Adam R Brown
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Winter 2025: Poli 110
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Winter 2025: Poli 397/399r
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Utah politics data and charts
The Utah Constitution over time (beta)
The Utah Legislature (bill stats, ideology, rankings, etc)
The Dead Hand's Grip: How Long Constitutions Bind States
Utah Politics and Government
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Interest Groups
Becker: A theory of competition among pressure groups for political influence
Conger: A Matter of Context: Christian Right Influence in U.S. State Republican Politics
Dahl: Preface to democratic theory
Denzau and Munger: Legislators and interest groups
Dixit and Londregan: The determinants of success of special interests in redistributive politics
Hansen: The political economy of group membership
Hardin: Collective action
Key: Southern politics in state and nation
Krueger: The political economy of rent-seeking
Lipset and Rokkan: Party systems and voter alignments
Lowi: The end of liberalism
Noll: Economics perspectives on the politics of regulation
Peltzman: Toward a more general theory of regulation
Rogowski: Political cleavages and changing exposure to trade
Smith and Fridkin: Delegating Direct Democracy: Interparty Legislative Competition and the Adoption of the Initiative in the American States
Stigler: The theory of economic regulation
Truman: The governmental process
Tullock: The costs of special privilege
Viscusi, Vernon, and Harrington: Economics of Regulation and Antitrust
Walker: The origins and maintenance of interest groups in America
Weber: Class, status, party
Wilson: Political organizations