Adam R Brown
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Allison: Conceptual models and the Cuban Missile Crisis
Baum: Breaking authoritarian bonds
Bendor and Hammond: Rethinking Allison's models
Carpenter: State building through reputation building
Downs: Inside bureaucracy
Eaton: Can politicians control bureaucrats
Epstein and O'Halloran: Delegating Powers
Evans and Rauch: Bureaucracy and growth
Ferejohn and Shipan: Congressional influence on administrative agencies
Fiorina: The case of the vanishing marginals
Golden: Electoral connections
Heclo: A government of strangers
Huber and Lupia: Cabinet instability and delegation in parliamentary democracies
Huber and McCarty: Bureaucratic capacity, delegation, and political reform
Huber and Shipan: Deliberate discretion
Kato: Politicians, bureaucrats, and interest groups in Japan
Kernell and McDonald: Congress and American political development
Kernell: Rural service delivery as a critical test of alternative models of American political development
La Porta, Lopez de Silanes, Pop Eleches, and Shleifer: Judicial Checks and Balances
Lowi: The end of liberalism
McCubbins and Schwartz: Congressional oversight overlooked
McCubbins, Noll, and Weingast: Administrative procedures as instruments of political control
McCubbins, Noll, and Weingast: Structure and process, politics and policy
Moe: Congressional Controls of the Bureaucracy
Moe: Control and feedback in economic regulation
Moe: Interests, institutions, and positive theory
Moe: Political institutions
Moe: The politicized presidency
Moe: The politics of bureaucratic structure
Moe: The politics of structural choice
Niskanen: Bureaucrats and politicians
Ramseyer and Rosenbluth: Japan's political marketplace
Scholz and Wood: Controlling the IRS
Shipan: Regulatory regimes, agency actions and the conditional nature of political influence
Shleifer and Vishny: Corruption
Skowronek: Building a new American state
Treisman: The causes of corruption
Weingast and Moran: Bureaucratic discretion or Congressional control
Wilson: Bureaucracy
Wilson: Political organizations
Wood: Principals, bureaucrats, and responsiveness in Clean Air enforcements