Adam R Brown
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Political Theory
Ackerman and Fishkin: Deliberation day
Arneson: Democracy is not intrinsically just
Baron: Political action versus voluntarism in social dilemmas and aid for the needy
Braham and Holler: Distributing causal responsibility in collectives
Brennan and Hamlin: Democratic devices and desires
Brennan and Lomasky: Democracy and decision
Brodsky and Thompson: Ethos, public choice, and referendum voting
Camerer and Fehr: When does 'economic man' dominate social behavior
Chong, Citrin, and Conley: When self-interest matters
Coate and Conlin: A group rule-utilitarian approach to voter turnout
Coate, Conlin, and Moro: The performance of the pivotal-voter model in small-scale elections
Conradt and Roper: Consensus decision making in animals
Doris and Stitch: Moral psychology
Dowding: Is it rational to vote
Edlin, Gelman, and Kaplan: Voting as a rational choice
Elster: Altruistic behavior and altruistic motivations
Elster: The market and the forum
Estlund: Beyond fairness and deliberation
Feddersen and Sandroni: A theory of participation in elections
Feddersen: Rational choice theory and the paradox of not voting
Fehr and Fischbacher: Social norms and human cooperation
Fehr, Fischbacher, and Kosfeld: Neuroeconomic foundations of trust and social preferences
Finkel and Muller: Rational choice and the dynamics of collective political action
Fowler: Altruism and turnout
Fowler: Altruistic punishment and the origin of cooperation
Fowler: Habitual voting and behavioral turnout
Fowler: Turnout in a small world
Frey and Meier: Pro-social behavior in a natural setting
Frey and Stutzer: Beyond outcomes
Funk and Garcia-Monet: The relationship between personal and national concerns in public perceptions about the economy
Funk: The dual influence of self-interest and societal interest in public opinion
Geys: 'Rational' theories of voter turnout
Goldman: A causal responsibility approach to voting
Goodin and Roberts: The ethical voter
Grafstein: An evidential decision theory of turnout
Holt and Smith: A selective survey of experiments in political science
Jankowski: Altruism and the decision to vote
Jankowski: Buying a lottery ticket to help the poor
Kanazawa: A new solution to the collective action problem
Kavka: Hobbesian moral and political theory
Kinder and Kiewiet: Sociotropic politics
Kirchgaessner and Schulz: Expected closeness or mobilisation
Kymlicka: Multicultural citizenship
Leighley: Group membership and the mobilization of political participation
List and Goodin: Epistemic democracy
Meehl: The selfish voter paradox and the thrown-away vote argument
Opp: Why do people vote
Palfrey: Laboratory experiments in political economy
Parfit: Reasons and persons
Pellikaan and Van der Veen: Environmental dilemmas and policy design
Prins: Ecology and behavior of the African buffalo
Quattrone and Tversky: Causal versus diagnostic contingencies
Ratner and Miller: The norm of self-interest and its effects on social action
Schlozman, Verba, and Brady: Participation's not a paradox
Sears and Funk: The limited effect of economic self-interest on the political attitudes of the mass public
Shabman and Stephenson: A critique of the self-interested voter model
Singer and Fehr: The neuroeconomics of mind reading and empathy
Sober: Did evolution make us psychological egoists
Thompson: Just elections
Thompson: Moral responsibility of public officials
Waldron: Law and disagreement
Walzer: The idea of civil society
Wright: Causation in tort law