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Legislative action that proposed this amendment: SJR8 2009 General Session

Disposition: This amendment took effect following voter ratification. You may read the resulting 2011 Utah Constitution here.

Amends article 6 section 5


(1) A person is not eligible to the office of senator or representative unless the person is:

(a) a citizen of the United States;

(b) at least twenty-five years of age;

(c) a qualified voter in the district from which the person is chosen;

(d) a resident of the state for three consecutive years immediately prior to:

(i) the last date provided by statute for filing for the office, for a person seeking election to the office; or

(ii) the person's appointment to the office, for a person appointed to fill a mid-term vacancy and

(e) (i) a resident of the district from which the person is elected for six consecutive months immediately prior to the last date provided by statute for filing for the office; or

(ii) a resident of the district for which the person is appointed to fill a mid-term vacancy for six consecutive months immediately prior to the person's appointment.

(2) A person elected or appointed to the office of senator or representative may not continue to serve in that office after ceasing to be a resident of the district from which elected or for which appointed.