Adam R Brown
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Winter 2025: Poli 397/399r
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The Utah Legislature (bill stats, ideology, rankings, etc)
The Dead Hand's Grip: How Long Constitutions Bind States
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Acemoglu, Johnson, and Robinson: The colonial origins of comparative development
Akerlof: The market for lemons
Aldrich: Why parties
Burnham: Critical elections and the mainsprings of American politics
Burnham: Party systems and the political process
Dalton and Wattenberg: Parties without partisans
Dodd: Congress and the quest for power
Engstrom and Kernell: Manufactured responsiveness
Engstrom and Kernell: Manufactured responsiveness
Kernell and McDonald: Congress and American political development
Kernell and McDonald: Congress and American political development
Key: A theory of critical elections
Kitschelt: Linkages between citizens and politicans in democratic politics
Mainwaring and Scully: Building democratic institutions
Mayhew: Electoral realignments
Muller and Strom: Policy, office, or votes
Olson: Dictatorship, Democracy, and Development
Polsby: The consequencies of party reform
Popkin: Public choice and rural development
Przeworski, Alvarez, Cheibub, and Limongi: Democracy and development
Schlesinger: On the theory of party organization
Shleifer and Vishny: Corruption
Shugart: Presidentialism, parliamentarism, and the provision of collective goods in less-developed countries
Skowronek: Building a new American state
Skowronek: Building a new American state
Weber: The Protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism
Weingast: The economic role of political institutions