Adam R Brown
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Quasi-Experimental Design
Acemoglu, Johnson, and Robinson: The colonial origins of comparative development
Arceneaux and Nickerson: Who is Mobilized to Vote? A Re-Analysis of 11 Field Experiments
Bhavnani: Do Electoral Quotas Work after They Are Withdrawn? Evidence from a Natural Experiment in India
Bryan et al: Motivating Voter Turnout by Invoking the Self
Campbell, Green, and Layman: The Party Faithful: Partisan Images, Candidate Religion, and the Electoral Impact of Party Identification
Carson et al: The Electoral Costs of Party Loyalty in Congress
Cox, Kousser, and McCubbins: Party Power or Preferences? Quasi-Experimental Evidence from American State Legislatures
Crosier: John Snow
Davenport: Public Accountability and Political Participation: Effects of Face-to-Face Feedback Intervention on Voter Turnout of Public Housing Residents
Denny and Doyle: Does Voting History Matter? Analysing Persistence in Turnout
Feddersen, Gailmard, and Sandroni: Moral Bias in Large Elections: Theory and Experimental Evidence
Fiorina: Retrospective Voting in American Elections
Gerber, Green, and Larimer: An Experiment Testing the Relative Effectiveness of Encouraging Voter Participation by Inducing Feelings of Pride or Shame
Gerber, Green, and Larimer: Social Pressure and Voter Turnout: Evidence from a Large-Scale Field Experiment
Green and Gerber: Introduction to Social Pressure and Voting: New Experimental Evidence
Green and Gerber: Reclaiming the experimental tradition in political science
Kiewiet and McCubbins: Presidential influence on Congressional appropriations decisions
La Porta, Lopez de Silanes, Pop Eleches, and Shleifer: Judicial Checks and Balances
Lake: Hierarchy in International Relations
Lupia and McCubbins: The Democratic Dilemma
Mann: Is There Backlash to Social Pressure? A Large-scale Field Experiment on Voter Mobilization
Mendel: Experiments in plant hybridization
Nickerson: Is Voting Contagious? Evidence from Two Field Experiments
Panagopoulos: Affect, Social Pressure and Prosocial Motivation: Field Experimental Evidence of the Mobilizing Effects of Pride, Shame, and Publicizing Voting Behavior
Panagopoulos: Timing is Everything? Primacy and Recency Effects in Voter Mobilization Campaigns
Sondheimer and Green: Using Experiments to Estimate the Effects of Education on Voter Turnout
Tomz and Van Houweling: Candidate Positioning and Voter Choice