Adam R Brown
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Winter 2025: Poli 110
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Winter 2025: Poli 397/399r
Poli 397/399r syllabus
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Utah Legislature internship
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Utah politics data and charts
The Utah Constitution over time (beta)
The Utah Legislature (bill stats, ideology, rankings, etc)
The Dead Hand's Grip: How Long Constitutions Bind States
Utah Politics and Government
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Summaries tagged
Single Party Dominance
Arriola: Where there is no alternative
Baum: Breaking authoritarian bonds
Diaz-Cayeros, Magaloni, and Weingast: Tragic brilliance
Key: Southern politics in state and nation
Niou and Paolino: The rise of the opposition party in Taiwan
Rigger: Machine politics in protracted transition in Taiwan
Scheiner: Democracy without competition in japan