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Legislative action that proposed this amendment: HJR12 2014 General Session
Disposition: Voters rejected this proposed amendment.
Amends article 7 section 14, 15
(1) The Lieutenant Governor shall:
(a) serve on all boards and commissions in lieu of the Governor whenever so designated by the Governor;
(b) perform such duties as may be delegated by the Governor; and
(c) perform other duties as may be provided by statute.
(2) The Lieutenant Governor may appoint legal counsel to advise the Lieutenant Governor.
(1) The State Auditor shall perform financial post audits of public accounts except as otherwise provided by this Constitution.
(2) The State Treasurer shall be the custodian of public moneys.
(3) Each shall perform other duties as provided by statute.
(4) The State Auditor may appoint legal counsel to advise the State Auditor, and the State Treasurer may appoint legal counsel to advise the State Treasurer.