Adam R Brown
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State Politics (U.S.)
Aldrich and Battista: Conditional party government in the states
Arceneaux: The federal face of voting
Argersinger: A place on the ballot
Atkeson and Partin: Economic and referendum voting
Atkeson and Partin: Economic and referendum voting and the problem of data choice
Battista: Formal and Perceived Leadership Power in U.S. State Legislatures
Berry and Berry: State lottery adoptions as policy innovations
Bonneau and Rice: Impartial Judges? Race, Institutional Context, and U.S. State Supreme Courts
Bowler and Donovan: Measuring the effect of direct democracy on state policy
Brace, Sims-Butler, Arceneaux, and Johnson: Public opinion in the American states
Brown: Gubernatorial approval and strategic entry in the 2006 elections
Brown: Party cleavages and welfare effort in the American states
Burns, Evans, Gamm, and McConnaughy: Pockets of expertise in American state legislatures
Carey, Moncrief, Niemi, and Powell: Term limits in the state legislatures
Carsey and Harden: New Measures of Partisanship, Ideology, and Policy Mood in the American States
Carsey and Wright: State and national factors in gubernatorial and senatorial elections
Carsey: Campaign dynamics
Carson, Engstrom, and Roberts: Candidate quality, the personal vote, and the incumbency advantage in Congress
Chubb: Institutions, the economy, and the dynamics of state elections
Conger: A Matter of Context: Christian Right Influence in U.S. State Republican Politics
Cox, Kousser, and McCubbins: Party Power or Preferences? Quasi-Experimental Evidence from American State Legislatures
Cox, Kousser, and McCubbins: What polarizes parties
Crew and Weiher: Gubernatorial popularity in three states
Dometrius: Measuring gubernatorial power
Ebeid and Rodden: Economic geography and economic voting
Elazar: American federalism
Erikson, Wright, and McIver: Statehouse democracy
Eyestone: Confusion, diffusion, and innovation
Frendreis and Tatalovich: A Hundred Miles of Dry: Religion and the Persistence of Prohibition in the U.S. States
Gamm and Kousser: Broad Bills or Particularistic Policy? Historical Patterns in American State Legislatures
Gerber and Morton: Primary election systems and representation
Gray: Innovation in the states
Hero and Tolbert: A racial/ethnic diversity interpretation of politics and policy in the states of the US
Jacobson: Polarized opinion in the states
Kaufmann, Gimpel, and Hoffman: A promise fulfilled
Kenney: The effect of state economic conditions on the vote for governor
Key: Southern politics in state and nation
Kim: Partisan deadlocks and agenda-setting in American state legislatures
Kousser: Term limits and the dismantling of state legislative professionalism
Krehbiel: Where's the party
Larocca and Klemanski: U.S. State Election Reform and Turnout in Presidential Elections
Leyden and Borrelli: The effect of state economic conditions on gubernatorial elections
Lupia: Busy voters, agenda control, and the power of information
MacDonald and Sigelman: Public assessments of gubernatorial performance
Marshall: Turnout and representation
Masket: No Middle Ground: How Informal Party Organizations Control Nominations and Polarize Legislatures
Mintrom: Policy entrepreneurs and the diffusion of innovation
Nardulli: Political subcultures in the American states
New: Analyzing the Effect of Anti-Abortion U.S. State Legislation in the Post-Casey Era
Nicholson-Crotty: Fiscal Federalism and Tax Effort in the U.S. States
Niemi, Stanley, and Vogel: State economies and state taxes
Norris: Electoral engineering
Peltzman: Economic conditions and gubernatorial elections
Phillips: Does the Citizen Initiative Weaken Party Government in the U.S. States?
Savage: Policy innovativeness as a trait of American states
Smith and Fridkin: Delegating Direct Democracy: Interparty Legislative Competition and the Adoption of the Initiative in the American States
Squire: Challenger profile and gubernatorial elections
Stein: Economic voting for governor and U.S. Senator
Stimson: Public opinion in America
Tompkins: Have gubernatorial elections become more distinctive contests
Turett: The vulnerability of American governors, 1900-1969
Volden, Ting, and Carpenter: A Formal Model of Learning and Policy Diffusion
Walker: The diffusion of innovations among the American states
Wright and Schaffner: The influence of party