Adam R Brown
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Fall 2024: Poli 110
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Utah politics data and charts
The Utah Constitution over time (beta)
The Utah Legislature (bill stats, ideology, rankings, etc)
The Dead Hand's Grip: How Long Constitutions Bind States
Utah Politics and Government
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Electoral Connection
Arnold: The logic of Congressional action
Cox and Katz: Why did the incumbency advantage in U.S. House elections grow
Fenno: Homestyle
Fenno: U.S. House members in their constituencies
Fiorina: Some problems in studying the effects of resource allocation in Congressional elections
Fiorina: The case of the vanishing marginals
Jacobson and Kernell: Strategy and choice in Congressional elections
Jacobson: Partisan polarization in national politics
Jacobson: The electoral origins of divided government
Jacobson: The marginals never vanished
Johannes and McAdams: The Congressional incumbency effect
Krehbiel: Pivotal politics
Mayhew: Congress
Mayhew: Congressional elections
McAdams and Johannes: Does casework matter
Miller and Stokes: Constituency influence in Congress
Rohde: Risk bearing and progressive ambition