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To save our bandwidth, we show only a snippet of code around each occurence of the hook. View complete file in SVN (without highlighting).
The best way to understand what a hook does is to look at where it occurs in the source code.
do_action( "hook_name" )
apply_filters( "hook_name", "what_to_filter" )
.Remember, this hook may occur in more than one file. Moreover, the hook's context may change from version to version.
This hook occurs 2 times in this file.
Line | Code |
175 | </div><?php // /misc-pub-section ?> |
176 | <?php endif; ?> |
177 |
178 | <?php do_action('post_submitbox_misc_actions'); ?> |
179 | </div> |
180 | <div class="clear"></div> |
181 | </div> |
182 |
183 | <div id="major-publishing-actions"> |
184 | <?php do_action('post_submitbox_start'); ?> |
185 | <div id="delete-action"> |
186 | <?php |
187 | if ( current_user_can( "delete_${post_type}", $post->ID ) ) { |
188 | if ( !EMPTY_TRASH_DAYS ) { |
189 | $delete_url = wp_nonce_url( add_query_arg( array('action' => 'delete', 'post' => $post->ID) ), "delete-${post_type}_{$post->ID}" ); |
190 | $delete_text = __('Delete Permanently'); |
191 | } else { |
192 | $delete_url = wp_nonce_url( add_query_arg( array('action' => 'trash', 'post' => $post->ID) ), "trash-${post_type}_{$post->ID}" ); |
193 | $delete_text = __('Move to Trash'); |
Line | Code |
529 | <div id="misc-publishing-actions"> |
530 | <div class="misc-pub-section misc-pub-section-last"> |
531 | <label for="link_private" class="selectit"><input id="link_private" name="link_visible" type="checkbox" value="N" <?php checked($link->link_visible, 'N'); ?> /> <?php _e('Keep this link private') ?></label> |
532 | </div> |
533 | </div> |
534 |
535 | </div> |
536 |
537 | <div id="major-publishing-actions"> |
538 | <?php do_action('post_submitbox_start'); ?> |
539 | <div id="delete-action"> |
540 | <?php |
541 | if ( !empty($_GET['action']) && 'edit' == $_GET['action'] && current_user_can('manage_links') ) { ?> |
542 | <a class="submitdelete deletion" href="<?php echo wp_nonce_url("link.php?action=delete&link_id=$link->link_id", 'delete-bookmark_' . $link->link_id); ?>" onclick="if ( confirm('<?php echo esc_js(sprintf(__("You are about to delete this link '%s'\n 'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to delete."), $link->link_name )); ?>') ) {return true;}return false;"><?php _e('Delete'); ?></a> |
543 | <?php } ?> |
544 | </div> |
545 |
546 | <div id="publishing-action"> |
547 | <?php if ( !empty($link->link_id) ) { ?> |