Menu Adam R Brown


I am an associate professor of political science at Brigham Young University and a faculty scholar with BYU's Center for the Study of Elections and Democracy. My research leverages differences among the American states to draw broader inferences about governance. You may download my CV  or view my Google Scholar profile. I teach courses on state politics, public lands, Utah government, and American politics generally. I have written two books—one about Utah politics, the other about lengthy state constitutions.

Utahns: Are you looking for my Guide to the Utah Legislature or my Guide to the Utah Constitution?

My wife, Janelle, is a full-time mom, part-time harpist, and all-time rockstar. We have four boys whose awesomeness defies description. If I'm not in the office or wrangling the kids, I'm probably wandering the mountains.

Office 772 KMBL