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The best way to understand what a hook does is to look at where it occurs in the source code.
do_action( "hook_name" )
apply_filters( "hook_name", "what_to_filter" )
.Remember, this hook may occur in more than one file. Moreover, the hook's context may change from version to version.
This hook occurs 2 times in this file.
Line | Code |
2534 | $cjoin = "JOIN $wpdb->posts ON ( $wpdb->comments.comment_post_ID = $wpdb->posts.ID )"; |
2535 | $cwhere = "WHERE post_status = 'publish' AND comment_approved = '1'"; |
2536 | $cgroupby = ''; |
2537 | } |
2538 |
2539 | if ( !$q['suppress_filters'] ) { |
2540 | $cjoin = apply_filters_ref_array('comment_feed_join', array( $cjoin, &$this ) ); |
2541 | $cwhere = apply_filters_ref_array('comment_feed_where', array( $cwhere, &$this ) ); |
2542 | $cgroupby = apply_filters_ref_array('comment_feed_groupby', array( $cgroupby, &$this ) ); |
2543 | $corderby = apply_filters_ref_array('comment_feed_orderby', array( 'comment_date_gmt DESC', &$this ) ); |
2544 | $climits = apply_filters_ref_array('comment_feed_limits', array( 'LIMIT ' . get_option('posts_per_rss'), &$this ) ); |
2545 | } |
2546 | $cgroupby = ( ! empty( $cgroupby ) ) ? 'GROUP BY ' . $cgroupby : ''; |
2547 | $corderby = ( ! empty( $corderby ) ) ? 'ORDER BY ' . $corderby : ''; |
2548 |
2549 | $this->comments = (array) $wpdb->get_results("SELECT $distinct $wpdb->comments.* FROM $wpdb->comments $cjoin $cwhere $cgroupby $corderby $climits"); |
2550 | $this->comment_count = count($this->comments); |
2551 |
2552 | $post_ids = array(); |
Line | Code |
2634 | // Raw results filter. Prior to status checks. |
2635 | if ( !$q['suppress_filters'] ) |
2636 | $this->posts = apply_filters_ref_array('posts_results', array( $this->posts, &$this ) ); |
2637 |
2638 | if ( !empty($this->posts) && $this->is_comment_feed && $this->is_singular ) { |
2639 | $cjoin = apply_filters_ref_array('comment_feed_join', array( '', &$this ) ); |
2640 | $cwhere = apply_filters_ref_array('comment_feed_where', array( "WHERE comment_post_ID = '{$this->posts[0]->ID}' AND comment_approved = '1'", &$this ) ); |
2641 | $cgroupby = apply_filters_ref_array('comment_feed_groupby', array( '', &$this ) ); |
2642 | $cgroupby = ( ! empty( $cgroupby ) ) ? 'GROUP BY ' . $cgroupby : ''; |
2643 | $corderby = apply_filters_ref_array('comment_feed_orderby', array( 'comment_date_gmt DESC', &$this ) ); |
2644 | $corderby = ( ! empty( $corderby ) ) ? 'ORDER BY ' . $corderby : ''; |
2645 | $climits = apply_filters_ref_array('comment_feed_limits', array( 'LIMIT ' . get_option('posts_per_rss'), &$this ) ); |
2646 | $comments_request = "SELECT $wpdb->comments.* FROM $wpdb->comments $cjoin $cwhere $cgroupby $corderby $climits"; |
2647 | $this->comments = $wpdb->get_results($comments_request); |
2648 | $this->comment_count = count($this->comments); |
2649 | } |
2650 |
2651 | if ( !$q['no_found_rows'] && !empty($limits) ) { |
2652 | $found_posts_query = apply_filters_ref_array( 'found_posts_query', array( 'SELECT FOUND_ROWS()', &$this ) ); |