Adam R Brown
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Abramowitz and Saunders: Ideological realignment in the American electorate
Aldrich and Battista: Conditional party government in the states
Aldrich and Battista: Conditional party government in the states
Aldrich: Why parties
Ames: Electoral strategy under open-list proportional representation
Bartels: Partisanship and voting behavior, 1952-1996
Bawn: Congressional party leadership
Boix: Setting the rules of the game
Brown: Party cleavages and welfare effort in the American states
Burnham: Critical elections and the mainsprings of American politics
Burnham: Party systems and the political process
Chandler: Federalism and political parties. In Federalism and the Role of the State, Herman Bakvis and Willia
Chhibber and Kollman: Party aggregation and the number of parties in India and the United States
Conger: A Matter of Context: Christian Right Influence in U.S. State Republican Politics
Cox and McCubbins: Legislative leviathan
Cox and McCubbins: Setting the agenda
Cox and McCubbins: Toward a theory of legislative rules changes
Cox, Kousser, and McCubbins: Party Power or Preferences? Quasi-Experimental Evidence from American State Legislatures
Cox, Kousser, and McCubbins: What polarizes parties
Cox, Kousser, and McCubbins: What polarizes parties
Cox: Electoral rules and electoral coordination
Cox: Making votes count
Dalton and Wattenberg: Parties without partisans
Desposato: The impact of electoral rules on legislative parties
Downs: An economic theory of democracy
Erikson, Wright, and McIver: Statehouse democracy
Ferejohn: Incumbent performance and electoral control
Ferree: The social origins of electoral volatility in Africa
Figueiredo and Limongi: Presidential power, legislative organization, and party behavior in Brazil
Fiorina: Parties and partisanship
Fiorina: Parties, participation, and representation in America
Fiorina: Retrospective Voting in American Elections
Gamm and Kousser: Broad Bills or Particularistic Policy? Historical Patterns in American State Legislatures
Hicken: Engineering aggregation
Jacobson: Partisan polarization in national politics
Jacobson: The electoral origins of divided government
Jones: Partisan Polarization and Congressional Accountability in House Elections
Key: A theory of critical elections
Kim: Partisan deadlocks and agenda-setting in American state legislatures
Kim: Partisan deadlocks and agenda-setting in American state legislatures
Kitschelt: Linkages between citizens and politicans in democratic politics
Krehbiel: Pivotal politics
Krehbiel: Where's the party
Krehbiel: Where's the party
Laver and Shepsle: Coalitions and Cabinet Government
Levitsky and Cameron: Political parties and regime change in Fujimori's Peru
Lijphart: Patterns of democracy
Lipset and Rokkan: Party systems and voter alignments
Mainwaring and Scully: Building democratic institutions
Mainwaring and Shugart: Presidentialism and Democracy in Latin America
Martin and Stevenson: Government formation in parliamentary democracies
Masket: No Middle Ground: How Informal Party Organizations Control Nominations and Polarize Legislatures
Mayhew: Electoral realignments
Moser: Electoral systems and the number of parties in postcommunist states
Muller and Strom: Policy, office, or votes
Polsby: The consequencies of party reform
Posada-Carba: Democracy, parties, and political finance in Latin America
Ramseyer and Rosenbluth: Japan's political marketplace
Reilly: Democracy in divided societies
Rogowski: Political cleavages and changing exposure to trade
Rohde: Parties and leaders in the post-reform House
Rokkan: State formation, nation-building, and mass politics in Europe
Samuels: The gubernatorial coattails effect
Schattschneider: Party government
Schickler and Rich: Controlling the floor
Schickler and Rich: Party government in the House reconsidered
Schlesinger: On the theory of party organization
Tavits: The development of stable party support
Weber: Class, status, party
Weisberg, Heberlig, and Campoli: Classics in Congressional politics
Wright and Schaffner: The influence of party
Wright and Schaffner: The influence of party