Adam R Brown
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Bratton and Van de Walle: Democratic experiments in Africa
Cheibub: Presidentialism and democratic performance
Cox and McCubbins: The Institutional Determinants of Economic Policy Outcomes
Figueiredo and Limongi: Presidential power, legislative organization, and party behavior in Brazil
Geddes: Politician's Dilemma
Hicken: Engineering aggregation
Lijphart: Multiethnic democracy
Lijphart: Patterns of democracy
Linz: Presidential or Parliamentary Democracy
Mainwaring and Shugart: Presidentialism and Democracy in Latin America
Milner: Interests, institutions, and information
Powell: Elections as instruments of democracy
Samuels: Concurrent elections, discordant results
Sartori: Neither presidentialism nor parliamentarism
Shugart and Carey: Presidents and Assemblies
Shugart and Haggard: Institutions and Public Policy in Presidential Systems
Shugart: Presidentialism, parliamentarism, and the provision of collective goods in less-developed countries
Stepan and Skach: Presidentialism and Parliamentarism Compared