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The scores below show how often (as a percent) each legislator votes with his/her party in the Utah legislature. If the legislator is a House Democrat and the majority of House Democrats vote "aye," then the legislator supports the party majority if he/she also votes "aye." I ignore votes where the legislator's party was tied. I also ignore votes where the legislator was absent.
Most votes pass by an overwhelming margin, with a majority of Republicans voting the same way as a majority of Democrats. (See details on party-line voting and consensus voting.) As such, the "overall" party support scores (which include all votes, even unanimous ones) tend to be inflated. We can get a more accurate estimate of each legislator's true party support score by looking only at "party-line" votes—that is, those few votes where the majority of Republicans votes against the majority of Democrats. By looking only at party-line votes, the "party support (party-line only)" column estimates how each legislator votes when his/her party really needs his/her support.
Years. By default, you will see scores from the most recent session for which I have data, which is 2025. Click on of the links below to see a different year.
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Legislator | Party | Chamber | Party support (overall) | Party support (party-line only) |
Aagard, Douglas C. | R | House | 96.0% | 85.9% |
Adams, J. Stuart | R | Senate | 97.9% | 92.5% |
Allen, Sheryl L. | R | House | 93.2% | 58.0% |
Anderson, Johnny | R | House | 89.4% | 76.8% |
Barrus, Roger E. | R | House | 95.8% | 88.2% |
Beck, Trisha S. | D | House | 95.4% | 69.0% |
Bigelow, Ron | R | House | 95.0% | 83.3% |
Bird, Jim | R | House | 91.4% | 69.6% |
Biskupski, Jackie | D | House | 97.6% | 98.6% |
Black, Laura | D | House | 95.8% | 81.7% |
Bramble, Curtis S. | R | Senate | 97.5% | 85.7% |
Brown, Melvin R. | R | House | 97.5% | 82.6% |
Buttars, D. Chris | R | Senate | 94.9% | 87.5% |
Chavez-Houck, Rebecca | D | House | 96.7% | 95.8% |
Christensen, Allen M. | R | Senate | 97.2% | 76.9% |
Clark, David | R | House | 96.1% | 93.2% |
Clark, Stephen D. | R | House | 95.4% | 68.2% |
Cosgrove, Tim M. | D | House | 96.9% | 87.3% |
Davis, Gene | D | Senate | 98.3% | 90.9% |
Daw, Bradley M. | R | House | 93.5% | 89.9% |
Dayton, Margaret | R | Senate | 93.5% | 96.5% |
Dee, Brad L. | R | House | 96.3% | 90.8% |
Dougall, John | R | House | 86.5% | 90.8% |
Draxler, Jack R. | R | House | 95.3% | 74.6% |
Duckworth, Susan | D | House | 94.3% | 74.6% |
Dunnigan, James A. | R | House | 93.8% | 71.4% |
Edwards, Rebecca P. | R | House | 94.7% | 59.7% |
Escamilla, Luz Robles | D | Senate | 98.2% | 98.2% |
Ferry, Ben C. | R | House | 95.7% | 82.9% |
Fisher, Janice M. | D | House | 94.9% | 84.3% |
Fisher, Julie | R | House | 94.6% | 82.9% |
Fowlke, Lorie D. | R | House | 95.2% | 77.2% |
Frank, Craig A. | R | House | 92.0% | 95.7% |
Froerer, Gage | R | House | 97.5% | 91.4% |
Garn, Kevin S. | R | House | 97.4% | 91.5% |
Gibson, Francis D. | R | House | 93.9% | 89.2% |
Gibson, Kerry W. | R | House | 96.6% | 100.0% |
Goodfellow, Brent H. | D | Senate | 98.1% | 96.3% |
