Adam R Brown
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Domestic Politics and International Relations
Allison: Conceptual models and the Cuban Missile Crisis
Allison: Conceptual models and the Cuban Missile Crisis
Bendor and Hammond: Rethinking Allison's models
Bendor and Hammond: Rethinking Allison's models
Bueno de Mesquita, Morrow, Siverson, and Smith: An institutional explanation of the democratic peace
Bueno de Mesquita, Morrow, Siverson, and Smith: An institutional explanation of the democratic peace
Cederman: Emergent actors in world politics
Copeland: The origins of major war
Cowhey: Domestic institutions and the credibility of international commitments
Cowhey: Domestic institutions and the credibility of international commitments
De Figueiredo and Weingast: The rationality of fear
Doyle: Empires
Fearon: Bargaining, Enforcement, and international cooperation
Fearon: Rationalist explanations for war
Finnemore and Sikkink: International norm dynamics and political change
Finnemore and Sikkink: International norm dynamics and political change
Finnemore: Constructing norms of humanitarian intervention
Frieden: Actors and preferences in international relations
Garrett: Global markets and national politics
Garrett: Global markets and national politics
Gartzke: War is in the error term
Gourevitch: The governance problem in international relations
Gourevitch: The international system and regime formation
Hiscox: Inter-industry factor mobility and the politics of trade
Jackson: Quasi-states, dual regimes, and neoclassical theory
Jepperson, Wendt, and Katzenstein: Norms, identity, and culture in national security
Jervis: Cooperation under the security dilemma
Jervis: Hypotheses on misperception
Jervis: War and misperception
Kahler: Evolution, choice, and international change
Kahler: Rationality in international relations
Kaufman and Pape: Explaining costly international moral action
Keck and Sikkink: Activists beyond borders
Keohane: After hegemony
Koremenos, Lipson, and Snidal: The rational design of international institutions
Krasner: Compromising Westphalia
Lake and Rothchild: Containing fear
Lake: Anarchy, hierarchy, and the variety of international relations
Lake: Hierarchy in International Relations
Levy: Prospect theory, rational choice, and international relations
MacIntyre: Institutions and Investors
Martin and Simmons: Theories and empirical studies of international institutions
Martin and Simmons: Theories and empirical studies of international institutions
Martin: Democratic commitments
Martin: Democratic commitments
Milner: Interests, institutions, and information
Milner: Interests, institutions, and information
Moravcsik: The origins of human rights regimes
Moravcsik: The origins of human rights regimes
Morrow: The strategic setting of choices
Oye: Explaining cooperation under anarchy
Powell: War as a Commitment Problem
Raustiala: States, NGOs, and international enviromental institutions
Reus-Smit: The constitutional structure of international society and the nature of fundamental institutions
Risse-Kappen: Collective identity in a democratic community
Rogowski: Institutions as constraints on strategic choice
Rogowski: Institutions as constraints on strategic choice
Russett and Oneal: Triangulating peace
Schultz: Do democratic institutions constrain or inform
Schultz: Do democratic institutions constrain or inform
Snyder: Myths of empire
Spruyt: The sovereign state and its competitors
Stein: When misperception matters
Treisman: Rational appeasement
Van Evera: Offense, defense, and the causes of war
Wagner: Bargaining and war
Walt: The origins of alliances
Walter: The critical barrier to civil war settlement
Waltz: Theory of international politics
Wendt: Anarchy is what states make of it