402.2%
Snow, V. LowryR2013House426586.4%
Stanard, Jon E.R2013House266584.0%
Stephenson, Howard A.R2013Senate729407.7%
Stevenson, Jerry W.R2013Senate19194020.3%
Stratton, Keven J.R2013House46580.6%
Tanner, Earl D.R2013House266584.0%
Thatcher, Daniel W.R2013Senate13094013.8%
Urquhart, Stephen H.R2013Senate21494022.8%
Valentine, John L.R2013Senate10494011.1%
Van Tassell, Kevin T.R2013Senate749407.9%
Vickers, Evan J.R2013Senate449404.7%
Webb, R. CurtR2013House196582.9%
Weiler, ToddR2013Senate379403.9%
Westwood, John R.R2013House06580.0%
Wheatley, Mark A.D2013House336585.0%
Wilcox, Ryan D.R2013House476587.1%
Wiley, Larry B.D2013House136582.0%
Wilson, Brad R.R2013House8165812.3%