Gowans, James R. | D | House | 93.1% | 55.9% |
Greenwood, Richard A. | R | House | 93.1% | 75.7% |
Greiner, Jon J. | R | Senate | 93.8% | 80.4% |
Grover, Keith | R | House | 96.2% | 98.5% |
Hansen, Neil A. | D | House | 89.5% | 85.5% |
Harper, Wayne A. | R | House | 92.2% | 83.6% |
Hemingway, Lynn N. | D | House | 97.4% | 94.1% |
Hendrickson, Neal B. | D | House | 89.8% | 52.3% |
Herrod, Christopher N. | R | House | 95.6% | 96.9% |
Hillyard, Lyle W. | R | Senate | 95.7% | 80.0% |
Hinkins, David P. | R | Senate | 96.1% | 79.2% |
Hughes, Gregory H. | R | House | 96.0% | 93.9% |
Hunsaker, Fred R | R | House | 96.1% | 71.6% |
Hutchings, Eric K. | R | House | 94.6% | 78.1% |
Ipson, Don L. | R | House | 98.3% | 89.6% |
Jenkins, Scott K. | R | Senate | 97.5% | 98.2% |
Johnson, Christine A. | D | House | 95.8% | 91.5% |
Jones, Patricia W. | D | Senate | 97.8% | 81.0% |
King, Brian S. | D | House | 96.0% | 94.3% |
Kiser, Todd E. | R | House | 92.3% | 88.7% |
Knudson, Peter C. | R | Senate | 98.5% | 89.7% |
Last, Bradley G. | R | House | 97.4% | 94.0% |
Liljenquist, Daniel R. | R | Senate | 98.1% | 86.0% |
Litvack, David | D | House | 97.4% | 84.1% |
Lockhart, Rebecca D. | R | House | 94.4% | 93.8% |
Madsen, Mark B. | R | Senate | 94.8% | 91.5% |
Mascaro, Steven R. | R | House | 95.3% | 75.0% |
Mathis, John G. | R | House | 94.6% | 95.7% |
Mayne, Karen | D | Senate | 98.8% | 91.2% |
McAdams, Benjamin M. | D | Senate | 98.6% | 96.4% |
McIff, Kay L. | R | House | 96.2% | 69.4% |
Menlove, Ronda Rudd | R | House | 94.2% | 72.9% |
Morgan, Karen W. | D | Senate | 97.4% | 79.6% |
Morley, Michael T. | R | House | 88.6% | 98.5% |
Moss, Carol Spackman | D | House | 97.2% | 84.1% |
Newbold, Merlynn T. | R | House | 92.7% | 97.0% |
Niederhauser, Wayne L. | R | Senate | 98.3% | 88.2% |
Noel, Michael E. | R | House | 96.2% | 95.4% |
Oda, Curtis | R | House | 94.3% | 95.7% |
Okerlund, Ralph | R | Senate | 99.2% | 93.0% |
Painter, Patrick | R | House | 96.9% | 87.9% |
Poulson, Marie H. | D | House | 96.4% | 78.9% |
Powell, Kraig | R | House | 94.7% | 69.0% |
Ray, Paul | R | House | 94.2% | 82.1% |
Riesen, Phil | D | House | 96.0% | 91.2% |
Romero, Ross I. | D | Senate | 97.3% | 92.9% |
Sandstrom, Stephen E. | R | House | 94.4% | 94.4% |
Seegmiller, F. Jay | D | House | 94.3% | 81.4% |
Seelig, Jennifer M. | D | House | 97.6% | 81.0% |
Stephenson, Howard A. | R | Senate | 93.9% | 94.2% |
Stevenson, Jerry W. | R | Senate | 98.9% | 90.7% |
Stowell, Dennis E. | R | Senate | 96.1% | 90.9% |
Sumsion, Kenneth W. | R | House | 90.3% | 93.9% |
Urquhart, Stephen H. | R | Senate | 96.6% | 83.0% |
Valentine, John L. | R | Senate | 97.3% | 87.0% |
Van Tassell, Kevin T. | R | Senate | 96.8% | 75.0% |
Vickers, Evan J. | R | House | 96.3% | 75.7% |
Waddoups, Michael G. | R | Senate | 97.6% | 94.7% |
Wallis, C. Brent | R | House | 97.4% | 91.2% |
Watkins, Christine F. | D | House | 93.8% | 66.2% |
Webb, R. Curt | R | House | 95.5% | 75.7% |
Wheatley, Mark A. | D | House | 96.8% | 88.4% |
Wilcox, Ryan D. | R | House | 92.9% | 95.4% |
Wiley, Larry B. | D | House | 96.5% | 90.1% |
Wimmer, Carl | R | House | 87.8% | 94.0% |
Wright, Bill | R | House | 90.0% | 93.2% |