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Source View: myblogs_options

To save our bandwidth, we show only a snippet of code around each occurence of the hook. View complete file in SVN (without highlighting).

Understanding Source Code

The best way to understand what a hook does is to look at where it occurs in the source code.

Remember, this hook may occur in more than one file. Moreover, the hook's context may change from version to version.

Source View

This hook occurs 2 times in this file.

Line Code
83       * By default, the Global Settings section is hidden. Passing a non-empty
84       * string to this filter will enable the section, and allow new settings
85       * to be added, either globally or for specific sites.
86       *
87       * @since MU
88       *
89       * @param string $settings_html The settings HTML markup. Default empty.
90       * @param object $context       Context of the setting (global or site-specific). Default 'global'.
91       */
92      $settings_html = apply_filters( 'myblogs_options', '', 'global' );
93      if ( $settings_html != '' ) {
94           echo '<tr><td><h3>' . __( 'Global Settings' ) . '</h3></td><td>';
95           echo $settings_html;
96           echo '</td></tr>';
97      }
98      reset( $blogs );
99      $num = count( $blogs );
100      $cols = 1;
101      if ( $num >= 20 )
Line Code
120                 * Filter the row links displayed for each site on the My Sites screen.
121                 *
122                 * @since MU
123                 *
124                 * @param string $string    The HTML site link markup.
125                 * @param object $user_blog An object containing the site data.
126                 */
127                echo "<p>" . apply_filters( 'myblogs_blog_actions', "<a href='" . esc_url( get_home_url( $user_blog->userblog_id ) ). "'>" . __( 'Visit' ) . "</a> | <a href='" . esc_url( get_admin_url( $user_blog->userblog_id ) ) . "'>" . __( 'Dashboard' ) . "</a>", $user_blog ) . "</p>";
128                /** This filter is documented in wp-admin/my-sites.php */
129                echo apply_filters( 'myblogs_options', '', $user_blog );
130                echo "</td>";
131                $i++;
132           }
133           echo "</tr>";
134      }?>
135      </table>
136      <input type="hidden" name="action" value="updateblogsettings" />
137      <?php wp_nonce_field( 'update-my-sites' ); ?>
138      <?php submit_button(); ?>