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To save our bandwidth, we show only a snippet of code around each occurence of the hook. View complete file in SVN (without highlighting).
The best way to understand what a hook does is to look at where it occurs in the source code.
do_action( "hook_name" )
apply_filters( "hook_name", "what_to_filter" )
.Remember, this hook may occur in more than one file. Moreover, the hook's context may change from version to version.
Line | Code |
9 |
10 | <div class="clear"></div></div><!-- wpbody-content --> |
11 | <div class="clear"></div></div><!-- wpbody --> |
12 | <div class="clear"></div></div><!-- wpcontent --> |
13 | </div><!-- wpwrap --> |
14 |
15 | <div id="footer"> |
16 | <p id="footer-left" class="alignleft"><?php |
17 | do_action( 'in_admin_footer' ); |
18 | $upgrade = apply_filters( 'update_footer', '' ); |
19 | echo apply_filters( 'admin_footer_text', '<span id="footer-thankyou">' . __('Thank you for creating with <a href="http://wordpress.org/">WordPress</a>.').'</span> | '.__('<a href="http://codex.wordpress.org/">Documentation</a>').' | '.__('<a href="http://wordpress.org/support/forum/4">Feedback</a>') ); ?> |
20 | </p> |
21 | <?php // if ( $is_IE ) browse_happy(); ?> |
22 | <p id="footer-upgrade" class="alignright"><?php echo $upgrade; ?></p> |
23 | <div class="clear"></div> |
24 | </div> |
25 | <?php |
26 | do_action('admin_footer', ''); |
27 | do_action('admin_print_footer_scripts'); |