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Representative Susan Duckworth
Utah legislator profile

Years served in the Utah legislature

First session in legislature: 2009
Most recent year of service for which data are available: 2020
Total sessions served in Utah House as of 2020: 12
Total sessions served in Utah Senate as of 2020: 0

How to read the statistical profile

I present a variety of statistics about Rep. Susan Duckworth's service in the Utah legislature. I highlight differences from chamber averages using little green and red arrows. The number of arrows is statistically determined. More arrows indicate a larger difference compared to the chamber average, in relation to how much diversity there is among legislators on this metric. If all legislators introduce exactly 5 bills, then a legislator who introduces 10 is very different; if legislators vary wildly in how many bills they introduce (but the average is still 5), then a legislator who introduces 10 bills may be less different from average. The standard deviation measures this diversity.

Rep. Duckworth's statistical profile

Service summary. Service prior to 2007 (if any) is not shown here. My database goes back only to 2007.
  Chamber HouseHouseHouseHouseHouseHouseHouseHouseHouseHouseHouseHouse
  District H22H22H22H22H22H22H22H22H22H22H22H22
Leadership NoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNone
Years in chamber 123456789101112
Years comparison LowerLowerLowerLower====HigherHigherHigherHigherHigherHigherHigherHigher
Bills sponsored (learn more) Bills written and promoted by the legislator in his/her own chamber.
Introduced by Duckworth 122002033133
Chamber average
Difference -4.9-4.1-4.3-6.4-5.8-4.4-6.7-4.0-3.7-6.1-4.3-4.3
Comparison LowerLowerLowerLowerLowerLowerLowerLowerLowerLowerLowerLowerLowerLowerLowerLowerLowerLowerLowerLower
Bill passage rate (learn more). What percent of Rep. Duckworth's sponsored bills pass and are officially "enrolled"? (I ignore whether the governor signed or vetoted the bill.)
Bills introduced 122002033133
Bills passed 111002011012
Passage rate 100%50%50%0.0%0.0%100%0.0%33%33%0.0%33%67%
Chamber average 60%61%55%54%66%52%63%54%61%53%63%58%
Difference +40-10.9-5.0-54.3-65.8+48-63.0-20.5-28.4-53.4-30.5+9.4
Comparison HigherHigherLower==LowerLowerLowerLowerLowerHigherHigherLowerLowerLowerLowerLowerLowerLowerLowerLowerLower==
Bills floor sponsored. A "floor sponsor" is like a secondary sponsor of a bill. After a bill passes the sponsor's chamber, its sponsor needs to find a "floor sponsor" in the other chamber to usher it through the other chamber.
Total floor sponsored 022100000030
Chamber average
Difference -2.8-0.8-1.3-2.1-3.5-3.5-3.8-3.3-3.6-3.4-0.4-3.1
Comparison Lower==LowerLowerLowerLowerLowerLowerLowerLower==Lower
Missed votes (learn more). Usually missed votes occur because of competing obligations within the legislature, not because the legislator has left the capitol.
Missed votes 31464425131946359198106128
Total votes held 600614651651658664699657727734752698
Absentee rate 5.2%7.5%6.8%3.8%2.0%2.9%6.6%5.3%13%13%14%18%
Chamber average 6.0%6.8%7.1%5.7%5.9%6.2%6.3%6.4%5.2%8.0%6.4%7.1%
Difference -0.8+0.7-0.3-1.9-3.9-3.3+0.3-1.1+7.8+5.0+7.6+11
Comparison ======LowerLowerLower====HigherHigherHigherHigherHigherHigherHigher
"Nay" votes (learn more). Most floor votes pass by overwhelming majorities, since unpopular bills get weeded out long before they reach the floor. As a result, "nay" votes are rare.
"Nay" votes 815870675659796670544128
