Adam R Brown
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Batto: The adverse consequences of trust in government
Bratton, Mattes, and Gyimah-Boadi: Public opinion, democracy, and market reform in Africa
Brown: Party cleavages and welfare effort in the American states
De Tocqueville: Democracy in America
Elazar: American federalism
Elazar: American federalism
Gibson: A sober second thought
Greif: Cultural beliefs and the organization of society
Hartz: The liberal tradition in America
Hero and Tolbert: A racial/ethnic diversity interpretation of politics and policy in the states of the US
Hochschild: What's fair
Huntington: The Clash of Civilizations
Jackman and Miller: Social capital and politics
Jepperson, Wendt, and Katzenstein: Norms, identity, and culture in national security
Jowitt: New World Disorder
Kahler: Rationality in international relations
Katzenstein and et al: The role of theory in comparative politics
Kaviraj and Khilnani: Civil society
Legro: Military culture and inadvertent escalation in World War II
Lipset: Why no socialism in the United States
March and Olson: Institutional Perspectives on Political Institutions
McCloskey and Zaller: The American Ethos
Mishler and Rose: What are the origins of political trust
Nardulli: Political subcultures in the American states
Norris: Electoral engineering
Patel: Ayatollahs on the Pareto Frontier
Putnam: Making Democracy Work
Reus-Smit: The constitutional structure of international society and the nature of fundamental institutions
Schaffer: Democracy in translation
Smith: Beyond Tocqueville, Myrdal, and Hartz
Tarrow: Power in movement
Walzer: The idea of civil society
Weber: Methodology of the Social Sciences