Adam R Brown
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The Dead Hand's Grip: How Long Constitutions Bind States
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Ansolabehere and Jones: Constituents' Responses to Congressional Roll-Call Voting
Balz: Ready to Lead on Day One: Predicting Presidential Greatness from Political Experience
Bartels: Constituency opinion and Congressional policy making
Brace, Sims-Butler, Arceneaux, and Johnson: Public opinion in the American states
Carson et al: The Electoral Costs of Party Loyalty in Congress
Crisp, Moreno, and Shugart: The accountability deficit in Latin America
Denzau and Munger: Legislators and interest groups
Erikson, Wright, and McIver: Statehouse democracy
Fenno: Homestyle
Fenno: U.S. House members in their constituencies
Ferejohn: Incumbent performance and electoral control
Fiorina: Parties, participation, and representation in America
Gamm and Kousser: Broad Bills or Particularistic Policy? Historical Patterns in American State Legislatures
Jacobson: The politics of Congressional elections
Jones: Partisan Polarization and Congressional Accountability in House Elections
Kitschelt: Linkages between citizens and politicans in democratic politics
Marshall: Turnout and representation
Miller and Stokes: Constituency influence in Congress
Page and Shapiro: Effects of public opinion on policy
Phillips: Does the Citizen Initiative Weaken Party Government in the U.S. States?
Rosenstone and Hansen: Mobilization, participation, and American democracy
Scholz and Wood: Controlling the IRS
Shipan: Regulatory regimes, agency actions and the conditional nature of political influence
Smith and Fridkin: Delegating Direct Democracy: Interparty Legislative Competition and the Adoption of the Initiative in the American States
Stimson: Public opinion in America
Verba and Nie: Participation in America
Verba, Schlozman, Brady, and Nie: Citizen activity
Volden, Ting, and Carpenter: A Formal Model of Learning and Policy Diffusion
Weingast and Moran: Bureaucratic discretion or Congressional control
Weisberg, Heberlig, and Campoli: Classics in Congressional politics
Wolfinger and Rosenstone: Who votes
Wood: Principals, bureaucrats, and responsiveness in Clean Air enforcements