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Legislative action that proposed this amendment: SJR2 1966 2nd Special Session
Disposition: Voters rejected this proposed amendment.
Amends article 6 section 2,16
Regular sessions of the legislature shall be held annually at the seat of government. Regular sessions which shall be known as general sessions shall be held in odd-numbered years, and regular sessions which shall be known as budget sessions shall be held in even-numbered years. Regular sessions shall commerce at 12 o'clock, P.M. on the second Monday in January.
At a budget session the legislature shall consider only (1) general appropriation bills for the succeeding fiscal year, (2) revenue bills necessary therefor, (3) bills necessary to implement appropriations in general appropriation bills for new projects, programs or services, (4) legislative matters submitted to the legislature in writing by the governor during the session, and (5) legislative matters brought before the session by introduction by two-thirds of the members of either house. The legislature, however, may provide for its expenses.
No general session of the legislature shall exceed forty-five legislative days, and no budget session shall exceed twenty legislative days, except in cases of impeachment and except twenty legislative days, except in cases of impeachment and except that at the end of any regular session the legislature may adjourn to a date when it shall convene for not to exceed five legislative for the sole purpose of reconsidering vetoed bills, and line items in appropriation bills vetoed by the governor. No special session shall exceed thirty legislative days, except that at the end of any special session that legislature may adjourn to a date when it shall convene for not to exceed five legislative days for the sole purpose of reconsidering vetoed bills and line items in appropriation bills vetoed by the governor. Legislative days shall be calendar days but shall not include Saturdays, Sundays, legal holidays or periods when the legislature shall be in adjournment.