Adam R Brown
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Winter 2025: Poli 110
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Winter 2025: Poli 397/399r
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The Utah Constitution over time (beta)
The Utah Legislature (bill stats, ideology, rankings, etc)
The Dead Hand's Grip: How Long Constitutions Bind States
Utah Politics and Government
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Campbell, Green, and Layman: The Party Faithful: Partisan Images, Candidate Religion, and the Electoral Impact of Party Identification
Conger: A Matter of Context: Christian Right Influence in U.S. State Republican Politics
Feddersen, Gailmard, and Sandroni: Moral Bias in Large Elections: Theory and Experimental Evidence
Frendreis and Tatalovich: A Hundred Miles of Dry: Religion and the Persistence of Prohibition in the U.S. States
Guth, Kellstedt, Smidt, and Green: Religious mobilization in the 2004 presidential election
Rosenblum: Membership and morals
Weber: The Protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism
Wilkinson: Votes and violence