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To save our bandwidth, we show only a snippet of code around each occurence of the hook. View complete file in SVN (without highlighting).
The best way to understand what a hook does is to look at where it occurs in the source code.
do_action( "hook_name" )
apply_filters( "hook_name", "what_to_filter" )
.Remember, this hook may occur in more than one file. Moreover, the hook's context may change from version to version.
Line | Code |
31 | $tabs['search'] = __( 'Search Results' ); |
32 | $tabs['upload'] = __( 'Upload' ); |
33 | $tabs['featured'] = _x( 'Featured','Theme Installer' ); |
34 | //$tabs['popular'] = _x( 'Popular','Theme Installer' ); |
35 | $tabs['new'] = _x( 'Newest','Theme Installer' ); |
36 | $tabs['updated'] = _x( 'Recently Updated','Theme Installer' ); |
37 |
38 | $nonmenu_tabs = array( 'theme-information' ); // Valid actions to perform which do not have a Menu item. |
39 |
40 | $tabs = apply_filters( 'install_themes_tabs', $tabs ); |
41 | $nonmenu_tabs = apply_filters( 'install_themes_nonmenu_tabs', $nonmenu_tabs ); |
42 |
43 | // If a non-valid menu tab has been selected, And its not a non-menu action. |
44 | if ( empty( $tab ) || ( ! isset( $tabs[ $tab ] ) && ! in_array( $tab, (array) $nonmenu_tabs ) ) ) |
45 | $tab = key( $tabs ); |
46 |
47 | $args = array( 'page' => $paged, 'per_page' => $per_page, 'fields' => $theme_field_defaults ); |
48 |
49 | switch ( $tab ) { |