Adam R Brown
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Congress (U.S.)
Aldrich: Why parties
Alesina and Rosenthal: Partisan cycles in Congressional elections and the macroeconomy
Arnold: The logic of Congressional action
Asher: The learning of legislative norms
Battista: Formal and Perceived Leadership Power in U.S. State Legislatures
Binder: The partisan basis of procedural choice
Cameron: Veto bargaining
Carson, Engstrom, and Roberts: Candidate quality, the personal vote, and the incumbency advantage in Congress
Cox and Katz: Why did the incumbency advantage in U.S. House elections grow
Cox and McCubbins: Legislative leviathan
Cox and McCubbins: Setting the agenda
Cox and McCubbins: Toward a theory of legislative rules changes
Engstrom and Kernell: Manufactured responsiveness
Fenno: Homestyle
Fenno: U.S. House members in their constituencies
Fiorina: Some problems in studying the effects of resource allocation in Congressional elections
Fiorina: The case of the vanishing marginals
Gordon, Huber, and Landa: Challenger entry and voter learning
Jacobson and Kernell: Strategy and choice in Congressional elections
Jacobson: Polarized politics and the 2004 Congressional and presidential elections
Jacobson: Strategic politicians and the dynamics of House elections, 1946-1986
Jacobson: The electoral origins of divided government
Jacobson: The marginals never vanished
Jacobson: The politics of Congressional elections
Johannes and McAdams: The Congressional incumbency effect
Kernell and McDonald: Congress and American political development
Kernell: Presidential popularity and negative voting
Kiewiet and McCubbins: Appropriations decisions as a bilateral bargaining game between president and Congress
Krehbiel: Pivotal politics
Krehbiel: Where's the party
Matthews: The folkways of the Senate
Matthews: Veto threats
Mayhew: Congress
Mayhew: Congressional elections
McAdams and Johannes: Does casework matter
McCarty and Groseclose: The politics of blame
McCarty: Proposal rights, veto rights, and political bargaining
McCubbins and Schwartz: Congressional oversight overlooked
Miller and Stokes: Constituency influence in Congress
Moe: The politics of structural choice
Niskanen: Bureaucrats and politicians
Polsby: The institutionalization of the US House of Representatives
Roberts: Political institutions, policy expectations, and the 1980 elections
Rohde: Parties and leaders in the post-reform House
Rohde: Risk bearing and progressive ambition
Schickler and Rich: Controlling the floor
Schickler and Rich: Party government in the House reconsidered
Scholz and Wood: Controlling the IRS
Sinclair: Multiple paths
Weingast and Marshall: The industrial organization of Congress
Weingast and Moran: Bureaucratic discretion or Congressional control
Weisberg, Heberlig, and Campoli: Classics in Congressional politics
Westlye: Senate elections and campaign intensity
Wilson: Congressional government
Wood: Principals, bureaucrats, and responsiveness in Clean Air enforcements