Total votes held 600614651651658664699657727734752698
"Nay" rate 14%9.4%11%10%8.5%8.9%11%10%9.6%7.4%5.5%4.0%
Chamber average 8.1%7.4%8.4%7.8%7.3%7.5%8.6%7.3%7.1%6.5%6.5%7.0%
Difference +5.9+2.0+2.6+2.2+1.2+1.4+2.4+2.7+2.5+0.9-1.0-3.0
Comparison HigherHigherHigherHigherHigherHigherHigherHigherHigherHigher==LowerLowerLower
Winning side rate (learn more). What percentage of the time (excluding near-unanimous votes) is the legislator on the winning side of a floor vote?
Winning side rate 55%59%56%50%53%58%52%57%55%62%56%70%
Chamber average 66%69%69%67%67%67%67%66%67%66%68%67%
Difference -12.0-10.5-12.7-18.0-14.0-9.4-15.5-9.7-11.8-4.4-12.4+2.5
Comparison LowerLowerLowerLowerLowerLowerLowerLowerLowerLowerLowerLowerLowerLower==Lower==
Ideology score (NOMINATE method) (learn more). Using W-NOMINATE algorithm developed by Congressional scholars, I calculate each legislator's relative ideology after each General Session. I describe the method here. Scores have no intrinsic meaning. They are only relative: A legislator with a higher score is to the right ideologically of a legislator with a lower scale. Scores may be compared only within a single chamber and a single year. In most years, a conservative Republican will have a score above 0; a score close to 100 is extreme.
Contact me for scores. They get misinterpreted often enough that I now provide them only to political scientists.
Party support score (overall) (learn more). How consistently does Rep. Duckworth support his/her party? That is, what percentage of the time does the legislator vote with the majority of the other members of his/her party? Scores are usually easily above 90%.
Score (overall) 93%94%92%95%97%96%97%96%93%96%97%96%
Chamber average 94%95%94%94%95%94%94%95%95%94%95%95%
Difference -1.2-0.4-1.8+0.7+2.2+2.3+3.0+1.7-1.5+2.3+2.0+1.2
Comparison Lower==Lower==HigherHigherHigherHigherHigherLower==HigherHigher
Party support score (party-line only) (learn more). This is the same as the "raw" party support score, but we look only at party-line votes when calculating this. A "party-line" vote occurs when the majority of Democrats votes against the majority of Republicans. Although party-line votes are rare, looking at the legislator's party support score in this setting can be revealing.
Score (party-line only) 82%75%66%79%84%82%86%77%69%70%76%67%
Chamber average 81%84%85%83%81%80%82%85%87%83%85%83%
Difference +0.5-9.7-19.1-4.1+3.0+2.3+4.5-8.0-18.5-12.6-8.9-16.3
Comparison ==LowerLowerLowerLower====HigherLowerLowerLowerLowerLowerLowerLowerLowerLower

Votes on Rep. Duckworth's bills

Only 10 bills sponsored by Rep. Duckworth have come to a vote. Listed below are all votes held on bills that Rep. Duckworth sponsored. The votes are sorted by vote margin, with the most divisive votes listed first.

Year Sponsor Bill Ayes Nays Margin
(as % of total votes)
Type of vote
2019 Duckworth HB0213S01 51 21 42% House/ passed 3rd reading
2020 Duckworth HB0246S02 59 12 66% House/ passed 3rd reading
2020 Duckworth HB0246S02 59 10 71% House/ concurs with Senate amendment
2020 Duckworth HCR002 22 0 100% Senate/ passed 3rd reading
2020 Duckworth HCR002 24 0 100% Senate/ passed 2nd reading
2020 Duckworth HCR002 74 0 100% House/ passed 3rd reading
2020 Duckworth HB0246S02 26 0 100% Senate/ passed 2nd & 3rd readings/ suspension
2019 Duckworth HB0213S01 23 0 100% Senate/ passed 3rd reading
2019 Duckworth HB0213S01 27 0 100% Senate/ passed 2nd reading
2017 Duckworth HB0028 27 0 100% Senate/ passed 3rd reading