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Legislative action that proposed this amendment: SJR7 1967 Regular Session
Disposition: This amendment took effect following voter ratification. You may read the resulting 1969 Utah Constitution here.
Amends article 6 section 2,16
Sessions of the Legislature shall be held annually at the seat of government and shall begin on the second Monday in January. A general session shall be held during odd-numbered years, and a budget session shall be held during even-numbered years. Legislation not directly related to the state budget may be considered by the Legislature during budget sessions only if permitted by a joint resolution passed by two-thirds of the members elected to each house.
No general session of the Legislature shall exceed sixty calendar days, except in cases of impeachment. No budget session shall exceed twenty calendar days, except in cases of impeachment. No special session shall exceed thirty calendar days, except in cases of impeachment. When a session of the Legislature trying cases of impeachment exceeds the number of calendar days it may remain in session as provided in this section, the members shall receive for compensation only the usual per diem expenses and mileage.