Adam R Brown
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Akerlof: The market for lemons
Bawn: Political control versus expertise
Crisp, Moreno, and Shugart: The accountability deficit in Latin America
De Figueiredo, Spiller, and Urbiztondo: An informational perspective on adminsitrative procedures
Downs: Inside bureaucracy
Epstein and O'Halloran: Administrative procedures, information, and agency discretion
Epstein and O'Halloran: Delegating Powers
Fama: Agency problems and the theory of the firm
Ferejohn and Shipan: Congressional influence on administrative agencies
Ferejohn: Incumbent performance and electoral control
Geddes: Politician's Dilemma
Hart: Incomplete contracts and the theory of the firm
Heclo: A government of strangers
Huber and Lupia: Cabinet instability and delegation in parliamentary democracies
Huber: Delegation to civil servants in parliamentary democracies
Kiewiet and McCubbins: The Logic of Delegation
Lowi: The end of liberalism
Lupia and McCubbins: The Democratic Dilemma
McCubbins and Schwartz: Congressional oversight overlooked
McCubbins, Noll, and Weingast: Administrative procedures as instruments of political control
Moe: Congressional Controls of the Bureaucracy
Moe: The politics of bureaucratic structure
Muller and Strom: Policy, office, or votes
Niskanen: Bureaucrats and politicians
Popkin: Public choice and rural development
Ramseyer and Rosenbluth: Japan's political marketplace
Rogowski: Institutions as constraints on strategic choice
Shleifer and Vishny: Corruption
Strom: Agency and Parliamentary Democracy
Strom: Delegation and accountability in parliamentary democracies
Thies: Keeping tabs on partners
Varian: Intermediate microeconomics
Volden: A formal model of the politics of delegation in a separation of powers system